Georgetown co-ed: Please pay for us to have sex …

Same old tactic. Hold up a poster child as a human shield so the vast majority who just want a pill so they can fuck their brains out can get them for free.


Then you will undoubtedly be bitching tomorrow about the high cost of health care and demanding the government do something about it.
so now youre the moral authority for us all?

This truly takes some nerve. Are you the moral authority for the Catholic Church?

Because that's what this is about. The State invaded the Church and directed them to violate their religious faith.

You aren't going to have much wiggle room when the State invades your bedroom after this, seeing as how you are okay with this.

i dont choose to follow any religious teachings. so i am not bound by anything the catholic church stands for or teaches. why are you forcing your beliefs on non believers?

how is the state coming into my bedroom? this outta be an interesting line
Ms. Fluke angry at the idea that she be 'forced' to attend another (less pretigious) university that would pay for contraceptives, or be 'forced' to abstain. Apparently she doesn't think women have the ability to 'just say no' and they have a right to casual sex, paid for by others:

"We refuse to pick between a quality education and our health and we resent that, in the 21st Century, anyone thinks it’s acceptable to ask us to make that choice simply because we are women,” Fluke said.

"Ms. Fluke, Iresent that you think women are incapable of controlling themselves, of sacrificing temporary pleasure for the sake of long-term success. You make us sound like animals, slaves to our instincts and able to be used, but we’re better than that. We’re persons, equal to men in dignity and love."

Georgetown co-ed: Please pay for us to have sex … We’re going broke buying birth control « Hot Air

Socialist/Progressive women really are very dumb. They really do believe they're entitled to Taxpayers paying for their slutty lifestyles. They really do believe that shite. They believe that because that's all they've been told all their lives by moronic Democrats. Welcome to 'Generation Gimme' i guess. What a country. :cuckoo:
Ms. Fluke angry at the idea that she be 'forced' to attend another (less pretigious) university that would pay for contraceptives, or be 'forced' to abstain. Apparently she doesn't think women have the ability to 'just say no' and they have a right to casual sex, paid for by others:

"We refuse to pick between a quality education and our health and we resent that, in the 21st Century, anyone thinks it’s acceptable to ask us to make that choice simply because we are women,” Fluke said.

"Ms. Fluke, Iresent that you think women are incapable of controlling themselves, of sacrificing temporary pleasure for the sake of long-term success. You make us sound like animals, slaves to our instincts and able to be used, but we’re better than that. We’re persons, equal to men in dignity and love."

Georgetown co-ed: Please pay for us to have sex … We’re going broke buying birth control « Hot Air

Before listening to this woman, I pretty much had sided myself with the Church's stance. However, she made a statement that if true, changes my mind completely. If you listen to the entire video, at the end, you will find her statement that the University does not pay a single penny of the health insurance. It is the students who pay the full bill. The students apparently just get better rates being part of the university insurance program. But the university does not pay any part of the student's insurance. So why should the university decide what the insurance can and can't cover if they are not paying for it? If the university was making the insurance payment or even paying a percentage of it, then I could support the argument against providing contraception. But this is not the case apparently.
i dont choose to follow any religious teachings. so i am not bound by anything the catholic church stands for or teaches. why are you forcing your beliefs on non believers?

If you are using the pill to keep from getting pregnant, that is not using it for medical purposes. So you are asking for your sex life to be subsidized with other people's money and that is a bogus request.

Providing the pill to women who actually need it for medical reasons is a small cost. Subsidizing your sex life would increase that cost by a factor of ten. Using sick, innocent women as human shields to get yourself a handout is reprehensible.

If this was really about health, you would be asking for condoms as they actually prevent the spread of disease.
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i dont choose to follow any religious teachings. so i am not bound by anything the catholic church stands for or teaches. why are you forcing your beliefs on non believers?

If you are using the pill to keep from getting pregnant, that is not using it for medical purposes. So you are asking for your sex life to be subsidized with other people's money and that is a bogus request.

Providing the pill to women who actually need it for medical reasons is a small cost. Subsidizing your sex life would increase that cost by a factor of ten. Using sick, innocent women as human shields to get yourself a handout is reprehensible.

If this was really about health, you would be asking for condoms as they actually prevent the spread of disease.
that is your personal belief, not mine. is that the argument of the insurance companies? is that argument of the health care providers? (outside the church that is) why should it be law that i follow your belief instead of be able to choose how i live my own life?

youve become so brainwashed by your religious views, you can see the simple freedom of choice here for the individual. unless youre part of the corporations are people too crowd.
the next thing you know these brain damaged women will be saying we need single payer welfare insurance to cover make-up, hair cuts and mani-pedi's as "health issues".....................
the next thing you know these brain damaged women will be saying we need single payer welfare insurance to cover make-up, hair cuts and mani-pedi's as "health issues".....................
does make up, hair cuts or mani-pedi's treating any know medical conditions?
i dont choose to follow any religious teachings. so i am not bound by anything the catholic church stands for or teaches. why are you forcing your beliefs on non believers?

If you are using the pill to keep from getting pregnant, that is not using it for medical purposes. So you are asking for your sex life to be subsidized with other people's money and that is a bogus request.

Providing the pill to women who actually need it for medical reasons is a small cost. Subsidizing your sex life would increase that cost by a factor of ten. Using sick, innocent women as human shields to get yourself a handout is reprehensible.

If this was really about health, you would be asking for condoms as they actually prevent the spread of disease.
that is your personal belief, not mine. is that the argument of the insurance companies? is that argument of the health care providers? (outside the church that is) why should it be law that i follow your belief instead of be able to choose how i live my own life?

youve become so brainwashed by your religious views, you can see the simple freedom of choice here for the individual. unless youre part of the corporations are people too crowd.

"That woman over there has acne, so I want you to make that guy over there pay for MY pill."

Liberal shameless beggaring at its finest.
the next thing you know these brain damaged women will be saying we need single payer welfare insurance to cover make-up, hair cuts and mani-pedi's as "health issues".....................
does make up, hair cuts or mani-pedi's treating any know medical conditions?

I would not be surprised if they declared the lack of such coverage a mental health issue and started demanding those "treatments" be covered, too. Don't give them any more ideas!:eusa_hand:
If you are using the pill to keep from getting pregnant, that is not using it for medical purposes. So you are asking for your sex life to be subsidized with other people's money and that is a bogus request.

Providing the pill to women who actually need it for medical reasons is a small cost. Subsidizing your sex life would increase that cost by a factor of ten. Using sick, innocent women as human shields to get yourself a handout is reprehensible.

If this was really about health, you would be asking for condoms as they actually prevent the spread of disease.
that is your personal belief, not mine. is that the argument of the insurance companies? is that argument of the health care providers? (outside the church that is) why should it be law that i follow your belief instead of be able to choose how i live my own life?

youve become so brainwashed by your religious views, you can see the simple freedom of choice here for the individual. unless youre part of the corporations are people too crowd.

"That woman over there has acne, so I want you to make that guy over there pay for MY pill."

Liberal shameless beggaring at its finest.
i personally have no problem paying my premiums and having them used for other people services. all i expect is that when i do need services that they are readily available. why are you against this simple premise?
that is your personal belief, not mine. is that the argument of the insurance companies? is that argument of the health care providers? (outside the church that is) why should it be law that i follow your belief instead of be able to choose how i live my own life?

youve become so brainwashed by your religious views, you can see the simple freedom of choice here for the individual. unless youre part of the corporations are people too crowd.

"That woman over there has acne, so I want you to make that guy over there pay for MY pill."

Liberal shameless beggaring at its finest.
i personally have no problem paying my premiums and having them used for other people services. all i expect is that when i do need services that they are readily available. why are you against this simple premise?

Because there is NO MEDICAL PURPOSE to the pill for people who take it so they can fuck. A pill for fucking is not the same as a mammogram for cancer. How hard is that to comprehend? Paying for UNNECESSARY SHIT drives up health care costs, you idiot!

Why should I be forced to pay for your sex life? Get your fucking hands out of my pocket!
Personally, i'm not buying her Bullshite about not affording contraception. I bet she drives a nice car, and owns all the latest gadgets like MacBooks,iPads, iPhones etc. etc...
"That woman over there has acne, so I want you to make that guy over there pay for MY pill."

Liberal shameless beggaring at its finest.
i personally have no problem paying my premiums and having them used for other people services. all i expect is that when i do need services that they are readily available. why are you against this simple premise?

Because there is NO MEDICAL PURPOSE to the pill for people who take it so they can fuck. A pill for fucking is not the same as a mammogram for cancer. How hard is that to comprehend? Paying for UNNECESSARY SHIT drives up health care costs, you idiot!

Why should I be forced to pay for your sex life? Get your fucking hands out of my pocket!
so a women who doesnt want to get pregnant but wants to have sex with her husband is now somehow and evil baby killer? great argument.

why should i pay for your lung cancer treatment when you chose to smoke and i didnt? why should i pay for your kids leukemia meds, when you chose to have a kid and i didnt? why should i choose to pay for your heart transplant when you ate too much red meat and i didnt? why should i help subsidize your viagra when i clearly dont need it. i can make this argument all day.
I think free birth control should be provided by the government, but only for liberals. Anything we can do to limit liberals from raising the next generation the better.
This woman would be the first on the list to receive all the birth control she needs for her busy sex life.
Personally, i'm not buying her Bullshite about not affording contraception. I bet she drives a nice car, and owns all the latest gadgets like MacBooks,iPads, iPhones etc. etc...

And she attends a school that cost $60K a year.

Which is more than the average income. But she wants the average income earner to pay for her pill, which serves no medical purpose for her.
Before listening to this woman, I pretty much had sided myself with the Church's stance. However, she made a statement that if true, changes my mind completely. If you listen to the entire video, at the end, you will find her statement that the University does not pay a single penny of the health insurance. It is the students who pay the full bill. The students apparently just get better rates being part of the university insurance program. But the university does not pay any part of the student's insurance. So why should the university decide what the insurance can and can't cover if they are not paying for it? If the university was making the insurance payment or even paying a percentage of it, then I could support the argument against providing contraception. But this is not the case apparently.

When my kids were at home, I wouldn't let them have or smoke marijuana in the house.

Even though I wasn't paying for the marijuana, I still wouldn't let them have it in my house.

Outrageous, isn't it? Just because it is my house, I had some sense of entitlement like I should get to make the rules...
This numbnuts is just another typical whiny Entitlement douche. Another wonderful Democrat creation. Welcome to 'Generation Gimme.' Thanks a lot Dems. :(
the next thing you know these brain damaged women will be saying we need single payer welfare insurance to cover make-up, hair cuts and mani-pedi's as "health issues".....................

how about free maxi-pads.....? after all that's for actual bleeding....:eusa_whistle:
the next thing you know these brain damaged women will be saying we need single payer welfare insurance to cover make-up, hair cuts and mani-pedi's as "health issues".....................

how about free maxi-pads.....? after all that's for actual bleeding....:eusa_whistle:

If individual's aren't required to be responsible for themselves to some extent then it's possible to justify anything and everything.
Ms. Fluke angry at the idea that she be 'forced' to attend another (less pretigious) university that would pay for contraceptives, or be 'forced' to abstain. Apparently she doesn't think women have the ability to 'just say no' and they have a right to casual sex, paid for by others:

"We refuse to pick between a quality education and our health and we resent that, in the 21st Century, anyone thinks it’s acceptable to ask us to make that choice simply because we are women,” Fluke said.

"Ms. Fluke, Iresent that you think women are incapable of controlling themselves, of sacrificing temporary pleasure for the sake of long-term success. You make us sound like animals, slaves to our instincts and able to be used, but we’re better than that. We’re persons, equal to men in dignity and love."

Georgetown co-ed: Please pay for us to have sex … We’re going broke buying birth control « Hot Air

Before listening to this woman, I pretty much had sided myself with the Church's stance. However, she made a statement that if true, changes my mind completely. If you listen to the entire video, at the end, you will find her statement that the University does not pay a single penny of the health insurance. It is the students who pay the full bill. The students apparently just get better rates being part of the university insurance program. But the university does not pay any part of the student's insurance. So why should the university decide what the insurance can and can't cover if they are not paying for it? If the university was making the insurance payment or even paying a percentage of it, then I could support the argument against providing contraception. But this is not the case apparently.

Your question is logical and I suspect one that will be ignored by all except the far left who will grasp at straws and say "Yeah! Way to go. That is what we have been saying all along."

It is a logical question and one that I don't know for sure that I have a decent answer to.

I've argued this point until I am blue in the face with one very illogical person on this board. The point is that neither Ms. Fluke nor the entire force of Democratic Congressmen and women have the right to force Georgetown University, the Catholic Church, me or anyone else to offer a benefit that we do not want to offer.

Ms. Fluke claims that she and the other students pay for the policy on their own. Okay, fine, they pay for their own insurance. If that is the case, and I have no reason to doubt her then she is more than welcome to contact any insurance company that is licensed to sell insurance in the District of Columbia and negotiate her own policies that include contraceptive coverage.

"But wait!" you say, "she as a student at Georgetown University, gets a discount on the premiums." Exactly!!! the point. She expects the University to assist her with a discount on an insurance policy that includes something that the Catholic Church and the University are adamently opposed to. She has a choice. Accept the discount and pay for her own contraceptives or contact a new insurance broker and negotiate her own premiums on a policy that provides contraceptive coverage. Let her make the choice.

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