Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses....


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
A crisis is looming at the border between US and Mexico.

PHOENIX — The federal government on Friday began sending hundreds of unaccompanied children caught crossing the border illegally in Texas to a holding center in Nogales, Ariz., further straining relations with Gov. Jan Brewer, who was already angry over the recent release of hundreds of undocumented families at bus stations in Phoenix and Tucson.

Brewer said she learned Friday that 432 children were transported to a holding facility in Nogales and that more would be arriving throughout the weekend. Indeed, unmarked buses arrived at the U.S. Customs and Border Protection's Nogales facility throughout Saturday morning with what appeared to be young people inside.

The agency would not allow members of the media inside "due to privacy concerns," Victor Brabble, a Border Patrol spokesman.

"I am disturbed and outraged that President Obama's administration continues to implement this dangerous and inhumane policy," Brewer said in a written statement.

Brewer's spokesman, Andrew Wilder, told The Associated Press that conditions at the holding facility in Nogales are so dire that the state is releasing federal medical and other supplies to the facility.

Hundreds more migrant children arrive in Arizona
Third military base designated to hold illegal children...
US adds military base to house children entering country without relatives
9 Jun 2014 • Third base designated for emergency housing of children • Oklahoma base to hold 600 'unaccompanied minors'
The Obama administration on Monday announced it is designating a third US military base for emergency housing of children into the United States without parents or relatives, as the cost of caring for these minors escalated. Senior administration officials, who asked not to be identified, told reporters that an army base at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, will initially hold 600 "unaccompanied minors" and eventually will be able to accommodate up to 1,200. In recent weeks, the Obama administration has opened similar emergency shelters at Lackland air force base in San Antonio, Texas, and Naval Base Ventura County in southern California.

The moves come amid a tidal wave of children trying to slip into the United States, largely from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala, often to join a parent already here. Reuters previously reported that the administration was seeking about $2bn for the Department of Health and Human Services to handle the influx in fiscal 2015, which begins on 1 October, more than double the $868m appropriated this year. HHS takes custody of the children shortly after they are detained at the border by federal law enforcement agents. On Monday, administration officials said they would be asking Congress for an additional $560m to help the Department of Homeland Security cope with the illegal border crossings.

One week ago, the White House director of domestic policy, Cecilia Munoz, attributed the rapid run-up in illegal immigration by unaccompanied minors to growing violence – often drug related or due to domestic abuse – in the three Central American countries. That violence, she said, was encouraging children, including an unusually high number of girls and children under the age of 13, to leave home unaccompanied by parents or relatives. Administration officials have been countering suggestions by political opponents that the influx could be related to either Obama administration policies or legislation pending in Congress to revamp immigration law.

One of the officials, noting high murder rates in Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador, said, "If they [unaccompanied minors] are coming solely because of immigration policies, you would see large numbers from other countries [in Central America], including Mexico as well." The officials did not provide figures on how many children the US government was holding in detention and putting through deportation proceedings. Besides opening new shelter facilities, the administration has announced that it is working with Mexican and Central American governments to try to discourage children from making the dangerous journey to the United States and to try to further secure borders.

US adds military base to house children entering country without relatives | World news |

See also:

Holder on Young Illegals: We’re ‘Protecting the Rights of the Most Vulnerable Members of Society’
June 9, 2014 – The Department of Justice (DOJ) announced Friday a new federal program to help minors who enter the U.S. illegally without a parent or guardian while at the same time expanding opportunities for “national service.”
Described in a press release as a “strategic partnership” between DOJ and the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS), which administers AmeriCorps, Attorney General Eric Holder said the effort will “protect the rights of the most vulnerable members of society.” “With the launch of justice AmeriCorps, we're taking a historic step to strengthen our justice system and protect the rights of the most vulnerable members of society,” Holder said. “How we treat those in need, particularly young people who must appear in immigration proceedings - many of whom are fleeing violence, persecution, abuse or trafficking - goes to the core of who we are as a nation. “Through this program, we reaffirm our allegiance to the values that have always shaped our pursuit of justice,” Holder said. “We empower new generations of aspiring attorneys and paralegals to serve their country and stand on the front lines of this fight. “And we bolster both the efficacy and the efficiency of our immigration courts,” Holder said. “AmeriCorps members will provide critical support for these children, many of whom are escaping abuse, persecution or violence,” Wendy Spencer, CEO of CNCS, is quoted as saying in the press release. “The justice AmeriCorps partnership responds to a direct call from Congress, and reflects how national service can be a part of the solution to some of the most challenging issues facing our country today.”

AmeriCorps was created during the Clinton administration through the National and Community Service Trust Act of 1993. Members are volunteers who receive “modest financial compensation” for service. The DOJ press release said that about 100 attorneys and paralegals will be recruited for the program, which is partly in response to a congressional directive to the DOJ’s Executive Office for Immigration Reform “to better serve vulnerable populations such as children and improve court efficiency through pilot efforts aimed at improving legal representation.” But at least two members of Congress are criticizing the program, including the plan to house hundreds of these unaccompanied illegal minors at Fort Sill military base in Lawton, Okla.


A Border Patrol agent stands on a ranch fence line with children taken into custody in South Texas brush country north of Laredo, Texas

Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.) and Rep. Tom Cole (R-Okla.) issued statements last week. "At a time when the President is drastically reducing defense spending funds at a historically rapid rate, he now expects our military bases to temporarily take on the responsibility of caring for unaccompanied children who have illegally crossed the border into the United States," Inhofe said in a statement. "Our nation has an immigration problem and a national security crisis, but I don't believe the answer is for our military facilities to be transformed into a center that houses, feeds, and cares for illegal immigrants,” he said. “This only encourages parents to send their children unaccompanied over the border and, with the average-aged child being between 13 and 17, it exposes our military facilities to unknown security concerns,” Inhofe said.

“I am disappointed and dismayed that the administration has failed to provide timely notification to the Oklahoma congressional delegation and to state and local officials about its plan to use facilities designed to house our troops as a juvenile detention center for illegal unaccompanied minors,” Cole said in a statement. “This plan is an inappropriate use of military facilities. “It will inevitably strain and limit facilities and resources that are intended for the use of service men and women,” Cole said. According to Customs and Border Protection, the number of unaccompanied minors apprehended along the southwest border has increased 92 percent from fiscal year 2013 (24,493) to fiscal year 2014 (47,017).

Holder on Young Illegals: We?re ?Protecting the Rights of the Most Vulnerable Members of Society? | CNS News
Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses....

I like how you completely mock the message of your title in your OP :cool:

The mockery is in not securing the border, my friend. I like how you have very little regard for the laws we have on the books, or how the parents of these children hold so little care for their children that they would send them across the border. ALONE. Now they are pent up in facilities, living in even more squalor than what they came from.
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What in the world happened that crossing the mexican border illegally became a better option than coming through ellis island?

Oh well who cares? FUCK your tired, your poor, your pathetic huddled masses...

The new republican mantra :cool:


Fuck the law. Fuck the police. According to me there are no borders.
What in the world happened that crossing the mexican border illegally became a better option than coming through ellis island?

Oh well who cares? FUCK your tired, your poor, your pathetic huddled masses...

The new republican mantra :cool:


Fuck the law. Fuck the police. According to me there are no borders.

Are you scared that being "American" is more important to outsiders than it is to people who are born "American" without any effort? And who watch "Keeping Up with the Kardashians" all day?
What in the world happened that crossing the mexican border illegally became a better option than coming through ellis island?

Oh well who cares? FUCK your tired, your poor, your pathetic huddled masses...

The new republican mantra :cool:


Fuck the law. Fuck the police. According to me there are no borders.

Are you scared that being "American" is more important to outsiders than it is to people who are born "American" without any effort? And who watch "Keeping Up with the Kardashians" all day?

They don't want to be Americans. Their parents want them to be parasites who take advantage of an overly generous, overly naive government who through its wisdom will disregard our law to grant amnesty to illegal immigrants.

And, if you had been paying attention, all of these kids were BORN IN MEXICO.


Fuck the law. Fuck the police. According to me there are no borders.

Are you scared that being "American" is more important to outsiders than it is to people who are born "American" without any effort? And who watch "Keeping Up with the Kardashians" all day?

They don't want to be Americans. Their parents want them to be parasites who take advantage of an overly generous, overly naive government who through its wisdom will disregard our law to grant amnesty to illegal immigrants.

And, if you had been paying attention, all of these kids were BORN IN MEXICO.


perhaps you should pay attention ....this is a mass movement by el saladorans

you really are a fucking idiot

El Salvador Officials Visiting, Interviewing Unaccompanied Minors in U.S. Custody
Regretfully, the most porous border is to the North. You guys are worrying about little Mexican kids while terrorists are sneaking in from canada.
They don't want to be Americans. Their parents want them to be parasites who take advantage of an overly generous, overly naive government who through its wisdom will disregard our law to grant amnesty to illegal immigrants.

What if they DO want to be Americans? Would that COMPLETELY blow your mind?

The children never got a choice. Their parents sent them across the border alone. What choice do they have? What if they wanted to stay in Mexico or El Salvador? Would that COMPLETELY blow YOUR mind?
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Are you scared that being "American" is more important to outsiders than it is to people who are born "American" without any effort? And who watch "Keeping Up with the Kardashians" all day?

They don't want to be Americans. Their parents want them to be parasites who take advantage of an overly generous, overly naive government who through its wisdom will disregard our law to grant amnesty to illegal immigrants.

And, if you had been paying attention, all of these kids were BORN IN MEXICO.


perhaps you should pay attention ....this is a mass movement by el saladorans

you really are a fucking idiot

El Salvador Officials Visiting, Interviewing Unaccompanied Minors in U.S. Custody

Whatever. The situation is still the same. I got the country wrong. Illegal is illegal. The officials didn't send them there. Their parents did. You commit the fallacy fallacy, wherein you attempt to compromise my argument because I made a geographical error. But my premise remains intact, and you have nothing to stand on. Might I point out you spelled 'El Salvadorians' wrong?

Now if you have nothing further...
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Oh and I suppose you'll want to know why these El Salvadorians are mass migrating across our border?

The DREAM Act. Obama issued an executive order making it law. One part of it is deferred action. Apparently parents in Central and South America saw that as an excuse to flood our southern hordes of children. Government projections say that by the end of this year, there will be 150,000 crossing our border.

Central America Calls BS on Obama's Amnesty Lie - Conn Carroll
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