George Will precisely describes Trump

Will hits this one out of the park.

>> It is not news that he has neither respect for nor knowledge of the Constitution, and he probably is unaware that he would have to “open up” many Supreme Court First Amendment rulings in order to achieve his aim. His obvious aim is to chill free speech, for the comfort of the political class, of which he is now a gaudy ornament.

But at least Trump has, at last, found one thing to admire from the era of America’s Founding. Unfortunately, but predictably, it is one of the worst things done then — the Sedition Act of 1798. <<​

Exactly how I described it here last week. George Will must be reading my posts. :thup:

>> So, the leading Republican candidate, the breadth of whose ignorance is the eighth wonder of the world, actually thinks that judges “sign” bills. Trump is a presidential aspirant who would flunk an eighth-grade civics exam. <<​


But the best line is right at the top where he aptly describes Rump as:

>> a drunk with a bullhorn reading aloud James Joyce’s “Finnegans Wake” under water <<

Jorge Will is a neocon mouthpiece that intentionally misstated Trump's comments. Thankfully he is a dying breed.

I've never considered Will a neocon - he's a true conservative, and while I often disagree (I'm a liberal after all)- I respect him, he writes well and intelligently makes his points.

With Trump - as another said...he hit it out of the ball park ;)
Jorge Will is a neocon mouthpiece that intentionally misstated Trump's comments. Thankfully he is a dying breed.

I've never considered Will a neocon - he's a true conservative, and while I often disagree (I'm a liberal after all)- I respect him, he writes well and intelligently makes his points.

With Trump - as another said...he hit it out of the ball park ;)

He is in favor of amnesty/path to citizenship for illegals, he supported "W's" expansion of Medicare, he supported the Iraq invasion and he was openly for "nation building". That is textbook neocon.

That being said, he has recently become a skeptic of the hyperinterventionist foreign policy favored by the neocons. I give him a little credit for that.

In the article Will is intentionally misstating Trump's position and his statement. Trump believes that if a newspaper "knowingly and intentionally" publishes false information they should be required to correct it and possibly pay damages.

Jorge Will did not hit it out of the park- He swung, and he missed, by a country mile.
What ever George Will says, let it go in one ear and out the other.

Like at General election night, ABC News predicts the Democratic Presidential Candiate will win "Such and Such state ; ONLY TO REDACT the comment and announce the Republican candiate won the particular state.

Pro, Con, Good or bad - George Will has his own agenda, and loves to hear himself talk on Televison. He loves to contradict whomever he is debating with, even if the person he is debating with is right.

Always an argument and always stirring the pot = Geroge Will.

Shadow 355
What ever George Will says, let it go in one ear and out the other.

Like at General election night, ABC News predicts the Democratic Presidential Candiate will win "Such and Such state ; ONLY TO REDACT the comment and announce the Republican candiate won the particular state.

Pro, Con, Good or bad - George Will has his own agenda, and loves to hear himself talk on Televison. He loves to contradict whomever he is debating with, even if the person he is debating with is right.

Always an argument and always stirring the pot = Geroge Will.

Shadow 355

It's an editorial column. There's no foil to contradict. He's simply establishing a case.

And btw, a news medium would not "redact" something it said earlier. It might "revise" or "correct" something; it's in no position to "redact" anything.
Will speaks for a great man true conservatives. His word is going to make a big difference with a lot of people. He, unlike Palin, Christie, and some of the other wannabes, is not looking for a spot in the Trump administration......gggggaadddd. I just threw up in my mouth. I cannot even imagine what a Trump administration would look like. Uuughhhhh..
In the article Will is intentionally misstating Trump's position and his statement. Trump believes that if a newspaper "knowingly and intentionally" publishes false information they should be required to correct it and possibly pay damages.

Bull. Shit.

Roll tape.

>> "I’m going to open up our libel laws so when they write purposefully negative and horrible and false articles, we can sue them and win lots of money,” Trump said. “We’re going to open up those libel laws.”

“With me, they’re not protected,” he said of media companies. “We’re going to have people sue you like you’ve never got sued before.” <<
Not just "false" but "negative" and "horrible" articles. What he describes in the speech as "hit piece(s) that are a disgrace".

That's here. We done did this last week. Will got it right. Basically an entitlement-mentality asshole who's been handed everything all his life, now wants to play in the kitchen and can't handle the heat. :gay:
I have never seen any political party fall so totally into the clutches of a snake oil salesman, as this year. The GOP on March 16th may be at the point of no return. Their decision is simple.

Either they accept Trump as their nominee or they replace him with an old reliable like Mitt or a newby like Rubio. But Donald loves the adoration of the crowds and will launch a third party.

In either case, they lose like never before. PINCH ME! THIS MUST BE A DREAM.
I have never seen any political party fall so totally into the clutches of a snake oil salesman, as this year. The GOP on March 16th may be at the point of no return. Their decision is simple.

Either they accept Trump as their nominee or they replace him with an old reliable like Mitt or a newby like Rubio. But Donald loves the adoration of the crowds and will launch a third party.
In either case, they lose like never before. PINCH ME! THIS MUST BE A DREAM.

That's entirely plausible. And here's a plausible wrinkle scenario:

RP ditches Rump, nominates Same Old Thing; DP ditches Sanders, nominates Same Old Thing....
Rump and Sanders both take their balls and form third/fourth party runs...

FOUR candidates for President. :rock:

'Bout fuggin' time too.

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