Global Warming (Assuming It's Happening) is a Blessing From God


Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2022
My being a Catholic helps me assume a positive outlook on pretty much everything. And so it is with global warming. Climate change is nothing outside the normal cycles the earth has experienced for millennia. But I am very excited to think we might be exiting an ice and and earth is warming up again. 68% of earth's landmass is north of the Equator. If Earth warms up, there will be huge areas in Siberia and Canada that will become habitable. Much more land will be available for earth's growing population. Much more land, once barren and frozen, will be usable as farmland. It will be an exciting prosperous time to be alive.

A 2019 Russian study, showed this very thing is possible. Any American 'scientist' who came up with such an analysis, of course, would soon find himself unemployed.

"Our simulations showed that under RCP8.5, by the 2080s Asian Russia would have a milder climate, with less permafrost coverage, decreasing from the contemporary 65 per cent to 40 per cent of the area by the 2080s."

The researchers also found that even under the RCP 2.6 scenario, the ELP for human sustainability would improve in more than 15 per cent of the area, which could allow for a five-fold increase in the in the capacity of the territory to sustain and become attractive to human populations.

This of course, is bad news for the left. First, they don't believe in the stuff they're pedaling. They don't believe sea levels are rising Every wealthy leftist in the world has a mansion by the ocean: 0bama, Algore, Gates, name it. But they push this meme solely in order to extract huge sums from American taxpayers. And so the positive side of global warming, if it exists, is NOT what these people want. It scuttles their scam.
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My being a Catholic helps me assume a positive outlook on pretty much everything. And so it is with global warming. Climate change is nothing outside the normal cycles the earth has experienced for millennia. But I am very excited to think we might be exiting an ice and and earth is warming up again. 68% of earth's landmass is north of the Equator. If Earth warms up, there will be huge areas in Siberia and Canada that will become habitable. Much more land will be available for earth's growing population. Much more land, once barren and frozen, will be usable as farmland. It will be an exciting prosperous time to be alive.

A 2019 Russian study, showed this very thing is possible. Any American 'scientist' who came up with such an analysis, of course, would soon find himself unemployed.

"Our simulations showed that under RCP8.5, by the 2080s Asian Russia would have a milder climate, with less permafrost coverage, decreasing from the contemporary 65 per cent to 40 per cent of the area by the 2080s."

The researchers also found that even under the RCP 2.6 scenario, the ELP for human sustainability would improve in more than 15 per cent of the area, which could allow for a five-fold increase in the in the capacity of the territory to sustain and become attractive to human populations.

This of course, is bad news for the left. First, they don't believe in the stuff they're pedaling. They don't believe sea levels are rising Every wealthy leftist in the world has a mansion by the ocean: 0bama, Algore, Gates, name it. But they push this meme solely in order to extract huge sums from American taxpayers. And so the positive side of global warming, if it exists, is NOT what these people want. It scuttles their scam.
This isn't and never was an issue of left vs right or capitalism vs communism. It is the informed vs the uinformed; those who accept mainstream science versus those who've served as the fossil fuel industry's useful idiots. I DO believe what I've been "pedaling" (sic). Sea levels ARE rising. Ice and snow ARE disappearing. Temperatures ARE rising. Your opening statement and this thread title tells us that you believe in the supernatural and that, apparently, were completely happy with events like the Pandemic, the Spanish Flu, World Wars I and II, the bombing of Hiroshima, the Rwandan genocide and a thousand other horrific human cataclysms this planet has undergone because you believe your god is responsible for it all. You've decided that there is no need for you to actually think, for you to actually examine what is happening and why because it's all the work of the bearded man in the sky. Pathetic.
This isn't and never was an issue of left vs right or capitalism vs communism. It is the informed vs the uinformed; those who accept mainstream science versus those who've served as the fossil fuel industry's useful idiots. I DO believe what I've been "pedaling" (sic). Sea levels ARE rising. Ice and snow ARE disappearing. Temperatures ARE rising. Your opening statement and this thread title tells us that you believe in the supernatural and that, apparently, were completely happy with events like the Pandemic, the Spanish Flu, World Wars I and II, the bombing of Hiroshima, the Rwandan genocide and a thousand other horrific human cataclysms this planet has undergone because you believe your god is responsible for it all. You've decided that there is no need for you to actually think, for you to actually examine what is happening and why because it's all the work of the bearded man in the sky. Pathetic.
Ice and snow are disappearing? Great!! This opens up all those northern lands for human use!! We should celebrate!!
Ice and snow are disappearing? Great!! This opens up all those northern lands for human use!! We should celebrate!!
A little geometry. A degree of latitude at the equator covers an area of 1,718,169 square miles. A degree of latitude at, say, 60 degrees north latitude covers half that much area, or 859,085 square miles. So, aside from all the other problems (rising seas, loss of drinking water supplies, crops failing faster than they can be replaced) you're losing more area than your gaining.
This isn't and never was an issue of left vs right or capitalism vs communism. It is the informed vs the uinformed; those who accept mainstream science versus those who've served as the fossil fuel industry's useful idiots.

Why do the "informed" want to force us to use more expensive, less reliable energy?
A little geometry. A degree of latitude at the equator covers an area of 1,718,169 square miles. A degree of latitude at, say, 60 degrees north latitude covers half that much area, or 859,085 square miles. So, aside from all the other problems (rising seas, loss of drinking water supplies, crops failing faster than they can be replaced) you're losing more area than your gaining.

A degree of latitude at the equator covers an area of 1,718,169 square miles.

How much of that, at the equator, is land?

A degree of latitude at, say, 60 degrees north latitude covers half that much area, or 859,085 square miles.

How much of that, at 60 degrees north latitude, is land?
A degree of latitude at the equator covers an area of 1,718,169 square miles.

How much of that, at the equator, is land?

A degree of latitude at, say, 60 degrees north latitude covers half that much area, or 859,085 square miles.

How much of that, at 60 degrees north latitude, is land?
No one eats fish?
A little geometry. A degree of latitude at the equator covers an area of 1,718,169 square miles. A degree of latitude at, say, 60 degrees north latitude covers half that much area, or 859,085 square miles. So, aside from all the other problems (rising seas, loss of drinking water supplies, crops failing faster than they can be replaced) you're losing more area than your gaining.
The vast amount of land north of the equator more than makes up for it. Crops don't grow in the ocean, you know.
Ice and snow are disappearing? Great!! This opens up all those northern lands for human use!! We should celebrate!!

That is incredibly ignorant.
When the poles warm, first of all, that means the temperate zones become hot deserts, too dry to support life.
Second is that oceans rise over 250', reducing the land mass by over half.
And third is that when the north pole melts, that DECREASES the total land for use because the north pole is all ice.
There is no land under that ice.
It's a fallacy that the overall number of life forms will decrease if the temperature rises. If anything, they will increase.

That is silly.
The Sahara Desert used to be a swamp teaming with life.
Now that it is warmer, there is almost no life in the Sahara Desert at all.
The majority of life prefers cold.
You go to the poles if you want a big harvest of fish.
The vast amount of land north of the equator more than makes up for it. Crops don't grow in the ocean, you know.

Almost all the food produced comes from the moderate temperate zones.
Very little food is produced from the tropics.
The tropics are too hot and often too dry, like the Sahara Desert.
But the rising temperatures will melt all the polar ices, raising the oceans by over 250'.
That means the whole midwest of the US will be underwater.

Based on your bad geometry?

The world's tundra fields do not overlie fertile soil.

Why not?

Because fertile soil requires live, active, soil organisms.
The frozen tundra killed any soil organisms tens of thousands of years ago.
Under tundra is just clay, sand, and rock.
Totally inorganic and bleached of any useful minerals even.
The vast amount of land north of the equator more than makes up for it. Crops don't grow in the ocean, you know.
So you don't like fish either. And Rigby is correct that very few crops are grown at the equator. The US, Brazil, India and China are the biggest agricultural producers. None are crossed by the equator.
That is silly.
The Sahara Desert used to be a swamp teaming with life.
Now that it is warmer, there is almost no life in the Sahara Desert at all.
The majority of life prefers cold.
You go to the poles if you want a big harvest of fish.
Deserts have nothing to do with heat. You can have cold deserts. Antarctica is a desert.
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It's a fallacy that the overall number of life forms will decrease if the temperature rises. If anything, they will increase.
It has been getting warmer for the last 150 years and the number of extinctions have risen. The only increasing segment of the Earth's biomass have been humans and their livestock.

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