Gitmo Torture Victim Free After 12 Years of Abuse

Everybody at GITMO deserves a rope and a trap door; not a lawyer or some pinhead claiming to live in LA trying to make them seem human.
Bullsquirt...everybody at GITMO deserves to be charged and tried or turned loose; your fucking, fascist State is not that exceptional.
"Abu Wa’el Dhiab is a devoted husband and father of three children. When his family fled the instability in Kabul in 2002, he was abducted by Pakistani authorities and handed over to US forces. He was then taken to Guantánamo, where he was held without charge or trial for 12 years."
Reprieve - Abu Wa 8217 el Dhiab
That is a basic human right

Try me or let me go

But we have created a class of non people. They are not POWs they are not law covers them
They are incapable of getting a fair trial. Any witness is long gone. Information obtained through torture is inadmissible.
So we let them linger for over a decade. No rights, no humane treatment, we just ignore them
Care to comment on the rest of my post?
On September 17, 1996, the New York Times reported the possible presence of American POWs in North Korea, citing the said recently declassified documents. The documents showed that the U.S. Defense Department knew in December 1953 that "more than 900 American troops were alive at the end of the war but were never released by the North Koreans"
FWIW, it wouldn't surprise me if this was true; however, I would be surprised if many troops were able to survive sixty years of North Korean slave labor.

Your side.
My side:
And when it comes to pow's re: al queda and isis, well they hold them until it is politically expediant to publicly behead them, therefore they end up with no pow's.
I can only repeat my belief that neither IS nor al-Qaeda would exist today if multiple US administrations over the past seven decades hadn't deliberately sought out and armed the most radical Muslim extremists they could find in order to counter secular Islam. US pows shouldn't be required to pay for that mistake, but sometimes what you don't know can hurt you.
But we have created a class of non people. They are not POWs they are not law covers them
They are incapable of getting a fair trial. Any witness is long gone. Information obtained through torture is inadmissible.
So we let them linger for over a decade. No rights, no humane treatment, we just ignore them

Seemed to work pretty well for some people.

Do you remember what you were doing in the early months of 2002? Abu Wa'el Dhiab and his family had just fled the instability in Kabul for what he thought was the safety of Pakistan:

"Abu Wa’el was born in Lebanon, but moved to Syria with his family at an early age. He married, started a family, and ran a successful business in Afghanistan. But the tragic events of September 11 meant Kabul was no longer safe, and he and his family were forced to flee across the border into Pakistan.

"A few months later, however, Abu Wa’el was abducted by Pakistani police.

"He was not charged with any crime, but was handed over to the US, probably for a large bounty.

"First rendered to the US-run prison at Bagram Airbase in Afghanistan, he was then taken to Guantánamo Bay.

"He remained there, without charge or trial, until December 2014."

Any thoughts on the "worst of the worse"?

Reprieve - Abu Wa 8217 el Dhiab


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Do you remember what you were doing in the early months of 2002? Abu Wa'el Dhiab and his family had just fled the instability in Kabul for what he thought was the safety of Pakistan:

"Abu Wa’el was born in Lebanon, but moved to Syria with his family at an early age. He married, started a family, and ran a successful business in Afghanistan. But the tragic events of September 11 meant Kabul was no longer safe, and he and his family were forced to flee across the border into Pakistan.

"A few months later, however, Abu Wa’el was abducted by Pakistani police.

"He was not charged with any crime, but was handed over to the US, probably for a large bounty.

"First rendered to the US-run prison at Bagram Airbase in Afghanistan, he was then taken to Guantánamo Bay.

"He remained there, without charge or trial, until December 2014."

Any thoughts on the "worst of the worse"?

Reprieve - Abu Wa 8217 el Dhiab
He had nothing to do with 911.
[QUOTE="rightwinger, post: 10336535, member: 20321"]
That is a basic human right

Try me or let me go

But we have created a class of non people. They are not POWs they are not law covers them
They are incapable of getting a fair trial. Any witness is long gone. Information obtained through torture is inadmissible.
So we let them linger for over a decade. No rights, no humane treatment, we just ignore them[/QUOTE]

Did they try or let Dan Pearl or James Foley go? You've repeated what I already said about evidence in a civilian criminal trial. Evidence is now lost or so old to be useless.....can you imagine a defense attorney demanding that the GI who captured the animal relate the exact time and circumstances of the event 10 years later? But then you couldn't care less...underneath the veneer you hate the Military and defend those who would cut you to pieces if given the chance. It saddens me to see a supposed American so twisted and hateful.
He had nothing to do with 911.

You don't know shit about what he did and you know it. Nobody was sent from Baghram to GITMO without substantial evidence of what they did, you lying sack of shit. So hey, put your ass on the line....go join if you are anything but a pansy hiding behind a keyboard in some Islamabad shithole pretending to be an American. Go join the fight....the ones you enlist here aren't going to do anything but mouth're recruiting a pack of sissies.
I'd like to see all of you defending this torture to volunteer to go through it yourself for simply one week and let us know how you feel about it afterwards.

I've had the S.E.R.E. about you?

So you were waterboarded and had feeding tubes forcibly shoved down your throat and up your ass?
I'd like to see all of you defending this torture to volunteer to go through it yourself for simply one week and let us know how you feel about it afterwards.

I've had the S.E.R.E. about you?

So you were waterboarded and had rectal feeding tubes forcibly shoved down your throat and up your ass?

So you believe everything you read in a report prepared by Democrat STAFFERS who never interviewed anybody at the CIA? Of course you do....otherwise you might come to the WHOA moment leftists have on occasion when reality bites them on the cheek.

Yeah, I've been waterboarded.....not something I'd want to do on a regular basis but it's not torture....torture leaves a mark, sonny boy.
He had nothing to do with 911.

You don't know shit about what he did and you know it. Nobody was sent from Baghram to GITMO without substantial evidence of what they did, you lying sack of shit.

Who told you that? The same government that lies to us all the time?

Nobody has to tell me government can't lie to me because I pay no attention to anything that's said outside of the Military Intel community....Why do you continue to live in a country you obviously hate....don't have the stones to leave it is my guess.
Gosh, how can one endure all those cultural/religious correct meals, have to look day after day at the arrow on the floor of his cell pointing towards Mecca, that prayer mat we gave him that wasn't his favorite color, his own personal Koran, courtesy of the US government, free medical and dental care, exercise facilities that include an outrageously expensive soccer field, library facility, TV, classes on various subject matter, toilet paper, and all the other forms of "torture" we've inflicted on them.

Is he allowed to see his family?

Hmmmm..can the families of those killed on 9/11 see their loved ones....oh yeah....that can just go the cemetery.....
He had nothing to do with 911.

You don't know shit about what he did and you know it. Nobody was sent from Baghram to GITMO without substantial evidence of what they did, you lying sack of shit.

Who told you that? The same government that lies to us all the time?

Nobody has to tell me government can't lie to me because I pay no attention to anything that's said outside of the Military Intel community....Why do you continue to live in a country you obviously hate....don't have the stones to leave it is my guess.

Ah yes, the ole "if you don't support torturing Arabs you hate America" spiel. Never gets old. :lol:

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