Global temperatures to rise 9 degrees by 2100


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
A new study, which researchers have called "the most exhaustive end-to-end analysis of climate change impacts yet performed", predicts that global warming could be twice as bad as previous estimates had suggested.

Published this month in the Journal of Climate, the MIT-based research found a 90% probability that worldwide surface temperatures will rise at least 9 degrees by 2100.

New Study: Global Temperatures to Rise 9 Degrees by 2100 | Green Business | Reuters
REAL science begins with, "We do not know" and then allows actual evidence and experimentation to lead us to the truth.

AGW science FICTION begins with, "We DO know" and then uses supposition on top of supposition, assumption on top of assumption, cherry-picked data, faulty computer models, outright LIES and dismissal of contradictory evidence in order to back up the initial, preferred conclusion. Then it's presented as "fact" and it's said there is "no room for debate." Then young kids are indoctrinated on this fake "science" in schools and the media and pop culture begin selling it. Like Goebbels demonstrated, a big lie can become an accepted "truth" with long, loud repetition and systematic indoctrination.

Mindless drones such as chris go out and spread this lie, actually believing it to be the truth, and have shut off the analytical center of their brains. Therefore they too ignore all contradictory information and just continue to repetitively babble, undaunted.

There you have it folks, "Goebbels Warming" silences or ignores opposition, ignores actual science and evidence, and becomes law via rote rather than experimentation. And, we STILL don't know anything! Science has been retarded and bastardized instead of advanced.
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A new study, which researchers have called "the most exhaustive end-to-end analysis of climate change impacts yet performed", predicts that global warming could be twice as bad as previous estimates had suggested.

Published this month in the Journal of Climate, the MIT-based research found a 90% probability that worldwide surface temperatures will rise at least 9 degrees by 2100.

New Study: Global Temperatures to Rise 9 Degrees by 2100 | Green Business | Reuters
Time to invest in wheat growing in Siberia.
I guess it's time to depopulate the planet.
That's the true goal of the far left "green movement" environazis.... For, if they reached their stated goal of greatly reducing greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, we wouldn't have a green planet at all -- we would have a brown, cold one where human life would be for only the select few. Eugenics.
don't you love how people who can't get a 5 day forecast right can tell us the weather 90 years from now?
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A new study, which researchers have called "the most exhaustive end-to-end analysis of climate change impacts yet performed", predicts that global warming could be twice as bad as previous estimates had suggested.

Published this month in the Journal of Climate, the MIT-based research found a 90% probability that worldwide surface temperatures will rise at least 9 degrees by 2100.

New Study: Global Temperatures to Rise 9 Degrees by 2100 | Green Business | Reuters

Another model. Yawn. Stretch. The problem with models is that they have to reflect the biases and the suppositions of those that input the data. F'rintace: In the this model, which doubles the MIT scenario from 5 years ago despite the global cooling that has occurred in the mean time, they take out the effect of volcanoes and amplify the effect of industry.

A volcano is currently erupting in Alaska and it shows in the temperatures. This might have escaped the notice of those in the Ivory Tower, but manufacturing is down just a tad from recent years as is transportation and the burning of Fossil Fuels in general.

Here's another link and an excerpt from the report.

Worldchanging: Bright Green: M.I.T. Doubles Its 2095 Warming Projection To 10°F — With 866 Ppm And Arctic Warming of 20°F

The MIT Integrated Global System Model is used to make probabilistic projections of climate change from 1861 to 2100. Since the model's first projections were published in 2003 substantial improvements have been made to the model and improved estimates of the probability distributions of uncertain input parameters have become available. The new projections are considerably warmer than the 2003 projections, e.g., the median surface warming in 2091 to 2100 is 5.2°C compared to 2.4°C in the earlier study. Many changes contribute to the stronger warming; among the more important ones are taking into account the cooling in the second half of the 20th century due to volcanic eruptions for input parameter estimation and a more sophisticated method for projecting GDP growth which eliminated many low emission scenarios.

(Red highlights added by Code)
don't you love how people who can't get a 5 day forecast right can tell us the weather 90 years from now?

You're confusing meteorology for climatology. Simple mistake, I understand how it could happen.
:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: I am sure you do... part of the AGW Church is designed to baffle with bullshit because it surely cannot dazzle with brilliance.... And Skull was sarcastically and subtly pointing that out... And you fell right in!

He compared actual science -- meteorology -- with the AGW Church Dogma and made a funny, that was lost on you!
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don't you love how people who can't get a 5 day forecast right can tell us the weather 90 years from now?

You're confusing meteorology for climatology. Simple mistake, I understand how it could happen.
:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: I am sure you do... part of the AGW Church is designed to baffle with bullshit because it surely cannot dazzle with brilliance.... And Skull was sarcastically and subtly pointing that out... And you fell right in!

He compared actual science -- meteorology -- with the AGW Church Dogma and made a funny, that was lost on you!

You're making this up as you go along... in your first post you state that the study says "WE DO KNOW" It doesn't. It says we believe there is a 90% probability of this outcome. Now you're applauding a poor attempt at wit. I love it! :clap2:
Yet another doom n gloom "model" just in time for Cap N Trade legislation!!! Imagine that!

Oh - and GE aka NBC is also doing an all-out promotion on this as GE has invested hundreds of millions into the GO-GREEN industrial machine.

I am constantly amazed that so many still fall for this assault on actual science...
If we see Cap and Trade any time this decade I'd be really surprised. We probably will still see GE benefit from massive tax breaks for putting up wind turbines though, so they'll still be happy.
This belongs in the conspiracy forum, as the scientists involved in this are all making shit up.

Problem, then this sub forum would be almost empty.

I see. I would comment but then I would get in trouble.

Meh, you and I do see eye to eye on these issues better than others. Environmentalism is nuts now, it's gotten to extreme and is nothing but one big conspiracy theory, only it's so widely followed that they have conned the government into giving them tax dollars.

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