German Doctor Dr. Heiko Schöning arrested at Hyde park 26th Sept 2020


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
The well-known German doctor Heiko Schöning has been arrested in London.
His 'crime'. He wanted to speak the truth about Covid-19 scamdemic.
I'm pretty sure this thread as always will be quickly moved to the Conspiracy Theories or Rubber Room sub-forums.

Why, it isn´t a conspiracy that he was arrested. Self-staging and mere advertisement. But in the end, all the nuts will take the Trump-vaccine. Because it is a vaccine offered by Trump (still Bill Gates´ vaccine, hehe)

Why, it isn´t a conspiracy that he was arrested. Self-staging and mere advertisement. But in the end, all the nuts will take the Trump-vaccine. Because it is a vaccine offered by Trump (still Bill Gates´ vaccine, hehe)

When you go to aforementioned sub-forums you can find a big lot of my threads about Corona Hoax which have been moved there. Why, I dunno. One I know is Google, Youtube, Facebook & Co quickly delate any critic on the Corona scam.
Due to the USMB rules I'm allowed not to say more.
By the way:
We are on the best way to end in the NWO Prison, the case of DR Schoning confirms it.
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Why, it isn´t a conspiracy that he was arrested. Self-staging and mere advertisement. But in the end, all the nuts will take the Trump-vaccine. Because it is a vaccine offered by Trump (still Bill Gates´ vaccine, hehe)

/—— / You think the president is cooking up a vaccine in the White House kitchen?
Why, it isn´t a conspiracy that he was arrested. Self-staging and mere advertisement. But in the end, all the nuts will take the Trump-vaccine. Because it is a vaccine offered by Trump (still Bill Gates´ vaccine, hehe)

When you go to aforementioned sub-forums you can find a big lot of my threads about Corona Hoax which have been moved there. Why, I dunno. One I know is Google, Youtube, Facebook & Co quickly delate any critic on the Corona scam.
Due to the USMB rules I'm allowed not to say more.
By the way:
We are on the best way to end in the NWO Prison, the case of DR Schoning confirms it.
I bet the guy has been released already, there is no reason for dramatizing.
Why, it isn´t a conspiracy that he was arrested. Self-staging and mere advertisement. But in the end, all the nuts will take the Trump-vaccine. Because it is a vaccine offered by Trump (still Bill Gates´ vaccine, hehe)

/—— / You think the president is cooking up a vaccine in the White House kitchen?
View attachment 393506

All 'vaccines' have been already 'cooked' by Gates including ones of Putin, EU & etc.
There are only three outcomes after injection:

1. You will die within few years (95%)
2. You will get chipped and becomes a bio-robot of NWO (3%)
3. You will be killed by 5G and the implanted NWO chip (2%)

In all cases you give your soul to Satan ( read The Revelation book ) and sooner or later ( but not too late ) die.
Therefore NWO and its true servants like almost all leading politicians worldwide ( except of course 'dictator' Lukashenko) destroy our economies and force us to the 'vaccine'
Why, it isn´t a conspiracy that he was arrested. Self-staging and mere advertisement. But in the end, all the nuts will take the Trump-vaccine. Because it is a vaccine offered by Trump (still Bill Gates´ vaccine, hehe)

/—— / You think the president is cooking up a vaccine in the White House kitchen?
View attachment 393506
Pray it is not his vaccine...

What I meant is the vaccine will certainly be free of charge.
Why, it isn´t a conspiracy that he was arrested. Self-staging and mere advertisement. But in the end, all the nuts will take the Trump-vaccine. Because it is a vaccine offered by Trump (still Bill Gates´ vaccine, hehe)

When you go to aforementioned sub-forums you can find a big lot of my threads about Corona Hoax which have been moved there. Why, I dunno. One I know is Google, Youtube, Facebook & Co quickly delate any critic on the Corona scam.
Due to the USMB rules I'm allowed not to say more.
By the way:
We are on the best way to end in the NWO Prison, the case of DR Schoning confirms it.
I bet the guy has been released already, there is no reason for dramatizing.

I doubt it.
All criminals who invented and supported Corona Hoax know, they will be sentenced to death after their lose their power.
Therefore they will murder any opposition to them.
Dr Schoning is the leader of German Resistaince, what have Jones & Co to loose if they sentence him to prison, than kill by Novitshok and blame Putin.

We are now in the New Amazing World!
All know Corona is a Hoax, but how peoples can became their countries back from the gang of international criminals, not more as 10,000
NWO will perform an example by Dr Schoning

I found the lefty flavour of the Trafalgar Square demo rather disturbing. The organisers preaching love and peace; where have I heard that before?

David Icke used to be Green. Piers Corbyn, tainted by his blood link to Jeremy.
Why, it isn´t a conspiracy that he was arrested. Self-staging and mere advertisement. But in the end, all the nuts will take the Trump-vaccine. Because it is a vaccine offered by Trump (still Bill Gates´ vaccine, hehe)

/—— / You think the president is cooking up a vaccine in the White House kitchen?
View attachment 393506
Pray it is not his vaccine...

What I meant is the vaccine will certainly be free of charge.

Trump, Putin, Macron, Merkel, Erdogan etc. know the 'vaccine' is our death.
Otherwise they pretty sure, all of them are death after they loose their power and peoples will sue them for the high treason, murder of economies and tens of millions of colalteral damages.
It is the war, humanity against diabolic criminals and it will be an ozean of blood.
Most of world 'rulers' are freemasons, satanists and have their own agenda.
Do you believe, those who want to murder more as 95% humans, invent lock downs and gen-manipulated 'vaccines' will refuse to kill millions leaders of resistance?
I found the lefty flavour of the Trafalgar Square demo rather disturbing. The organisers preaching love and peace; where have I heard that before?

David Icke used to be Green. Piers Corbyn, tainted by his blood link to Jeremy.

Idiots shall demand resignation of criminal governments
Why, it isn´t a conspiracy that he was arrested. Self-staging and mere advertisement. But in the end, all the nuts will take the Trump-vaccine. Because it is a vaccine offered by Trump (still Bill Gates´ vaccine, hehe)

/—— / You think the president is cooking up a vaccine in the White House kitchen?
View attachment 393506
Pray it is not his vaccine...

What I meant is the vaccine will certainly be free of charge.

Trump, Putin, Macron, Merkel, Erdogan etc. know the 'vaccine' is our death.
Otherwise they pretty sure, all of them are death after they loose their power and peoples will sue them for the high treason, murder of economies and tens of millions of colalteral damages.
It is the war, humanity against diabolic criminals and it will be an ozean of blood.
Most of world 'rulers' are freemasons, satanists and have their own agenda.
Do you believe, those who want to murder more as 95% humans, invent lock downs and gen-manipulated 'vaccines' will refuse to kill millions leaders of resistance?

Our inflated systems will collapse one way or another in the future. Death by vaccine would be really preferable. Humanity is about to destroy itself. So, for real: IF they are about to kill them, it is mere population control. Sad but true.
So when you have a house infested by cockroaches they will breed and breed and ultimately become too many and all will die.
Why, it isn´t a conspiracy that he was arrested. Self-staging and mere advertisement. But in the end, all the nuts will take the Trump-vaccine. Because it is a vaccine offered by Trump (still Bill Gates´ vaccine, hehe)

/—— / You think the president is cooking up a vaccine in the White House kitchen?
View attachment 393506
Pray it is not his vaccine...

What I meant is the vaccine will certainly be free of charge.

Trump, Putin, Macron, Merkel, Erdogan etc. know the 'vaccine' is our death.
Otherwise they pretty sure, all of them are death after they loose their power and peoples will sue them for the high treason, murder of economies and tens of millions of colalteral damages.
It is the war, humanity against diabolic criminals and it will be an ozean of blood.
Most of world 'rulers' are freemasons, satanists and have their own agenda.
Do you believe, those who want to murder more as 95% humans, invent lock downs and gen-manipulated 'vaccines' will refuse to kill millions leaders of resistance?

Our inflated systems will collapse one way or another in the future. Death by vaccine would be really preferable. Humanity is about to destroy itself. So, for real: IF they are about to kill them, it is mere population control. Sad but true.
So when you have a house infested by cockroaches they will breed and breed and ultimately become too many and all will die.

Humanity has enough place to live happily and peacefully.
The problem is a satanic cult which haunts humans longer as 6,000 years, seized entirely power and now wants to murder us all.
I advise you to reread Evangelium of John and Revelation Book to understand what's going on now.

The created by God Earth can fill more as 200bn or more to live happily, well feed and satisfied.
The satanic cult mind not more as 200m and hardly purses its agenda.

How many inventions were destroyed by these satanists through centuries?
For example those of Tesla, a 100 years ago.

Goal: to stop the development of humanity.

Why, it isn´t a conspiracy that he was arrested. Self-staging and mere advertisement. But in the end, all the nuts will take the Trump-vaccine. Because it is a vaccine offered by Trump (still Bill Gates´ vaccine, hehe)

/—— / You think the president is cooking up a vaccine in the White House kitchen?
View attachment 393506
Pray it is not his vaccine...

What I meant is the vaccine will certainly be free of charge.

Trump, Putin, Macron, Merkel, Erdogan etc. know the 'vaccine' is our death.
Otherwise they pretty sure, all of them are death after they loose their power and peoples will sue them for the high treason, murder of economies and tens of millions of colalteral damages.
It is the war, humanity against diabolic criminals and it will be an ozean of blood.
Most of world 'rulers' are freemasons, satanists and have their own agenda.
Do you believe, those who want to murder more as 95% humans, invent lock downs and gen-manipulated 'vaccines' will refuse to kill millions leaders of resistance?

Our inflated systems will collapse one way or another in the future. Death by vaccine would be really preferable. Humanity is about to destroy itself. So, for real: IF they are about to kill them, it is mere population control. Sad but true.
So when you have a house infested by cockroaches they will breed and breed and ultimately become too many and all will die.

Humanity has enough place to live happily and peacefully.
The problem is a satanic cult which haunts humans longer as 6,000 years, seized entirely power and now wants to murder us all.
I advise you to reread Evangelium of John and Revelation Book to understand what's going on now.

The created by God Earth can fill more as 200bn or more to live happily, well feed and satisfied.
The satanic cult mind not more as 200m and hardly purses its agenda.

How many inventions were destroyed by these satanists through centuries?
For example those of Tesla, a 100 years ago.

Goal: to stop the development of humanity.


200bn in Hong Kong human cages.


14bn is the maximum the world can feed with agriculture.
Why, it isn´t a conspiracy that he was arrested. Self-staging and mere advertisement. But in the end, all the nuts will take the Trump-vaccine. Because it is a vaccine offered by Trump (still Bill Gates´ vaccine, hehe)

No vaccine can save us because the wuflu is a moving target that will continue mutating
Why, it isn´t a conspiracy that he was arrested. Self-staging and mere advertisement. But in the end, all the nuts will take the Trump-vaccine. Because it is a vaccine offered by Trump (still Bill Gates´ vaccine, hehe)

/—— / You think the president is cooking up a vaccine in the White House kitchen?
View attachment 393506
Pray it is not his vaccine...

What I meant is the vaccine will certainly be free of charge.

Trump, Putin, Macron, Merkel, Erdogan etc. know the 'vaccine' is our death.
Otherwise they pretty sure, all of them are death after they loose their power and peoples will sue them for the high treason, murder of economies and tens of millions of colalteral damages.
It is the war, humanity against diabolic criminals and it will be an ozean of blood.
Most of world 'rulers' are freemasons, satanists and have their own agenda.
Do you believe, those who want to murder more as 95% humans, invent lock downs and gen-manipulated 'vaccines' will refuse to kill millions leaders of resistance?

Our inflated systems will collapse one way or another in the future. Death by vaccine would be really preferable. Humanity is about to destroy itself. So, for real: IF they are about to kill them, it is mere population control. Sad but true.
So when you have a house infested by cockroaches they will breed and breed and ultimately become too many and all will die.

Humanity has enough place to live happily and peacefully.
The problem is a satanic cult which haunts humans longer as 6,000 years, seized entirely power and now wants to murder us all.
I advise you to reread Evangelium of John and Revelation Book to understand what's going on now.

The created by God Earth can fill more as 200bn or more to live happily, well feed and satisfied.
The satanic cult mind not more as 200m and hardly purses its agenda.

How many inventions were destroyed by these satanists through centuries?
For example those of Tesla, a 100 years ago.

Goal: to stop the development of humanity.


200bn in Hong Kong human cages.


14bn is the maximum the world can feed with agriculture.

Just google how many technologies are destroyed or prohibited to spread the lie like that written by you.
Why, it isn´t a conspiracy that he was arrested. Self-staging and mere advertisement. But in the end, all the nuts will take the Trump-vaccine. Because it is a vaccine offered by Trump (still Bill Gates´ vaccine, hehe)

No vaccine can save us because the wuflu is a moving target that will continue mutating

You are naive.
NWO wants to kill us, you will be forced to accept the 'vaccine' and than die.
Loook what's going on, NWO arrests Dr Schoning without any reason.

Thanks God he's been relased right now.

Why, it isn´t a conspiracy that he was arrested. Self-staging and mere advertisement. But in the end, all the nuts will take the Trump-vaccine. Because it is a vaccine offered by Trump (still Bill Gates´ vaccine, hehe)

No vaccine can save us because the wuflu is a moving target that will continue mutating

You are naive.
NWO wants to kill us, you will be forced to accept the 'vaccine' and than die.
Loook what's going on, NWO arrests Dr Schoning without any reason.

Thanks God he's been relased right now.

I am not against vaccines

I have been taking them all my life beginning with the Polio shot

I just dont see the wuflu vaccine a magic bullet that will solve all our problems
Why, it isn´t a conspiracy that he was arrested. Self-staging and mere advertisement. But in the end, all the nuts will take the Trump-vaccine. Because it is a vaccine offered by Trump (still Bill Gates´ vaccine, hehe)

No vaccine can save us because the wuflu is a moving target that will continue mutating

You are naive.
NWO wants to kill us, you will be forced to accept the 'vaccine' and than die.
Loook what's going on, NWO arrests Dr Schoning without any reason.

Thanks God he's been relased right now.

I am not against vaccines

I have been taking them all my life beginning with the Polio shot

I just dont see the wuflu vaccine a magic bullet that will solve all our problems

I advise you to visit the web page of the doctor, just read a little bit about him

I advise you to visit the web page of the doctor, just read a little bit about him
I did not spend much time but if this is the issue I agree:

The rally was organized by groups opposing a second lockdown in the UK, along with mandatory vaccination efforts by the government once a vaccine is approved. The doctor was pat of a group of hundreds of German doctors and scientists who have signed on to investigate and analyze whether the heavy handed measures favored by governments to combat the virus were the appropriate response.

The shutdown is unnecessary

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