Germany to fire up coal stations as Russia squeezes gas supply


Germany must reduce natural gas consumption and increase the burning of coal in order to help fill gas storage facilities for next winter, German Economy Minister Robert Habeck announced Sunday as the country moves away from reduced Russian gas supplies.

“The situation is serious,” Habeck said in a statement. “We are therefore continuing to strengthen precautions and taking additional measures to reduce gas consumption. This means that gas consumption must fall further, but more gas must be put into the storage facilities, otherwise things will really get tight in winter.”

Germany to fire up coal stations as Russia squeezes gas supply

But what about Mah Carbon Footprint? Better hope Sweden does not invade. ;)

Carbon what? We have coal for the next 400 years, if we rationalize then perhaps for 800 years and if we rationalize very strong then 1200 years. Enough time to see Putins Russia die. And I'm quite sure we will find a way to bind the CO2 emissions. Perhaps we'll make canon balls out of it.

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So, are they basically telling the world "you know all that Doom and Gloom, we-are-all-dead-in-five-years-if-we-don't-all-go-green declaration? Yeah, it was all just B.S to fund massive global boondoggles while your Middle Class disappeared. Joke was on you, now it's on us.".

Another reminder why Trump was popular. He knew what was wrong/idiotic AND HE CALLED IT OUT RIGHT TO THE FACES OF LEADERS.

He called the Paris Accord a horrible deal that screwed over America. He told Germany that they would be dependent on Russia oil, he told NATO to ante-up.

More irony? It is precisely the policies that Trump promoted and fought for that are needed today.

Hang Trump.

I have no problem with alternative energy sources, it should be pushed by the private sector and it shouldn't just eliminate current practices in the intern.

Oh by the way, idiot, Canadian one. Canada produced one of the problems for Germany. You did not allow the German company Siemens in Canada to send back a compressor for naturally gas to Russia which was in maintenance work in a factory there - the only place in the world where this is able to be done from Siemens. Did you ever hear from Germany that it attacked Canada because of this nonsense? On the other side it would had been nice to have a little more time for us. In Afghanistan we had more than 20 years time to look for Osama Bin Laden before we had to leave Afganistan the day before yesterday and lost a not-war. I hope the USA caught Osama Bin Laden meanwhile.

Sometimes I fear English speaking allies are the worst allies Germany ever had in history.

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What I don't understand is why they don't go back to their nuclear power plants that they shut down.

We don't have fuel elements any longer and the world is full of terrorists and in the neighborhood is an essential war. This are three reasons not to do so. And as far as I know we decided nothing in this context. We still think about - but I don't think we will do so: more risks than chances.
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Germany must reduce natural gas consumption and increase the burning of coal in order to help fill gas storage facilities for next winter, German Economy Minister Robert Habeck announced Sunday as the country moves away from reduced Russian gas supplies.

“The situation is serious,” Habeck said in a statement. “We are therefore continuing to strengthen precautions and taking additional measures to reduce gas consumption. This means that gas consumption must fall further, but more gas must be put into the storage facilities, otherwise things will really get tight in winter.”

Germany to fire up coal stations as Russia squeezes gas supply

But what about Mah Carbon Footprint? Better hope Sweden does not invade. ;)

Chuckle chuckle,

sorry, but it's impossible to reactivate or increase capacity of coal power plants in the country of communist idiots.
The united communists of CSU-CDU-SPD-FDP-Greens-Lefts have fought since 15 years against sane energy production in the name of their climate utopia.
Most of specialists either emigrated or retired either died.
Who will do commissioning of dead plants or build new ones ( for example nuclear )
The truth is the industry of Germany ceases out to exist in this winter.
Biden is removing excess money from the economy, by running a record budget surplus, raising interest rates, quantitative tightening & raising taxes will be next.

Oil drillers are booming & Taiwan is moving chip equipment to safety here in the USA.
Germany took a weak-kneed approach. They should have immediately torn town down all those coal fired plants. But it's not too late for them to see the error of their ways. Perhaps Russia could help the Germans re-discover their conscience?
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They've been the most hawkish party towards Russia in Germany.
Germany was surprised by the effectiveness of Ukraine's resistance. They were hoping it would be over in a few weeks. Surprise!
Germany was surprised by the effectiveness of Ukraine's resistance. They were hoping it would be over in a few weeks. Surprise!
They are not alone, Putin was surprised as well.
No such thing as a free lunch. Besides colder temperatures will eventually end all of this nonsense.

You need a world-war and freezing people to ignore intentionally the effects of global warming? ... Since some weeks I use from time to time the expression "super-idiot". I guess slowly I understand really why I do so.
Germany was surprised by the effectiveness of Ukraine's resistance. They were hoping it would be over in a few weeks. Surprise!

I personally was not hoping it will end in a few weeks - I saw not any chance for the Ukraine to win this war. What's by the way still a problem. It's an asymetric war which is able to last years - or even decades. The Ukrainians hope now it will end before winter will come. And the Ukraine has to take care not to lose people in senseles actions. I hate a wrong senseless heroism. Specially the heroism of couch potatoes million miles far from the dying people in this war. Not only Ukrainian - also Russian soldiers have mothers.
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