Zone1 Giving up the search for God

Every time a teacher explains metaphors to grade school children their blind eyes are opened.

I met someone the other day who was not only merely dead but really most sincerely dead who heard the voice of the Son of God, crawled out of their grave, stood up and came back to life. I've seen angels ascending into Heaven at the same time that others were descending into hell. I've seen fire from the sky slaughter many scoffers and assholes. I've seen with my own eyes cowards become brave, the paralyzed walk, the deaf hear, the blind see, and the sick and dying healed.

Shit. I even heard that the Pope was going to give up his acting career, but that's just what I heard.

Miracles happen all the time, exactly as recorded in the NT. Maybe the problem lies within you?
Secular Jesus?
Why hasn't there been a miracle since the legends of the New Testament?
Every time a teacher explains metaphors to grade school children their blind eyes are opened.

I met someone the other day who was not only merely dead but really most sincerely dead who heard the voice of the Son of God, crawled out of their grave, stood up and came back to life. I've seen angels ascending into Heaven at the same time that others were descending into hell. I've seen fire from the sky slaughter many scoffers and assholes. I've seen with my own eyes cowards become brave, the wise turn into fools, the paralyzed walk, the lame run, the deaf hear, the blind see, and the sick and dying healed. I've seen the celestial powers irrevocably shaken, stars falling from their lofty places in the sky, mountains crumbling into the sea, and valleys being lifted up.

Shit. I even heard that the Pope was going to give up his acting career, but that's just what I heard.

Miracles happen all the time, exactly as recorded in the NT. Maybe the problem lies within you?
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why are you unable to produce the origin for the desert commandments - that are in fact purely subjective, madeup for nefarious purposes as proven by their uninterrupted history of persecution and victimization of the innocent -

or remove them from the desert documents- as forgeries.
What part of SUPER (superior) NATURAL (to nature) do you fail to comprehend? You can no more disprove a miraculous act (because by its very nature it is superior to the laws of physics) than another can use the laws of nature to prove that a miracle happened in history. The only kind of evidence that is possible is the PRIMA FACIE evidence provided by recorded eyewitness accounting.

Just like all self professed SMART have the mule attempting to push the plow. It is up to you to prove your negative that would discredit the eye witness accounts via producing the OBJECTIVE, TESTABLE, REPRODUCIBLE facts in evidence that prove those accounts to be false. Proceed. Use something other than engaging your mouth void of engaging your brain.
I found myself working for free on the weekends. When someone quit and there was a need to fill a gap for on call I volunteered to cover whatever. I had enough and went hiking on a weekend. I heard pretty clearly that I was going to loop or encounter the same type of jobs and relationships that sucked the life out of me until I worked through why it was happening. I needed to learn how to set up some boundaries. Also, no. I couldn't leave yet. You can call that your internal dialogue, your conscious, your spirit guide, your guardian angel, your God, Spirit, cause and effect or whatever it is that you believe in or don't. When I look back, it is almost like I never left in many ways.
I agree...sometimes we do need to work through why we are doing what we do. And sometimes we undertake certain tasks because that is who we are.
he elegido la mejor porción, Martha!

Sure you do. Who wouldn't love the shit out of a triune god that diddled a virgin to become an innocent little baby boy only to grow up to become a pissed off human sacrifice so that dimwits like you can sin with impunity for life by "just believing" that a mangod died for your sins. :crying:

It's a beautiful maudlin delusion!

Would have to be a real demon to reject the love of a god like that! (even though it doesn't exist.)
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I was speaking of the human race, so nothing that concerns you. ;)

Ha ha. Sure y'all were. Y'all are extremely devoted to religious make believe. Why would you lie?

I have no need to join a self-negating multiplicity that is slowly disintegrating into nothingness.

Apparently y'all have no such concern or awareness. You mortals really are absurd creatures. :funnyface:
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I agree...sometimes we do need to work through why we are doing what we do. And sometimes we undertake certain tasks because that is who we are.
Yep. I think that people have to create enough distance from situations in order to arrive at solutions. Meditation, higher power, the God of Abraham, Source or whatever that looks like.
Or I could start by banging my head against the wall. Both have been proven to find "God" the exact same amount (zero percent)
You will not find God in this physical reality........only the product of what He has created stands as evidence of God's existence. "But your inequities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hidden His face from you that He will not hear." (Isa. 59:2).

There hasn't been but "1" man that has walked this physical life void of sin, and that was in the form of God incarnate.......Christ Jesus, who was Born of Woman, Born under the Law. "But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of woman, born under the Law (of Moses), to redeem those born under the Law, that we might receive the adoption as sons.
And because you are Sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying out Abba, Father! that you are no longer a slave (to sin) but a son, and if a son, then heir of God through Christ." (Gal. 4:4-7).

How do we know that God exists even though we can't physically see Him, or touch Him? Even the heathen sees this evidence. All..........Jew and Gentile alike are under sin, there is no excuse (Romans 3:9-10), God has no respect of person, all have sinned. No, not one is righteous in the sight of God, His face remains hidden.

God hears the Christian because of the Spirit from Christ rests within his heart and it is through the Grace of God that Christ established as our advocate (standing between our sin and the Father who cannot look upon sin). If you remain in the flesh and serve the flesh instead of allowing the Spirit to guide your path, God still cannot look upon you, you become righteous only through the blood sacrifice of Christ Jesus, the reward being not in this physical life but after the race of life is over. (Romans 8:8-12)

Again how do we comprehend the existence of God void of physicality? "For since the creation of the world, His (God's) invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead (the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit), so they are without excuse." (1:20)

Secular man is yet to understand how all (the universe and all within it) was created (according to the very laws of physics that God created to govern that which is physical) is yet to define the origin of life with any objective evidence (man only offers philosophy (thoughts, theories, hypothesis, assumptions, ideas, not based in reality but existing only within the mind of man)............and that philosophy is dressed as science.

The very laws of physics and science prove that the natural owes its existence to that which is Super (superior) Natural (to nature). These physical laws demonstrate the existence of the supernatural and its superiority over the natural through empirical evidence of the following.

Gravity and relativity, Thermodynamics, Continuity and Transfer, Elector Magnetism, The Classic Laws of Planetary Motion, Universal Gravity, Photonics; reflection and refraction, Quantum Mechanics, Radiation, Chemistry, Geophysical Laws.

All the listed above demonstrate just how there is Design in maintaining the functionality of the Universe how it exists in an orderly fashion that continues to permit Life as we know it......without ever being able to comprehend in any objective fashion as to how it all began. It all comes down to one simple physical law, the Law of Causality.

If anyone can use the Laws of Physics and the Scientific Method to prove how the universe "created itself from nothing" as described by one of the smartest secular humans to have ever lived proclaimed (Stephen Hawking)..........I will transfer my faith from God to secularism. Anyone? Remember Gravity is something rather than nothing, Gravity is subject to quantification. I can't imagine hating the God of Creation so much that I would spend a lifetime attempting to discredit that which is obvious.......there is grand design everywhere you look upon this physical reality. Hawking had more than just a physical have hated so much because of that condition. Hate blinds even the most intelligent. To spend his last days attempting to prove the impossible.......that everything can be created from nothing........NATURALLY.

No man should fear the loss of the physical........but the everlasting loss of the Spiritual, the image by which we were created in the image of God. God is a Spirit and those who would serve Him must worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. What is truth? God's revealed word is Truth (John 4:24, 17:17)
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You will not find God in this physical reality........only the product of what He has created stands as evidence of God's existence. "But your inequities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hidden His face from you that He will not hear." (Isa. 59:2).

There hasn't been but "1" man that has walked this physical life void of sin, and that was in the form of God incarnate.......Christ Jesus, who was Born of Woman, Born under the Law. "But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of woman, born under the Law (of Moses), to redeem those born under the Law, that we might receive the adoption as sons.
And because you are Sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying out Abba, Father! that you are no longer a slave (to sin) but a son, and if a son, then heir of God through Christ." (Gal. 4:4-7).

How do we know that God exists even though we can't physically see Him, or touch Him? Even the heathen sees this evidence. All..........Jew and Gentile alike are under sin, there is no excuse (Romans 3:9-10), God has no respect of person, all have sinned. No, not one is righteous in the sight of God, His face remains hidden.

God hears the Christian because of the Spirit from Christ rests within his heart and it is through the Grace of God that Christ established as our advocate (standing between our sin and the Father who cannot look upon sin). If you remain in the flesh and serve the flesh instead of allowing the Spirit to guide your path, God still cannot look upon you, you become righteous only through the blood sacrifice of Christ Jesus, the reward being not in this physical life but after the race of life is over. (Romans 8:8-12)

Again how do we comprehend the existence of God void of physicality? "For since the creation of the world, His (God's) invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead (the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit), so they are without excuse." (1:20)

Secular man is yet to understand how all (the universe and all within it) was created (according to the very laws of physics that God created to govern that which is physical) is yet to define the origin of life with any objective evidence (man only offers philosophy (thoughts, theories, hypothesis, assumptions, ideas, not based in reality but existing only within the mind of man)............and that philosophy is dressed as science.

The very laws of physics and science prove that the natural owes its existence to that which is Super (superior) Natural (to nature). These physical laws demonstrate the existence of the supernatural and its superiority over the natural through empirical evidence of the following.

Gravity and relativity, Thermodynamics, Continuity and Transfer, Elector Magnetism, The Classic Laws of Planetary Motion, Universal Gravity, Photonics; reflection and refraction, Quantum Mechanics, Radiation, Chemistry, Geophysical Laws.

All the listed above demonstrate just how there is Design in maintaining the functionality of the Universe how it exists in an orderly fashion that continues to permit Life as we know it......without ever being able to comprehend in any objective fashion as to how it all began. It all comes down to one simple physical law, the Law of Causality.

If anyone can use the Laws of Physics and the Scientific Method to prove how the universe "created itself from nothing" as described by one of the smartest secular humans to have ever lived proclaimed (Stephen Hawking)..........I will transfer my faith from God to secularism. Anyone? Remember Gravity is something rather than nothing, Gravity is subject to quantification. I can't imagine hating the God of Creation so much that I would spend a lifetime attempting to discredit that which is obvious.......there is grand design everywhere you look upon this physical reality. Hawking had more than just a physical have hated so much because of that condition. Hate blinds even the most intelligent. To spend his last days attempting to prove the impossible.......that everything can be created from nothing........NATURALLY.

Problem is, you're telling me I won't find God here, so how can you be sure what you see is "the product of what He has created"???

Mostly what I see are human things.

Like I looked at saints a while back. Some man didn't die in an accident and it happened to be the 100th anniversary of the death of some religious dude people like. So they said it was a miracle.

Maybe the man just didn't die. No miracle. No God. Why would God save this guy through this dead French man? Makes no sense.

Often, what you see is humans wanting something to be true. So they make it from God. How convenient. But that's all it is, convenience.
Sure you do. Who wouldn't love the shit out of a triune god that diddled a virgin to become an innocent little baby boy only to grow up to become a pissed off human sacrifice so that dimwits like you can sin with impunity for life by "just believing" that a mangod died for your sins. :crying:

It's a beautiful maudlin delusion!

Would have to be a real demon to reject the love of a god like that! (even though it doesn't exist.)
Like I said before... secular Jesus, right?
What part of SUPER (superior) NATURAL (to nature) do you fail to comprehend? You can no more disprove a miraculous act (because by its very nature it is superior to the laws of physics) than another can use the laws of nature to prove that a miracle happened in history. The only kind of evidence that is possible is the PRIMA FACIE evidence provided by recorded eyewitness accounting.

Just like all self professed SMART have the mule attempting to push the plow. It is up to you to prove your negative that would discredit the eye witness accounts via producing the OBJECTIVE, TESTABLE, REPRODUCIBLE facts in evidence that prove those accounts to be false. Proceed. Use something other than engaging your mouth void of engaging your brain.

you must provide the tablets the desert religions claim were etched w/ 10 commandments in the heaves - or remove them from your documents as falsehoods and forgeries or remain as charged - a liar ... clyde.

that fallacy and the many others perpetuated by the deviant desert religions is the reason most find solace anywhere but by the present scriptural religion.
Problem is, you're telling me I won't find God here, so how can you be sure what you see is "the product of what He has created"???

Mostly what I see are human things.

Like I looked at saints a while back. Some man didn't die in an accident and it happened to be the 100th anniversary of the death of some religious dude people like. So they said it was a miracle.

Maybe the man just didn't die. No miracle. No God. Why would God save this guy through this dead French man? Makes no sense.

Often, what you see is humans wanting something to be true. So they make it from God. How convenient. But that's all it is, convenience.

Its YOU that profess to be working within the realms of physical science in deriving TRUTH........I base my faith upon the prima facie evidence. Simply prove there is no God that professes to be a Spiritual Based entity responsible for the natural.

I simply agree with all the prima facie evidence that points to only 1 conclusion..........there is a superior cause to the natural world. In lay terms, if it walks like a DUCK, talks like a Duck, and swims like a DUCK, its a DUCK. Prima Facie: As it first appears, until proven different by the objective facts in evidence.

Its simple, a simple conclusion based upon Reason and Logic as provided by the Prima Facie evidence of Creation. A law that you conveniently choose to ignore. All the listed laws of physics are incapable of explaining the origins of our physical reality known as the Universe......i.e., the natural can't explain its own origins, therefore based upon the prima facie .......there is only "1" logical conclusion, the natural is a product of the Super (superior) Natural (nature)......because every physical effect requires a superior Cause. Truth can be established by the Prima Facie until there is the required Objective, Testable and Reproducible facts in evidence to prove the Prima Facie wrong.

Another factor based upon the Prima Facie..........the revealed word of God professes to be Inspired by the God of Creation, that word has remained unbroken (no one has been able to produce the objective evidence to prove those revelation wrong, beyond the reason of doubt by introduction of the objective facts in evidence). Over 95% of the Holy Scriptures deal primarily with a recorded history of the Judeo/Christian philosophy and that 95% always falls on the side of truth when tested by history actual or applied science). The 5% that represents the supernatural? There is no method to test that which is superior to nature by application of the natural laws of physics........i.e.,, 0 can never be greater/superior to 1. If the 95% has never been proven wrong...........why should the other 5% be considered wrong? Its Logic.

The Law of Causality is a basic principle of Applied Science......the Law states, ".....every physical effect must have an adequate antecedent (preceding) or simultaneous CAUSE." Thus you have just demonstrated NO ONE has been capable of presenting the evidence through the scientific method (the natural laws of science) as to what superior Cause is responsible for the effect, creation/origin of the known Universe........or life, or love..................

Why believe in a Spiritual God that is invisible in the physical world? The facts can't be denied. The physical universe is here.......we live within its realms (as stated clearly in the Holy Scriptures.......we have our existence within God -- Acts 17:28-34). We are alive (an we are alive just as described in Genesis and by Louis Pasteur experimentation..........through natural reproduction, each after its own kind).......this fact can't be denied, yet man cannot explain his own origins of how biological life came from non living matter as claimed in theory.

Pseudo Science has to many holes to fill.......thus, I accept the prima facie as truth.
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Like I said before... secular Jesus, right?

No, a Jesus who actually fulfilled Jewish messianic expectations. A Jesus who partied with sinners and prostitutes and kept all sorts of bad company even after being baptized "as a token of repentance for the forgiveness of sins" and "Heaven opened up to him". A Jesus that taught and demonstrated the only right way to understand the figurative language and comply with the hidden subjects of the law that fulfills the promise of abundant blessings and life in the sanctuary of God, the same way that Moses originally taught to follow the law. A Jesus that you have never seen and do not know who served a God that you despise. Anyway, I do understand your dilemma.

You have been broken by trained personnel and fitted with collar and chain. It's all you have ever known. You are what you is bro.. deal with it. According to you you are happy with your choices so enjoy! Where's the squirrel? Who wants a treat? I got a ball! Sit! Fetch! That's a good boy! :itsok:

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No, a Jesus who actually fulfilled Jewish messianic expectations. A Jesus who partied with sinners and prostitutes and kept all sorts of bad company even after being baptized "as a token of repentance for the forgiveness of sins" and "Heaven opened up to him". A Jesus that taught and demonstrated the only right way to understand the figurative language and comply with the hidden subjects of the law that fulfills the promise of abundant blessings and life in the sanctuary of God, the same way that Moses originally taught to follow the law. A Jesus that you have never seen and do not know who served a God that you despise. Anyway, I do understand your dilemma.

You have been broken by trained personnel and fitted with collar and chain. It's all you have ever known. You are what you is bro.. deal with it. According to you you are happy with your choices so enjoy! Where's the squirrel? Who wants a treat? I got a ball! Sit! Fetch! That's a good boy! :itsok:

Like I said... you are peddling a secular Jesus.

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