Glaciers crumbling in formerly stable areas of Antarctica

We have huge fires in Oregon, Washington, and Idaho out of control. Hundreds of homes have been destroyed, and whole towns are in danger. More high temperatures and low humidity with high winds in the forecast for the coming weekend. Yet you state nobody cares?

13 good men have died thus far fighting the fires, and, given the conditions, there will probably be more this year. But nobody cares. Over 400 square miles of range land burned in one fire alone, along the Idaho and Oregon border. No pasturage for the livestock there this winter, and some of the ranchers will see some very lean time, may even go broke. Nobody cares?

Well, obviously, people who support the GOP do not give a damn.

Odd, the USA warming in the 30's doesn't count, because "it's not global" but some wildfires in summer count?


That's beyond silly

No matter the cause, people dying is never silly. Asshole.

^ From the guy who wants to off the Deniers
Condensed version:
Sudden Impact Glaciers Crumble in Previously Stable Area of Antarctica - NBC News
Full report:
Sudden and Rapid Ice Loss Discovered in Antarctica

"Several massive glaciers in the southern Antarctic Peninsula suddenly started to crumble in 2009, a new study reported Thursday (May 21) in the journal Science."

"Out of the blue, it's become the second most important contributor to sea level rise in Antarctica," said lead study author Bert Wouters, a remote sensing expert and Marie Curie Fellow at the University of Bristol in the United Kingdom."

"They found that there was no significant ice loss until 2009, when at least nine glaciers starting thinning. Some of the glaciers are now shrinking by as much as 13 feet (4 m) each year, the study reported. The drawdown also reached some 62 miles (100 km) inland from the coast."

"In all, the southern Antarctica Peninsula added about 80 trillion gallons (300 trillion liters) of water to the ocean between 2009 and 2014, the researchers said. If melted completely, the thinning glaciers would raise sea level another 14 inches (35 centimeters), Wouters said."

From the full report: "Also, between 2003 and 2009, the ice loss in the southern Antarctica Peninsula was balanced out by extra snowfall, said Ted Scambos, a glaciologist at the National Snow and Ice Data Center in Boulder, Colorado, who was not involved in the study. Now, the thinning has outpaced the snowfall.

"We're seeing enough mass loss to more than make up for that snow accumulation," Scambos told Live Science."
The denier meme that Antarctica is stable and growing - that it refutes the "alarmist diatribe", is crap (that's getting to be one of my favorite words). The world is getting warmer and that change is going to hurt us.
When in the hell is ice ever stable?

News flash it is frozen water

Hope that clears it up for you.


when formally last week

last month

last year




10000 years ago

stable ice




when formally last week

last month

last year




10000 years ago

stable ice


ya know I still remember this 30 years latter a tool maker I worked with, who was a part time teacher at a local community college said that glass was never stable also was fluid .

You could tell this by taking a micrometer to a 150 year old window, measuring the top and bottom... The bottom would always be thicker.

I always thought that was interesting

Not trying to hijack the thread, but just an FYI.
If you actually go do the check, you will find that the thickness does NOT increase towards the bottom - glass may be amorphous, but it is not a liquid.
If you actually go do the check, you will find that the thickness does NOT increase towards the bottom - glass may be amorphous, but it is not a liquid.

I could never find 150 year old glass and my micrometer stays at work in my tool box.

Thanks I always thought he was full of shit.
One of these days I will check for myself...

It's one of those things that always bothered me :)


when formally last week

last month

last year




10000 years ago

stable ice


ya know I still remember this 30 years latter a tool maker I worked with, who was a part time teacher at a local community college said that glass was never stable also was fluid .

You could tell this by taking a micrometer to a 150 year old window, measuring the top and bottom... The bottom would always be thicker.

I always thought that was interesting

Not trying to hijack the thread, but just an FYI.

it is interesting

that could be the case or it could be the glass makers simply made the glass that way

i like old glass though
Which group uses weather related tragedies to advance their agenda?

That's right! The AGWCult!

When the core theme of a group is harmful changes to the Earth's climate, making comment at "weather-related tragedies" should be expected. Your comment is akin to criticizing Black Lives Matter for pointing out another unarmed black killed by police or the Ku Klux Klan pointing the high crime rate in predominantly black areas. The only think actually demonstrated here is - once again - your ignorance.
Pathetic, but then again, it's Crick

I explain my views. You don't. Guess who's more likely to be correct?

First, you insult far more than you "Explain" Your "Explanations are a joke, usually a link to some AGWCult website. Think your "excess heat" explanation, you gave me 6 different takes on it starting with it was just 2 words strung together. Same with your IPCC Redistributing wealth "Explanation" First you said Ottmar was no one, then he was expressing his personal opinion, then, well, I can't keep track and don't really care for your lies anyway

Also, you're a pathological liar and a homicidal maniac, you tap dance in the streets at any Climate Story where people die: floods, landslides, storms; it's a real sickness
Condensed version:
Sudden Impact Glaciers Crumble in Previously Stable Area of Antarctica - NBC News
Full report:
Sudden and Rapid Ice Loss Discovered in Antarctica

"Several massive glaciers in the southern Antarctic Peninsula suddenly started to crumble in 2009, a new study reported Thursday (May 21) in the journal Science."

"Out of the blue, it's become the second most important contributor to sea level rise in Antarctica," said lead study author Bert Wouters, a remote sensing expert and Marie Curie Fellow at the University of Bristol in the United Kingdom."

"They found that there was no significant ice loss until 2009, when at least nine glaciers starting thinning. Some of the glaciers are now shrinking by as much as 13 feet (4 m) each year, the study reported. The drawdown also reached some 62 miles (100 km) inland from the coast."

"In all, the southern Antarctica Peninsula added about 80 trillion gallons (300 trillion liters) of water to the ocean between 2009 and 2014, the researchers said. If melted completely, the thinning glaciers would raise sea level another 14 inches (35 centimeters), Wouters said."

From the full report: "Also, between 2003 and 2009, the ice loss in the southern Antarctica Peninsula was balanced out by extra snowfall, said Ted Scambos, a glaciologist at the National Snow and Ice Data Center in Boulder, Colorado, who was not involved in the study. Now, the thinning has outpaced the snowfall.

"We're seeing enough mass loss to more than make up for that snow accumulation," Scambos told Live Science."
The denier meme that Antarctica is stable and growing - that it refutes the "alarmist diatribe", is crap (that's getting to be one of my favorite words). The world is getting warmer and that change is going to hurt us.

It's been mentioned several times here that the collapse of several major ice sheets around Antarctica had released large glacial masses that the had formerly restrained or bottled up. The flow rates of several major glaciers increased up to five fold. The mass loss of the continent - certainly the most significant value in any consideration of the issue - is quietly ignored. The unstoppable destabilization (read: slow disintegration) of the entire West Antarctica Ice Sheet seems to have slid right across the cognizance of deniers forum-wide here, leaving not the slightest hint of retained knowledge or the careful consideration that the fact deserves. No. What we hear is how the ice extents are growing and setting new records.

Now we see the problem is spreading; is even more universal than had been thought..
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If you actually go do the check, you will find that the thickness does NOT increase towards the bottom - glass may be amorphous, but it is not a liquid.

Actually yes it does. There are loads of windows that are old and ALL of them are thicker at the bottom than the top. The chemists don't like classifying glass as a highly viscous fluid so they basically refuse to classify it. As it stands there are crystalline solids (molecules are in an ordered lattice), fluids (molecules are not rigidly bound and are thus disordered), and glasses (molecules are disordered, but rigidly bound).

Further you can take a glass rod and twist it. So long as you don't break it it will return to its former shape. However if you hold it twisted long enough it will then adapt to that new shape, and only over time will it eventually return to its original pre-twisted configuration. So, it exhibits behaviors consistent with both fluids and solids.

Antique Windowpanes and the Flow of Supercooled Liquids

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