Ginny Thomas, Aiding And Abetting The Capitol Insurrection


Dan Rather Has 2 Burning Questions For Clarence Thomas Amid New Revelations

It has been reported from numerous sources that Ginni Thomas, wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, sponsored 80 busloads of “protesters” to Wednesday’s insurrection at the Capitol. Let’s say each bus held 30 people. That’s over 2,000 individuals. This is in addition to promulgating the lies about Donald Trump’s “stolen election” through her social media up to and including the morning of Wednesday’s insurrection. What’s the likelihood that any one of those 2,400 individuals participated in the seditious attempt at overthrowing our government? Of course, Mrs. Thomas has since deleted the relevant social media posts, but they were already captured.

J6 Reichstag Fire

You are still allowed to protest in America
If Clarence had an ounce of ethics and patriotism...he would step down from the USSC. But it is obviously a MAGA and he will not. He will stay there and protect the MAGA world.

Remember this?

It has been reported from numerous sources that Ginni Thomas, wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, sponsored 80 busloads of “protesters” to Wednesday’s insurrection at the Capitol. Let’s say each bus held 30 people. That’s over 2,000 individuals. This is in addition to promulgating the lies about Donald Trump’s “stolen election” through her social media up to and including the morning of Wednesday’s insurrection. What’s the likelihood that any one of those 2,400 individuals participated in the seditious attempt at overthrowing our government? Of course, Mrs. Thomas has since deleted the relevant social media posts, but they were already captured.

Geez....sorry DemKlan Kid.....this is the same sort of logic that you all used in the 40s to hang a black man that dared to get educated and talk to a white girl...
Well, at least it’s not like she has a husband on the Supreme Court, the only judge who voted against the release of documents that might implicate her in the un-American effort to overturn an American election or something.

At LEAST things haven’t gotten THAT insane.

I am not sure which is deserving of the "King Wannabe" title more....trump or thomas.
At least there are some safeguards for trump. thomas has a job for life and appears to be without ethics, a conscious, and is untouchable.
I am not sure which is deserving of the "King Wannabe" title more....trump or thomas.
At least there are some safeguards for trump. thomas has a job for life and appears to be without ethics, a conscious, and is untouchable.
Yeah, he can pretty much say "tough shit", which would surely delight the authoritarian cult he and his wife represent.
It has been reported from numerous sources that Ginni Thomas, wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, sponsored 80 busloads of “protesters” to Wednesday’s insurrection at the Capitol. Let’s say each bus held 30 people. That’s over 2,000 individuals. This is in addition to promulgating the lies about Donald Trump’s “stolen election” through her social media up to and including the morning of Wednesday’s insurrection. What’s the likelihood that any one of those 2,400 individuals participated in the seditious attempt at overthrowing our government? Of course, Mrs. Thomas has since deleted the relevant social media posts, but they were already captured.

Ummmmmmmmmmmm, exactly how did she aid and abed?
It has been reported from numerous sources that Ginni Thomas, wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, sponsored 80 busloads of “protesters” to Wednesday’s insurrection at the Capitol. Let’s say each bus held 30 people. That’s over 2,000 individuals. This is in addition to promulgating the lies about Donald Trump’s “stolen election” through her social media up to and including the morning of Wednesday’s insurrection. What’s the likelihood that any one of those 2,400 individuals participated in the seditious attempt at overthrowing our government? Of course, Mrs. Thomas has since deleted the relevant social media posts, but they were already captured.

You are a moron. The vast majority of the people in DC on January 6th were peaceful protestors exercising their First Amendment rights to peacefully assemble and petition THEIR government for a resolution of their grievances. The fact that a few hundred out of a hundred and twenty thousand (according to Newsweek) protestors doesn't affect the majority and their lawful behavior.
You are a moron. The vast majority of the people in DC on January 6th were peaceful protestors exercising their First Amendment rights to peacefully assemble and petition THEIR government for a resolution of their grievances. The fact that a few hundred out of a hundred and twenty thousand (according to Newsweek) protestors doesn't affect the majority and their lawful behavior.
That's right. They were mostly peacefully protesting.
It's taken for granted you would not like having a mirror put up to your own face.
That's how the truth is.
You wouldn't recognize truth if it sat on your face. Those insurrectionists didn't just divine the same idea at the same time. And Trump said out loud and on worldwide TV that he wanted them to go to the capitol and "fight like hell!!" He even said he would go with them on that specific date. To deny that he had a major part in that riot is to be a fool or a sheep and there really isn't a stark difference between those two things. And now that there is evidence of a SC Justice's wife and Trump's chief of staff discussing overturning the election, the whole thing doesn't pass the smell test. If it was Biden doing something like that, the evidence would be overwhelming to you Trump Sheep.

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