Get ready for more "Deep State" mania


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
Trump supporters and many on the alt right have found a convenient boogeyman to blame all their problems on The "Deep State" is supposed to be a group of shadowy power players within our government, media and law enforcement communities that are out to destroy Trump and family. Trump and his supporters need an enemy to blame all their problems on, and they can't use the Democrats anymore since the GOP controls the Senate, House and Whitehouse. This is going to be easy for the Trump folks to get away with since they don't have to so identify their enemy, and their followers are too ignorant and easily led bother to research this for themselves, so be prepared for a lot more of this Deep State garbage folks. The "Deep State" and their "Secret Society" will get ya, if you don't watch out!!

Fox News hosts ramp up ‘deep state’ conspiracies

Michael Goodwin: FBI memo proves the ‘deep state’ is real – and the press is part of it

Here is one from the National Enquirer, the most trusted name in news!! :bye1:

Donald Trump: Prez's Agenda Taken Hostage By Deep State Operatives!
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Trump supporters and many on the alt right have found a convenient boogeyman to blame all their problems on The "Deep State" is supposed to be a group of shadowy power players within our government, media and law enforcement communities that are out to destroy Trump and family. Trump and his supporters need an enemy to their problems on, and they can't use the Democrats anymore since the GOP controls the Senate, House and Whitehouse. This is going to be easy for the Trump folks to get away with since they don't have to so identify their enemy, and their followers are too ignorant and easily led bother to research this for themselves, so be prepared for a lot more of this folks. The "Deep State" and their "Secret Society" will get ya, if you don't watch out!!

Fox News hosts ramp up ‘deep state’ conspiracies

Michael Goodwin: FBI memo proves the ‘deep state’ is real – and the press is part of it

Here is one from the National Enquirer, the most trusted name in news!! :bye1:

Donald Trump: Prez's Agenda Taken Hostage By Deep State Operatives!

This is priceless, if you were to actually DO some research you'd have quite a different view of things.
Trump supporters and many on the alt right have found a convenient boogeyman to blame all their problems on The "Deep State" is supposed to be a group of shadowy power players within our government, media and law enforcement communities that are out to destroy Trump and family. Trump and his supporters need an enemy to their problems on, and they can't use the Democrats anymore since the GOP controls the Senate, House and Whitehouse. This is going to be easy for the Trump folks to get away with since they don't have to so identify their enemy, and their followers are too ignorant and easily led bother to research this for themselves, so be prepared for a lot more of this folks. The "Deep State" and their "Secret Society" will get ya, if you don't watch out!!

Fox News hosts ramp up ‘deep state’ conspiracies

Michael Goodwin: FBI memo proves the ‘deep state’ is real – and the press is part of it

Here is one from the National Enquirer, the most trusted name in news!! :bye1:

Donald Trump: Prez's Agenda Taken Hostage By Deep State Operatives!

This is priceless, if you were to actually DO some research you'd have quite a different view of things.
he's just irrational, incapable of hearing his views might be wrong. Can't argue with irrational individuals. their minds are made up. All the evidence won't change their minds.
Trump supporters and many on the alt right have found a convenient boogeyman to blame all their problems on The "Deep State" is supposed to be a group of shadowy power players within our government, media and law enforcement communities that are out to destroy Trump and family. Trump and his supporters need an enemy to blame all their problems on, and they can't use the Democrats anymore since the GOP controls the Senate, House and Whitehouse. This is going to be easy for the Trump folks to get away with since they don't have to so identify their enemy, and their followers are too ignorant and easily led bother to research this for themselves, so be prepared for a lot more of this Deep State garbage folks. The "Deep State" and their "Secret Society" will get ya, if you don't watch out!!

Fox News hosts ramp up ‘deep state’ conspiracies

Michael Goodwin: FBI memo proves the ‘deep state’ is real – and the press is part of it

Here is one from the National Enquirer, the most trusted name in news!! :bye1:

Donald Trump: Prez's Agenda Taken Hostage By Deep State Operatives!
The image of the deep state has taken a beating. Not so much the CIA, but the FBI and DoJ. They took sides and are certainly compromised. The swamp has to be drained before their reputation can be re-establsihed. Hillary was easy. Comey and company is harder.
Trump supporters and many on the alt right have found a convenient boogeyman to blame all their problems on The "Deep State" is supposed to be a group of shadowy power players within our government, media and law enforcement communities that are out to destroy Trump and family. Trump and his supporters need an enemy to their problems on, and they can't use the Democrats anymore since the GOP controls the Senate, House and Whitehouse. This is going to be easy for the Trump folks to get away with since they don't have to so identify their enemy, and their followers are too ignorant and easily led bother to research this for themselves, so be prepared for a lot more of this folks. The "Deep State" and their "Secret Society" will get ya, if you don't watch out!!

Fox News hosts ramp up ‘deep state’ conspiracies

Michael Goodwin: FBI memo proves the ‘deep state’ is real – and the press is part of it

Here is one from the National Enquirer, the most trusted name in news!! :bye1:

Donald Trump: Prez's Agenda Taken Hostage By Deep State Operatives!

This is priceless, if you were to actually DO some research you'd have quite a different view of things.
he's just irrational, incapable of hearing his views might be wrong. Can't argue with irrational individuals. their minds are made up. All the evidence won't change their minds.

The most common response is "prove it", I've learned that nobody really wants to know.
Trump supporters and many on the alt right have found a convenient boogeyman to blame all their problems on The "Deep State" is supposed to be a group of shadowy power players within our government, media and law enforcement communities that are out to destroy Trump and family. Trump and his supporters need an enemy to their problems on, and they can't use the Democrats anymore since the GOP controls the Senate, House and Whitehouse. This is going to be easy for the Trump folks to get away with since they don't have to so identify their enemy, and their followers are too ignorant and easily led bother to research this for themselves, so be prepared for a lot more of this Deep State garbage folks. The "Deep State" and their "Secret Society" will get ya, if you don't watch out!!

Fox News hosts ramp up ‘deep state’ conspiracies

Michael Goodwin: FBI memo proves the ‘deep state’ is real – and the press is part of it

Here is one from the National Enquirer, the most trusted name in news!! :bye1:

Donald Trump: Prez's Agenda Taken Hostage By Deep State Operatives!

It comes down to a simple cynical political calculation - impeachment or removal of Trump either via the 25th or pressure to resign because of criminal activities would mean the loss of the "Trump Base", the Trump loyalists -- a cult actually. Thus...

The GOP will be dead in the water for 2 election cycles because a high enough number in that "Trump" base will become so resentful and believe a great swindle or con has taken place. They will not vote GOP or only for outsider fringe losers.

The impotent anger of the Trumpian Cult has got the GOP mainstream scared to death. That is why so many committee chairmen and GOP INCUMBENTS are jumping ship in Nov. They're going to git while the gittin' is good.
It isn't the "deep state", it's the "top state". The shit-sucking traitors who are trying to nullify a lawful and legitimate presidential election reside at the top of the shit pile, not deep within it. Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Loretta Lynch, Schiff, Mueller, Comey, Pelosi, Schumer, and so on.
It isn't the "deep state", it's the "top state". The shit-sucking traitors who are trying to nullify a lawful and legitimate presidential election reside at the top of the shit pile, not deep within it. Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Loretta Lynch, Schiff, Mueller, Comey, Pelosi, Schumer, and so on.

Both Bush's, McCain, Graham, Flake and it goes on and on.
Trump supporters and many on the alt right have found a convenient boogeyman to blame all their problems on The "Deep State" is supposed to be a group of shadowy power players within our government, media and law enforcement communities that are out to destroy Trump and family. Trump and his supporters need an enemy to blame all their problems on, and they can't use the Democrats anymore since the GOP controls the Senate, House and Whitehouse. This is going to be easy for the Trump folks to get away with since they don't have to so identify their enemy, and their followers are too ignorant and easily led bother to research this for themselves, so be prepared for a lot more of this Deep State garbage folks. The "Deep State" and their "Secret Society" will get ya, if you don't watch out!!

Fox News hosts ramp up ‘deep state’ conspiracies

Michael Goodwin: FBI memo proves the ‘deep state’ is real – and the press is part of it

Here is one from the National Enquirer, the most trusted name in news!! :bye1:

Donald Trump: Prez's Agenda Taken Hostage By Deep State Operatives!

This is a total fail, you forgot "shadow government"!
Trump supporters and many on the alt right have found a convenient boogeyman to blame all their problems on The "Deep State" is supposed to be a group of shadowy power players within our government, media and law enforcement communities that are out to destroy Trump and family. Trump and his supporters need an enemy to their problems on, and they can't use the Democrats anymore since the GOP controls the Senate, House and Whitehouse. This is going to be easy for the Trump folks to get away with since they don't have to so identify their enemy, and their followers are too ignorant and easily led bother to research this for themselves, so be prepared for a lot more of this folks. The "Deep State" and their "Secret Society" will get ya, if you don't watch out!!

Fox News hosts ramp up ‘deep state’ conspiracies

Michael Goodwin: FBI memo proves the ‘deep state’ is real – and the press is part of it

Here is one from the National Enquirer, the most trusted name in news!! :bye1:

Donald Trump: Prez's Agenda Taken Hostage By Deep State Operatives!

This is priceless, if you were to actually DO some research you'd have quite a different view of things.
he's just irrational, incapable of hearing his views might be wrong. Can't argue with irrational individuals. their minds are made up. All the evidence won't change their minds.
Yet if you ask them about 'Shrub', Saddam, the Iraq War,CIA shipping in drugs, etc., many of their views are not that dissimilar. Everybody has their conspiracies...yet the other guy? Well he is a kook!
The Deep State = The Illuminati = NWO = Flat Earth society = Area 51 = 9/11 explosives = grassy knoll...

All of the CTs are the same.
The Deep State = The Illuminati = NWO = Flat Earth society

"Russian collusion" = Left-wing paranoid Neo McCarthyists = Tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy-theory imbeciles = Mentally ill.

Works for me. Let's put it all together....

The Deep State = The Illuminati = NWO = Flat Earth society = Russian collusion" = Left-wing paranoid Neo McCarthyists = Tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy-theory imbeciles = Mentally ill = Jgalt
The Deep State = The Illuminati = NWO = Flat Earth society

"Russian collusion" = Left-wing paranoid Neo McCarthyists = Tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy-theory imbeciles = Mentally ill.

Works for me. Let's put it all together....

The Deep State = The Illuminati = NWO = Flat Earth society = Russian collusion" = Left-wing paranoid Neo McCarthyists = Tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy-theory imbeciles = Mentally ill = Jgalt

It doesn't work that way, moron. You people are the ones who believe in some retarded fantasy about how the Russians caused Hillary to lose.

Over one year into the Trump Presidency and you're still desperately holding on to a crack-head's delusion that Hillary should be President now. It's your dream, and you're fucking living it out in 3D Technicolor. :laugh:

Trump supporters and many on the alt right have found a convenient boogeyman to blame all their problems on The "Deep State" is supposed to be a group of shadowy power players within our government, media and law enforcement communities that are out to destroy Trump and family. Trump and his supporters need an enemy to their problems on, and they can't use the Democrats anymore since the GOP controls the Senate, House and Whitehouse. This is going to be easy for the Trump folks to get away with since they don't have to so identify their enemy, and their followers are too ignorant and easily led bother to research this for themselves, so be prepared for a lot more of this folks. The "Deep State" and their "Secret Society" will get ya, if you don't watch out!!

Fox News hosts ramp up ‘deep state’ conspiracies

Michael Goodwin: FBI memo proves the ‘deep state’ is real – and the press is part of it

Here is one from the National Enquirer, the most trusted name in news!! :bye1:

Donald Trump: Prez's Agenda Taken Hostage By Deep State Operatives!

This is priceless, if you were to actually DO some research you'd have quite a different view of things.

If you were to acually stop doing "research" and simply payed attention to what is actually happening, you might not be so gullible.

Start with the idea that Trump is simply hapless and the entire infrastructure of the US is out to get him.
The Deep State = The Illuminati = NWO = Flat Earth society = Area 51 = 9/11 explosives = grassy knoll...

All of the CTs are the same.
The deep state equals the institutions we learned in HS social studies were set up by Founders and bipartisan agreements to protect the republic from being usurped by non-democratic means.

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