Global Warming Petition Project


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2018
Global Warming Petition Project


Summary of Peer-Reviewed Research

Most scientists have a detailed knowledge of their own narrow field of specialization, a general knowledge of fundamental science, an understanding of the scientific method, and a mental model that encompasses a broad range of scientific disciplines. This model serves as the basis of their thoughts about scientific questions.

When a scientist desires to refine his understanding of a specific scientific subject, he often begins by reading one or more review articles about that topic. As he reads, he compares the facts given in the review with his mental model of the subject, refining his model and updating it with current information. Review articles do not present new discoveries. The essential facts given in the review must be referenced to the peer-reviewed scientific research literature, so that the reader can check the assertions and conclusions of the article and obtain more detailed information about aspects that interest him.

A 12-page review article about the human-caused global warming hypothesis is circulated with the petition. To view the entire article in html, 150-dpi PDF, 300-dpi PDF, 600-dpi PDF, Spanish or figures alone in powerpoint or flash, click on the appropriate item in this sentence.

The factual information cited in this article is referenced to the underlying research literature, in this case by 132 references listed at the end of the article. Although written primarily for scientists, most of this article can be understood without formal scientific training. This article was submitted to many scientists for comments and suggestions before it was finalized and submitted for publication. It then underwent ordinary peer review by the publishing journal.



This is an older presentation from 2008, worth reading to show that long ago, there were many skeptical scientists, and researchers who didn't swallow the Consensus bullcrap. Who didn't think the AGW conjecture was robust or replicable, which is why an impressive 31,400 + signatures should make people wonder.

The list of signatures are impressive in their level of education and professional status, it is why this Project has infuriated warmist/alarmists who try hard to discredit it with bogus arguments and hostility. They never did provide a mature response to the presentation and to the validity of the list of signatories.
Purpose of Petition

The purpose of the Petition Project is to demonstrate that the claim of “settled science” and an overwhelming “consensus” in favor of the hypothesis of human-caused global warming and consequent climatological damage is wrong. No such consensus or settled science exists. As indicated by the petition text and signatory list, a very large number of American scientists reject this hypothesis.

Publicists at the United Nations, Mr. Al Gore, and their supporters frequently claim that only a few “skeptics” remain – skeptics who are still unconvinced about the existence of a catastrophic human-caused global warming emergency.

It is evident that 31,487 Americans with university degrees in science – including 9,029 PhDs, are not "a few." Moreover, from the clear and strong petition statement that they have signed, it is evident that these 31,487 American scientists are not “skeptics.”

It appears that warmist/alarmists finally realized their past stupid claims against the petition were never valid, and the counter arguments utterly effective.

It is why they stay away from it.

A petition to support a hypothesis? This is politics, not science.

Another one who didn't read the link, why do so many have a terror to read the links they comment on?

You left something out, which is why your comment is false.
Global Warming Petition Project
Gish Gallup alert! That is, you're throwing out a massive load of debunked or irrelevant crap, and then demanding that everyone spend many hours debunking it point by point for the hundredth time, otherwise you declare victory.

Needless to say, reality-based people don't have to Gish Gallup. You do.

Those of us on the rational side just point to the data. You know, the temperatures that continue to rise, despite deniers predicting the opposite for the past 40 years. We then point out the stratospheric cooling, the increase in backradiation, and the decrease in outgoing longwave in the GHG bands, which prove the human origin of the warming.

Nice list of unqualified politically-driven tribalists. It's a very tiny fraction of the technical people in the USA, and any group will have an extremist fringe driven entirely by politics. Meanwhile, well more than 97% of those in the climate science field embrace AGW theory, as many different types of studies show. So no, having a meltdown about one guy won't refute the fact that an overwhelming scientific consensus exists.

Follow the money. All of the corrupting money goes to your side, so all of the corruption is on your side. The moral and rational side rejects your bribe money in order to tell the truth, which gives them even more credibility.

Now, proceed with some name-calling as a way to deflect.
It appears that warmist/alarmists have begun to realize they understand their past stupid attacks on the Petition Project was always a failure and made themselves look stupid as hell.

They would say there are a few fake names (long corrected) that proves the list is invalid (NOT the other 25,000 +), then they would say the papers is junk (never explains why) yet simple enough to read and understand the basics, even a caveman can understand it (but not warmist/alarmists) who stumble all over the place with insults and stupidity.

Then they try to claim the petition list is made up, a fraud (with zero evidence), claims that few on the list demanded their names be taken off, was used without permission (yet not a single person sued the Petition Project over it, which would be an easy win, IF their name was indeed added without permission)

Then they try to claim many on the list are unqualified to sign the petition based on a paper enclosed. But these same idiots drool over James Hansen who was a trained Astronomer, Gavin Schmidt has a physics degree, that many other warmist alarmist scientists commonly have physics degrees too, yet are accepted by hypocritical warmist/alarmists.

Meanwhile here is a partial list of qualified signatories:

Atmosphere, Earth, & Environment (3,805)

1. Atmosphere (579)
I) Atmospheric Science (112)
II) Climatology (39)
III) Meteorology (343)
IV) Astronomy (59)
V) Astrophysics (26)
2. Earth (2,240)
I) Earth Science (94)
II) Geochemistry (63)
III) Geology (1,684)
IV) Geophysics (341)
V) Geoscience (36)
VI) Hydrology (22)
3. Environment (986)
I) Environmental Engineering (487)
II) Environmental Science (253)
III) Forestry (163)
IV) Oceanography (83)



It appears that warmist/alarmists have begun to realize they understand their past stupid attacks on the Petition Project was always a failure and made themselves look stupid as hell.

What do you hope to accomplish by rehashing all your old frauds? They haven't gotten any less fetid with age. Can't you even come up with some new frauds? The low quality of your fraud is kind of insulting. You need to put in more effort.

You have to know it's going to keep getting worse for you. Your leader rats have already fled the sinking SS Denier, telling you to stay onboard and "save the ship". And you believed them.

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