George Zimmerman goes full nativist, full racist in Twitter rampage....

George WHO?

Oh, yeah, him...

Yesterday's news...

By the way...

Any change in Saint Skittles condition?

Still dead, is he?
take your pick

will the real goerge zimmerman stand up

#georgezimmerman hashtag on Twitter''

Ha I wonder if the OP will apologize if he wasn't quoting GZ's real twitter. Fat chance.

The thing that makes me believe that the one in the OP was real is the picture shown. That isn't a picture taken off the internet when the court case was running. I believe it's real, I follow it on Twitter now.

Well if it is real I can't fault the guy for calling Obama every bad name in the book,
take your pick

will the real goerge zimmerman stand up

#georgezimmerman hashtag on Twitter''

Ha I wonder if the OP will apologize if he wasn't quoting GZ's real twitter. Fat chance.

The thing that makes me believe that the one in the OP was real is the picture shown. That isn't a picture taken off the internet when the court case was running. I believe it's real, I follow it on Twitter now.
And it doesn't surprise me to hear him ranting racism. GZ is no hero and in truth he's a real POS shack up trailer trash. Yeah he was justified in defending himself but that doesn't make him a good person. And I don't just get over the fact that a 17 year old kid would be alive today if he had listened to the 911 dispatcher. Yeah Martin was a thug, but he would have had a chance to do something to improve himself. Many good people were once stupid punks, but life gave them a chance to reform. GZ took that from him by putting himself unnecessarily in a self defense situation.
take your pick

will the real goerge zimmerman stand up

#georgezimmerman hashtag on Twitter''

Ha I wonder if the OP will apologize if he wasn't quoting GZ's real twitter. Fat chance.

The thing that makes me believe that the one in the OP was real is the picture shown. That isn't a picture taken off the internet when the court case was running. I believe it's real, I follow it on Twitter now.
And it doesn't surprise me to hear him ranting racism. GZ is no hero and in truth he's a real POS shack up trailer trash. Yeah he was justified in defending himself but that doesn't make him a good person. And I don't just get over the fact that a 17 year old kid would be alive today if he had listened to the 911 dispatcher. Yeah Martin was a thug, but he would have had a chance to do something to improve himself. Many good people were once stupid punks, but life gave them a chance to reform. GZ took that from him by putting himself unnecessarily in a self defense situation.

So he should have let martin continue to bash his head into the concrete?

Dude you are fucking NUTS!!!

Martin made a conscience decision and it cost him his life. GZ was doing what a neighborhood watch is supposed to do. You think he wanted to get jumped?
Racist slime needs to stop feeling sorry for gz.

He made the decision to out hunting that night (what kind of sissy, pansy-ass needs to take a gun to the store?). He made the decision to stalk and gun down a kid who was minding his own business and tried to get away from him. The result of his own actions is that he cannot find a job and no decent person wants anything to do with him. His own decision forfeited any chance at a normal life. He was a useless, unemployed, racist cracker, trailer trash being supported by a woman he beat on and he still is. That makes him a hero to other useless racist trailer trash who need to blame blacks for their own decisions and failures.
Racist slime needs to stop feeling sorry for gz.

He made the decision to out hunting that night (what kind of sissy, pansy-ass needs to take a gun to the store?). He made the decision to stalk and gun down a kid who was minding his own business and tried to get away from him. The result of his own actions is that he cannot find a job and no decent person wants anything to do with him. His own decision forfeited any chance at a normal life. He was a useless, unemployed, racist cracker, trailer trash being supported by a woman he beat on and he still is. That makes him a hero to other useless racist trailer trash who need to blame blacks for their own decisions and failures.

The facts tell a different story. But we know how you liberals hate facts.
Racist slime needs to stop feeling sorry for gz.

He made the decision to out hunting that night (what kind of sissy, pansy-ass needs to take a gun to the store?). He made the decision to stalk and gun down a kid who was minding his own business and tried to get away from him. The result of his own actions is that he cannot find a job and no decent person wants anything to do with him. His own decision forfeited any chance at a normal life. He was a useless, unemployed, racist cracker, trailer trash being supported by a woman he beat on and he still is. That makes him a hero to other useless racist trailer trash who need to blame blacks for their own decisions and failures.

That's what I was thinking. Zim would not use a pic like that of himself, one taken from the trial.

He went out hunting? What was he hunting? Niggas? If so, why not just shoot the nigga first? Why let him pound your head into the sidewalk?

What sort of sissy takes a gun to the store? I don't know, anyone with a concealed carry permit would. You just said he went out hunting and then said he was going to the store. Pick one.
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I am always in awe when reading how the Right defends their heros. No matter how low on the fecal matter scale they turn out to be, they are heros, just the same!

First off, he's not a hero, secondly no one is defending him, just defending his right to voice his opinion. It's a little thing in the Bill of Rights called Freedom of Speech, maybe you've heard of it.

Oh and also we're keeping the record straight on the events that lead to the death of a thug.
I've never heard or seen anyone on this forum refer to him as a hero.

Yet another Luddy lie. Had a bunch of those lately.
One of the many resident racists decides to join us.
The board notes that all you have is namecalling. Thanks for admitting i'm right.

let them go APE shit over it. who cares anymore. and you are right. One person on this board back during Bush called him: chimpMcCokespoon or something like that. another person referred to him a the: shrub. I'm so tired of their WHINING OVER that thug Obama
You can find the GZ statute on the fireplace mantel of the average RWer. It is right up there where Sarah Palin, then Joe the Plumber, then Josh Duggar statue used to be. However, he will have to go, pretty soon, to make room for Trump.

The second tweet refers to President Obama, who said this today:

Obama on Virginia news crew shooting: gun-related deaths 'dwarf' terrorism deaths

"What we know is that the number of people who die from gun-related incidents in this country dwarfs any deaths that happen through terrorism," Obama told WPVI-TV. "It breaks my heart every time you read about or hear about these kinds of incidents."

So, yeah, good old George Zimmerman went full racist today and called our first black president a "Baboon".

Surely the Trumpsuckers will love this.

Zimmerman is obviously insane.


How dare you George to insult Baboons. They're intelligent mammals.

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