Global Freedom Rankings (it isn't good for the US...)


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
America loves to call itself the land of the free, but how do we compare globally in freedom?

By the Numbers Is the US 8220 The Freest Country In the World 8221 8211 The Skeptical Libertarian Blog

" * Press Freedom: #23

#23 – Freedom House 2013 Global Press Freedom Rankings (out of 197 countries).
#32 – Reporters Without Borders 2013 Press Freedom Index (out of 179 countries).

Civil Liberties: #45

#45 — Economist Intelligence Unit 2012 Democracy Index (out of 167 countries).

Corruption: #19

#19 — Transparency International 2013 Corruption Perceptions Index (out of 177 countries).

Democracy: #21

#12 — Global Democracy Ranking 2013 Report (out of 115 countries).
#21 — Economist Intelligence Unit 2012 Democracy Index (out of 167 countries).

Economic Freedom: #10

#10 — Heritage Foundation 2013 Index of Economic Freedom (out of 177 countries).
#19 — Frasier Institute 2013 Economic Freedom of the World (out of 154 countries).

* Total Freedom

The book Towards a Worldwide Index of Human Freedom attempted to rank 123 countries in terms of total human freedom. The index was composed of a weighted average of half “personal freedom” and half “economic freedom.” In 2008, the US ranked 18th in the world in personal freedom, 6th in economic freedom, and 7th overall."

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