Give Comey a fricking medal, 100% Loyal to Loretta Lynch & Hillary Clinton” Leaked his own leaks, ge


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Sep 8, 2008
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Rep. Louie Gohmert (TX-01) talked to Lou Dobbs on Fox Business regarding Former FBI Director James Comey’s testimony today in the Senate. He quoted @AceofSpadesHQ’s tweet online stating, “there is a guy named @AceofSpadesHQ on the Internet. He says ‘Comey: Loretta Lynch told me to lie, and I didn’t write that down. But I wrote down the Trump stuff because I was afraid he would lie.’” He went on to say, “It makes it clear he [Comey] was 100% loyal to Loretta Lynch and Hillary Clinton.”

LINK: Give Comey a fricking medal, 100% Loyal to Loretta Lynch & Hillary Clinton” Leaked his own leaks, get him Depends! - RELEVANT NEWS

Source: Give Comey a fricking medal, 100% Loyal to Loretta Lynch & Hillary Clinton” Leaked his own leaks, get him Depends! – InvestmentWatch
Leaked his own leaks

ROTFL!!! That's precious. I guess Rep. Gohmert wants to coin his own inane phrase, much as Kellyanne Conway did with "alternative facts."

Publicly disclosed information can only be said to have been "leaked" when the authors of it didn't want the information shared beyond a very narrowly defined audience, and yet the information makes it way beyond that audience. In other words, information intended for public consumption, once that intention comes about, can no longer be leaked. Comey wrote his contemporaneous notes describing his conversations with Trump. Comey authorized the release of the note's existence and the disclosure about some of their content. Only what Comey okayed for public consumption was shared. That's not "leaking;" it's "publicizing."
Your naive words cannot, and will not erase the facts.

Wishful thinking and reality are not the same thing.

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