Global Warming creates need for Viagra for Polar Bears


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Fractured dick, yikes !

Pollution may shrink polar bear penises

Arctic pollution may be weakening male polar bears’ penises, leaving them at risk of fracturing them during energetic bouts of mating, according to new research from Denmark’s Aarhus University.

The researchers found that the higher the levels of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in a polar bear’s tissue, the lower the density of bone (BMD) in its penis was likely to be.

“Reductions in penile BMD could lead to increased risk of species extinction because of mating and subsequent fertilization failure as a result of weak penile bones and risk of fractures,” the team, led by Christian Sonne at Aarhus University, wrote in a paper published in the February issue of the journal Environmental Research.

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were used in paint from their disco er in the 1930s until 2001, when they were banned after being linked to cancer.

The researchers said that ‘endocrine disrupting chemicals’ such as PCBs reached their highest concentrations in predators at he top of the food chain, such as polar bears, leaving them at a high risk of developmental effects.

The researchers reported that bears in Canada, which had the best health overall, also boasted the largest penile bones, while those in North East Greenland suffered the greatest reduction in penile density.

The new threat to polar bear breeding comes as the animals shrinking Arctic habitat is already making it ever tougher to find mates and breed, with the melting ice, for example, making it harder for males to track scent markings left by females.

Pollution may shrink polar bear penises - Denmark s news in English
Fractured dick, yikes !

Pollution may shrink polar bear penises

Arctic pollution may be weakening male polar bears’ penises, leaving them at risk of fracturing them during energetic bouts of mating, according to new research from Denmark’s Aarhus University.

The researchers found that the higher the levels of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in a polar bear’s tissue, the lower the density of bone (BMD) in its penis was likely to be.

“Reductions in penile BMD could lead to increased risk of species extinction because of mating and subsequent fertilization failure as a result of weak penile bones and risk of fractures,” the team, led by Christian Sonne at Aarhus University, wrote in a paper published in the February issue of the journal Environmental Research.

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were used in paint from their disco er in the 1930s until 2001, when they were banned after being linked to cancer.

The researchers said that ‘endocrine disrupting chemicals’ such as PCBs reached their highest concentrations in predators at he top of the food chain, such as polar bears, leaving them at a high risk of developmental effects.

The researchers reported that bears in Canada, which had the best health overall, also boasted the largest penile bones, while those in North East Greenland suffered the greatest reduction in penile density.

The new threat to polar bear breeding comes as the animals shrinking Arctic habitat is already making it ever tougher to find mates and breed, with the melting ice, for example, making it harder for males to track scent markings left by females.

Pollution may shrink polar bear penises - Denmark s news in English
We really should address the debt before we address polar bear erectile dysfunction.

*On edit, I see it was Denmark.

Those pervs can do what they want.
During mating season, simply crop dust the frozen tundra with salmon flavored Viagra.
Problem solved.
Polar bear numbers likely to decline as Arctic Sea ice shrinks...

Study: Polar Bear Numbers to Fall As Arctic Ice Shrinks
November 19, 2015 — Polar bear populations are likely to fall by more than 30 percent by around mid-century as global warming thaws Arctic sea ice, experts said on Thursday in the most detailed review of the predators to date.
The report, by the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature), estimated there are between 22,000 and 31,000 polar bears in the Arctic and said they will be increasingly vulnerable as their habitat shrinks. “Climate change will continue to seriously threaten polar bear survival in the future,” Inger Andersen, IUCN Director General, said of the study, based on updated counts and new projections of sea ice since a previous review in 2008. It said there was a high probability that “the global polar bear population will decline by more than 30 percent over the next 35 to 40 years”, broadly reaffirming findings from 2008.

Andersen urged almost 200 nations, meeting at a U.N. summit on climate change in Paris from Nov. 30 - Dec. 11, to restrict greenhouse gas emissions to slow the melt. The IUCN groups scientists, governments and other experts. Polar bear numbers have risen some regions in recent years because of better protection and bans on hunting, but estimates of overall populations from past decades are vague.


This U.S. Coast Guard photo shows a polar bear observed off Coast Guard Cutter Healy's stern, on Aug. 23, 2015, while the cutter is underway in the Arctic Ocean in support of Geotraces. The IUCN report says polar bear populations are likely to fall by more than 30 percent by around mid-century as global warming thaws Arctic sea ice.​

The shrinkage in sea ice, which in September 2012 was the most severe since satellite records began, will make it ever harder for polar bears to catch seals that live on the ice, the report said. The IUCN said a Red List of animals and plants that it compiles found that 23,250 species were endangered of 79,837 assessed so far. Polar bears are listed as “vulnerable”, the least endangered category on a scale that ends with “extinct”.

Study: Polar Bear Numbers to Fall As Arctic Ice Shrinks
Polar bear numbers likely to decline as Arctic Sea ice shrinks...

Study: Polar Bear Numbers to Fall As Arctic Ice Shrinks
November 19, 2015 — Polar bear populations are likely to fall by more than 30 percent by around mid-century as global warming thaws Arctic sea ice, experts said on Thursday in the most detailed review of the predators to date.
The report, by the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature), estimated there are between 22,000 and 31,000 polar bears in the Arctic and said they will be increasingly vulnerable as their habitat shrinks. “Climate change will continue to seriously threaten polar bear survival in the future,” Inger Andersen, IUCN Director General, said of the study, based on updated counts and new projections of sea ice since a previous review in 2008. It said there was a high probability that “the global polar bear population will decline by more than 30 percent over the next 35 to 40 years”, broadly reaffirming findings from 2008.

Andersen urged almost 200 nations, meeting at a U.N. summit on climate change in Paris from Nov. 30 - Dec. 11, to restrict greenhouse gas emissions to slow the melt. The IUCN groups scientists, governments and other experts. Polar bear numbers have risen some regions in recent years because of better protection and bans on hunting, but estimates of overall populations from past decades are vague.


This U.S. Coast Guard photo shows a polar bear observed off Coast Guard Cutter Healy's stern, on Aug. 23, 2015, while the cutter is underway in the Arctic Ocean in support of Geotraces. The IUCN report says polar bear populations are likely to fall by more than 30 percent by around mid-century as global warming thaws Arctic sea ice.​

The shrinkage in sea ice, which in September 2012 was the most severe since satellite records began, will make it ever harder for polar bears to catch seals that live on the ice, the report said. The IUCN said a Red List of animals and plants that it compiles found that 23,250 species were endangered of 79,837 assessed so far. Polar bears are listed as “vulnerable”, the least endangered category on a scale that ends with “extinct”.

Study: Polar Bear Numbers to Fall As Arctic Ice Shrinks
added one more year to the lie, that was first introduced early in the global warming hoax. Funny stuff, I want to know where the dude was who took the shot? On land watching the bear play? hahahaahhahahahahaahaha. it's all I can do, the joke is on them. I can't for the life of me envision a time when the arctic won't have ice. I can't, no one has produced any evidence to suggest it will be true.
Uncle Ferd says if there's a polar shift...

... the earth might turn on it's axis...

... an' the north pole would be at the equator...

... an' the equator would be at the north pole...

... might be why the wooly mammoths died out...

... an' why some of `em's bodies was found frozen inna tundra.
Polar bear numbers were made up...

Scientist confesses he made up polar bear population estimates
May 31, 2014 - The greatest scientific fraud in history is slowly but surely unraveling, and the breadth of the corruption revealed is stunning. As any good con man knows, and emotional appeal is necessary, and the warmists found their cuddly-looking icon of endangerment in the polar bear, an animal frequently chosen as stuffed toys for children to hug. Pictures of polar bears on ice floes, presumably doomed to death by drowning as the Arctic ice disappeared, were used to tug on the heartstrings of adults and children alike, in order to scare them into willingly handing over power over their economic destiny to global mandarins who would reduce their standard of living.
But it was necessary to come up with “scientific” estimates of polar bear populations that showed them in danger. With all the billions of dollars available for global warming-related research, and the elevel of peer pressure that money generates, it wasn’t that difficult. As Matt Barber of Barbwire notes:


Polar bear populations became the centerpiece of the effort to fight global warming due to claims that melting polar ice caps would cause the bears to become endangered in the near future. Years ago some scientists predicted the Arctic would be virtually ice free by now. Polar bears became the first species listed under the Endangered Species Act because they could potentially be harmed by global warming. But some recent studies have found that some polar bear subpopulations have actually flourished in recent years.

As with the hockey stick graph and many other elements of the concocted story, honest scientists working in the finest tradition of skeptical scientific inquiry, started to unravel fuzzy numbers and lies. One such hero is polar bear scientist Dr. Susan Crockford, who publishes the website Polar Bear Science. In it she documents how a scientist responsible for an alarmist lowball estimate of polar bear population is backing away from numbers that she has been questioning: Last week (May 22), I received an unsolicited email from Dr. Dag Vongraven, the current chairman of the IUCN [International Union for the Conservation of Nature – TL] Polar Bear Specialist Group (PBSG).

The email from Vongraven began this way:

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