Gitmo Torture Victim Free After 12 Years of Abuse


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California

Do you remember what you were doing in the early months of 2002? Abu Wa'el Dhiab and his family had just fled the instability in Kabul for what he thought was the safety of Pakistan:

"Abu Wa’el was born in Lebanon, but moved to Syria with his family at an early age. He married, started a family, and ran a successful business in Afghanistan. But the tragic events of September 11 meant Kabul was no longer safe, and he and his family were forced to flee across the border into Pakistan.

"A few months later, however, Abu Wa’el was abducted by Pakistani police.

"He was not charged with any crime, but was handed over to the US, probably for a large bounty.

"First rendered to the US-run prison at Bagram Airbase in Afghanistan, he was then taken to Guantánamo Bay.

"He remained there, without charge or trial, until December 2014."

Any thoughts on the "worst of the worse"?

Reprieve - Abu Wa 8217 el Dhiab
The US has become what we used to hate.

We should all hang our heads in shame
Chris Hedges has been saying much the same thing for two decades:
"All great empires and nations decay from within.

"By the time they hobble off the world stage, overrun by the hordes at the gates or vanishing quietly into the pages of history books, what made them successful and powerful no longer has relevance.

"This rot takes place over decades, as with the Soviet Union, or, even longer, as with the Roman, Ottoman or Austro-Hungarian empires.

"It is often imperceptible.

Chris Hedges America in the Time of Empire - Chris Hedges -Truthdig
Gosh, how can one endure all those cultural/religious correct meals, have to look day after day at the arrow on the floor of his cell pointing towards Mecca, that prayer mat we gave him that wasn't his favorite color, his own personal Koran, courtesy of the US government, free medical and dental care, exercise facilities that include an outrageously expensive soccer field, library facility, TV, classes on various subject matter, toilet paper, and all the other forms of "torture" we've inflicted on them.
The US has become what we used to hate.

We should all hang our heads in shame.

We also treat our own people shamefully - and for a profit.
Everyone except for the SeanRush audience which is a lot of rw drones on this board.

Can you imagine being assigned to that post? I'd sue when /i got out of the military if I wasn't allowed a transfer. The morale there must continually be scraping the bottom. Sad state of affairs.

Don't give the job to Cheney's contractor buddies however (see the Repub Intel Committee report ;) ) because they'll assrape the us taxpayer (us) by charging 10x the current amt. to have their mouth-breathing 'tards torture in our name.
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Gosh, how can one endure all those cultural/religious correct meals, have to look day after day at the arrow on the floor of his cell pointing towards Mecca, that prayer mat we gave him that wasn't his favorite color, his own personal Koran, courtesy of the US government, free medical and dental care, exercise facilities that include an outrageously expensive soccer field, library facility, TV, classes on various subject matter, toilet paper, and all the other forms of "torture" we've inflicted on them.

Is he allowed to see his family?
Gosh, how can one endure all those cultural/religious correct meals, have to look day after day at the arrow on the floor of his cell pointing towards Mecca, that prayer mat we gave him that wasn't his favorite color, his own personal Koran, courtesy of the US government, free medical and dental care, exercise facilities that include an outrageously expensive soccer field, library facility, TV, classes on various subject matter, toilet paper, and all the other forms of "torture" we've inflicted on them.
"Last week, lawyers for four hunger striking prisoners at Guantánamo asked a judge to order the government to stop their force-feeding and forced medication.

"The men -- Shaker Aamer, the last British resident in the prison, Ahmed Belbacha, and Nabil Hadjarab, both Algerians, and Abu Wa’el Dhiab, a Syrian -- are part of a prison-wide hunger strike that began in February 6, and that involves 106 of the remaining 166 prisoners according to the authorities, and at least 120 according to the prisoners.

"45 of those men -- including Ahmed Belbacha and Nabil Hadjarab -- are being force-fed, and all four are amongst the 86 men (out of 166 prisoners in total) who were cleared for release by President Obama's inter-agency Guantánamo Review Task Force in January 2010, but are still held."

Who wouldn't trade that luxurious prayer mat and personal Koran for a little "freedom,"

Guant namo Hunger Striker Abu Wa el Dhiab The Mistreatment Now is More Severe than During Bush - Articles - Welcome to Close Guant namo
Gosh, how can one endure all those cultural/religious correct meals, have to look day after day at the arrow on the floor of his cell pointing towards Mecca, that prayer mat we gave him that wasn't his favorite color, his own personal Koran, courtesy of the US government, free medical and dental care, exercise facilities that include an outrageously expensive soccer field, library facility, TV, classes on various subject matter, toilet paper, and all the other forms of "torture" we've inflicted on them.
"Last week, lawyers for four hunger striking prisoners at Guantánamo asked a judge to order the government to stop their force-feeding and forced medication.

"The men -- Shaker Aamer, the last British resident in the prison, Ahmed Belbacha, and Nabil Hadjarab, both Algerians, and Abu Wa’el Dhiab, a Syrian -- are part of a prison-wide hunger strike that began in February 6, and that involves 106 of the remaining 166 prisoners according to the authorities, and at least 120 according to the prisoners.

"45 of those men -- including Ahmed Belbacha and Nabil Hadjarab -- are being force-fed, and all four are amongst the 86 men (out of 166 prisoners in total) who were cleared for release by President Obama's inter-agency Guantánamo Review Task Force in January 2010, but are still held."

Who wouldn't trade that luxurious prayer mat and personal Koran for a little "freedom,"

Guant namo Hunger Striker Abu Wa el Dhiab The Mistreatment Now is More Severe than During Bush - Articles - Welcome to Close Guant namo
If these men have been cleared for release and we still hold them we should be providing them with beachfront villas, fly their family in to see them and a generous monthly stipend
If these men have been cleared for release and we still hold them we should be providing them with beachfront villas, fly their family in to see them and a generous monthly stipend
Maybe we could pay those reparations by enacting a Death Tax on profits from the War on Terror? I'm sure Dick and Dubya would be happy to contribute.

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