Getting cancelled by Trump supporters

If you really want to embarrass yourself, I don’t have a problem allowing you to do so.

I said from the beginning that you’re clearly just trying to argue about nothing because you’re bored. You initiated this. This is what you wanted. And you’ve demonstrated very clearly how pathetic of a loser you really are.

Congratulations. :clap:
You lied from the beginning and I’m content to keep exposing your dishonesty. 👍

And your remain dishonest and cowardly all this time. I guess you find that easier than trying to find your balls and simply phrase your faux “question” in the form of a legitimate question.

:auiqs.jpg: :rofl::auiqs.jpg::rofl:
I'm a voter without a party. It's a damn shame too, because it was conservatism that built this country and kept the dollar value in check. It's why companies could afford to hire enough people to expand their company large enough to not only supply the USA, but also profit from foreign trade.
Now most of those other countries can't afford to buy American products.
Which is why we don't make TV, cell phones, computer game systems. It's why the automobile market is being decimated by Japan and others.

I have an nephew who works for GM. He makes over $50hr, plus benefits out the wazoo. And most of his day is watching movies on his phone.

Conservatism in traditional sense, commitment to traditional values and ideas with opposition to change or innovation was the dominate philosophy of both parties, the Federalist and the Democrat Republicans in the early 1800s. However, as the country grew so did political philosophies of the two parties.

Modern Conservatism got started in the 50's. It favors economic liberalism and neoliberalism, and is generally pro-business and pro-capitalism, while supporting anti-communism and opposing labor unions, inflation, and affirmative action. It often advocates a strong national defense, gun rights, free trade, capital punishment, and a defense of Western culture from perceived threats posed by both communism and moral relativism. Most of what modern conservative believe would have little meaning to the colonists.
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Not any of the important stuff. Like you know, balancing the budget, paying the deficit down, staying out of the free market. Hell, he couldn't even keep his promise to work more than he golfed, or "lock her up."
Did he promise any of that? He vastly reduced government meddling in the economy. Your whining is pathetic.
I remember watching him discuss how his team would scour the internet forums and social media and find what people were saying, and then incorporate those issues into his speeches. Brilliant and slimy at the same time.

But it does make one wonder, if he's got to find out what we're saying, because he don't really know what's wrong on our end, just how out of touch could he be.

Remember when W found out what the cost of a jug of milk was? How surprised he was? Betcha Trump would be the same way.
So giving voters wht they want is "sleazy?"
You lied from the beginning and I’m content to keep exposing your dishonesty. 👍

And your remain dishonest and cowardly all this time. I guess you find that easier than trying to find your balls and simply phrase your faux “question” in the form of a legitimate question.

:auiqs.jpg: :rofl::auiqs.jpg::rofl:
And you’re STILL going.

What a pathetic loser you are. :itsok:
I didn’t initiate conversation with you.

Again, you don’t have to. It’s a message board, you moron. :itsok:
You desperately seek my attention and you’re still going.
I’ve already refuted that lie. But in any case, if you want an actual on-topic conversation, just simply phrase your faux “question” in the form of a legitimate question.
Trump is the most conservative President we've had had since Calving Coolidge.

No one, and I mean NO ONE spends as much as Trump did and can be considered an actual conservative. It's not possible.
You can't borrow that much money, way beyond the deficit and be considered an actual conservative.

Here's a help for you, because being a republican, doesn't mean you're a conservative.

Fiscal conservatism is a political position (primarily in the United States of America) that calls for lower levels of public spending, lower taxes and lower government debt. Fiscal conservatism may also support limited periods of higher taxes in order to lower the public debt. It can include any or all levels of government, federal, state and local. Fiscal conservatism is typically justified in terms of economic efficiency (it assumes the private sector is more efficient than the public sector), and in moral terms with high spending, budget deficits, and high debt seen as indicators of corruption. In opposition to corruption fiscal conservatism develops classic themes of republicanism that emerged in the era of the American Revolution. Fiscal conservatism rejects the Keynesian policy of deficit spending.

Do you understand now how Trump isn't an actual conservative? He's more like a Reagan. Just talks conservatively. Says things like "I'm gong to decrease the debt to zero in 8 years," But spends more.
Or one of my favorites, "I'm going to lower taxes so Americans can keep more of their money." But then turns around and eliminates tax deductions. And devalues the dollar with all the Fed borrowing, that it now costs more to live on.
Instead of reducing the spending to keep the debt ceiling where it was, he eliminated the debt ceiling for two years. That's some liberal crap right there.

So when you say Trump is a conservative, I honestly don't think you know what a conservative is.

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