George Zimmerman involved in shooting

I know many felons who haven't been in NEARLY as many police incidents as Zimmerman has. Either he has the worst luck in the world, or something is off about this dude.

I think he's a little off but given how he was railroaded I can understand some of it

Railroaded? People questioned why an unarmed 17 year old was killed by someone who isn't a cop.

Now later news stories are bringing into question his mental stability. This guy is a ticking time bomb.

He was railroaded, they knew the facts and still tried to prosecute and we told you all they would never get a conviction

No. His acquittal was due to nobody but Zimmerman knowing the facts. There was not enough evidence. He wasn't found innocent. He was found not guilty.

Pulease my husband is an attorney and he knew going in they would never convict. Give it a rest, you all hoped against hope and lost
Cool story....bro?
You can't comprehend why the guy who shot an unarmed kid is in constant legal trouble? He's a fucking nutcase, and that's why Trayvon is dead. This nothing of a neighborhood watch guy shoots a boy, speeds, beats his girlfriend twice, and gets shot in the span of a couple years, and he's not off his rocker a bit? He's a fucking loose cannon.

We had this discussion ad nauseam two years ago. Zimmerman is now marked with a bullseye squarely painted on his freaking forehead from that point on and very easily recognized. Since he was AQUITTED of any wrongdoing in the death of that thug punk Martin, Zimmerman WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO LIVE A NORMAL LIFE UNTIL SOME ASSHOLE KILLS HIM. Count on it happening.
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You can't comprehend why the guy who shot an unarmed kid is in constant legal trouble? He's a fucking nutcase, and that's why Trayvon is dead. This nothing of a neighborhood watch guy shoots a boy, speeds, beats his girlfriend twice, and gets shot in the span of a couple years, and he's not off his rocker a bit? He's a fucking loose cannon.

We had this discussion ad nausea two years ago. Zimmerman is now marked with a bullseye squarely painted on his freaking forehead from that point on and very easily recognized. Since he was AQUITTED of any wrongdoing in the death of that thug punk Martin, Zimmerman WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO LIVE A NORMAL LIFE UNTIL SOME ASSHOLE KILLS HIM. Count on it happening.

Porker usually sees someone having constant run ins with the police as being someone who is irresponsible at least.

Now we see its all the police fault.

Or Liberals fault.

Or...Oooh, Liberal Polices fault!!
Porker usually sees someone having constant run ins with the police as being someone who is irresponsible at least.

Now we see its all the police fault.

Or Liberals fault.

Or...Oooh, Liberal Polices fault!!

Like the dead thug Trayvon Martin. Like another dead thug...Michael Brown. Like another dead thug, Mr. Gray of Baltimore.
I know many felons who haven't been in NEARLY as many police incidents as Zimmerman has. Either he has the worst luck in the world, or something is off about this dude.

I think he's a little off but given how he was railroaded I can understand some of it

Railroaded? People questioned why an unarmed 17 year old was killed by someone who isn't a cop.

Now later news stories are bringing into question his mental stability. This guy is a ticking time bomb.

He was railroaded, they knew the facts and still tried to prosecute and we told you all they would never get a conviction

No. His acquittal was due to nobody but Zimmerman knowing the facts. There was not enough evidence. He wasn't found innocent. He was found not guilty.

Pulease my husband is an attorney and he knew going in they would never convict. Give it a rest, you all hoped against hope and lost

Pulease, you're so full of it. Some of us remember you from AOL. What was your "husband" back then?

Even if you were telling the truth, any Indiana attorney who thinks he knows Florida criminal law, the judges there, and could call that trial is as big a phony as you are.
Here is a video from the news copter. You can clearly a bullet hole in Zimmermans truck passenger window. Looks like the dark window tint kept the glass from shattering.

You can't comprehend why the guy who shot an unarmed kid is in constant legal trouble? He's a fucking nutcase, and that's why Trayvon is dead. This nothing of a neighborhood watch guy shoots a boy, speeds, beats his girlfriend twice, and gets shot in the span of a couple years, and he's not off his rocker a bit? He's a fucking loose cannon.

We had this discussion ad nausea two years ago. Zimmerman is now marked with a bullseye squarely painted on his freaking forehead from that point on and very easily recognized. Since he was AQUITTED of any wrongdoing in the death of that thug punk Martin, Zimmerman WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO LIVE A NORMAL LIFE UNTIL SOME ASSHOLE KILLS HIM. Count on it happening.

I wonder why it is taking so long.

Sure will, because we could have told you he was guilty before his trial. But to the righties, he's a hero. So own it.

At least this time he's been wounded. That's good news.

Damn those rednecks !!

NIce try, but you left out the 3 white cops who chased Gray down and started the whole thing. Thanks for re-establishing that you have zero cred.


Sure will, because we could have told you he was guilty before his trial. But to the righties, he's a hero. So own it.

At least this time he's been wounded. That's good news.

Damn those rednecks !!

NIce try, but you left out the 3 white cops who chased Gray down and started the whole thing. Thanks for re-establishing that you have zero cred.

Haa ! After your complete fuck-up, what fucking nerve you have ! :biggrin:

(sigh).....why don't these murderer's get can not go around guilty without karma chasing after yo ass. My only wish is that Zimmie's shooter is a young black Treyvon look a like and he uses the SYG defense!!

Hey Zimmy, contact OJ to see your fate in life!!
He was found not guilty by a jury of his peers, you ignorant POS
Cause waving a gun in the air is a sure sign of someone who should be walking around with a carry permit.....?
You can't comprehend why the guy who shot an unarmed kid is in constant legal trouble? He's a fucking nutcase, and that's why Trayvon is dead. This nothing of a neighborhood watch guy shoots a boy, speeds, beats his girlfriend twice, and gets shot in the span of a couple years, and he's not off his rocker a bit? He's a fucking loose cannon.

We had this discussion ad nausea two years ago. Zimmerman is now marked with a bullseye squarely painted on his freaking forehead from that point on and very easily recognized. Since he was AQUITTED of any wrongdoing in the death of that thug punk Martin, Zimmerman WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO LIVE A NORMAL LIFE UNTIL SOME ASSHOLE KILLS HIM. Count on it happening.

He made his own bed, so I think righties like you should tell him to lie in it.
He has a rap sheet longer than OJ Simpson's.

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