George Washington Would Never Say This Today!


Gold Member
Oct 28, 2013
George Washington Would Never Say This Today!

"If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter."

~ George Washington

Can you figure out why he'd never say this today?
Because, Mojo2, the fact that we can speak our mind today would be self evident.
George Washington Would Never Say This Today!

"If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter."

~ George Washington

Can you figure out why he'd never say this today?

Interestingly, shortly after he said this his own party pushed through the Alien and Sedition Act which prohibited people from speaking out against the government. Fortunately, Jefferson put an end to it.
George Washington Would Never Say This Today!

"If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter."

~ George Washington

Can you figure out why he'd never say this today?

Interestingly, shortly after he said this his own party pushed through the Alien and Sedition Act which prohibited people from speaking out against the government. Fortunately, Jefferson put an end to it.

You are absolutely right.

I do find it interesting!

George Washington Would Never Say This Today!

"If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter."

~ George Washington

Can you figure out why he'd never say this today?

He'd never say it today, because it's our reality. Free speech is pretty much only sacrosanct to pornographers and other leftists now. We've been led to slaughter by the Frog Principle. We're done. Finished.
I am sure no matter what is replied you have your own analogy.

I trust once I point it out to you and you are able (IF you are able) to think about it a moment you will concur.

However grudgingly it might be.
George Washington Would Never Say This Today!

"If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter."

~ George Washington

Can you figure out why he'd never say this today?

He'd never say it today, because it's our reality. Free speech is pretty much only sacrosanct to pornographers and other leftists now. We've been led to slaughter by the Frog Principle. We're done. Finished.

I thought about this before posting the thread and there's a good deal of truth to your observation!
George Washington Would Never Say This Today!

"If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter."

~ George Washington

Can you figure out why he'd never say this today?

He'd never say it today, because it's our reality. Free speech is pretty much only sacrosanct to pornographers and other leftists now. We've been led to slaughter by the Frog Principle. We're done. Finished.
-- He said, utilizing his Free Speech.
I'm not getting your point. Do you think you do not have Freedom of Speech?

Sorry if I'm being unduly cryptic.

I wanted to save the reveal until Page 2.

"If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter."

~ George Washington

Having and practicing the FREEDOM of speech does nothing to guarantee the quality of speech.

The reason I believe George Washington would never say these words today is because he would realize that speaking freely has become so easy that it no longer confers upon the speaker any sense of obligation to speak judiciously, honestly or accurately.

And this means that Liberals can get away with lying and boldly asserting their lies are the truth.

And today we have half the population uninformed, ill informed or deficient in what they know about important matters to the future of our country and our government and our rights.

Bottom line:

The President of the United States and the Democrat Party and the major media editors and media board members are doing what they can to create a false reality.

And just because they are FREE to say whatever they want does not mean what they say is helping us to avoid being led to the slaughter.

To the contrary, what's happening today is an example of just the opposite.

Be4cause of our freedom of speech we naively trust we are safe from being made captives of a powerful ruling elite in Washington, D.C.

But it is that freedom which allows Obama, Reid, Pelosi and the MSM to promote their agenda and their partisan Progressive paradigm, to eventually enslave us.

That's why George Washington would never say those words today.

He'd know freedom of speech can be abused by would-be tyrants.

In HIS day it was assumed that men valued honesty.

Not true today.

We still have the freedom of speech. Yet, dumb and silent, too many of us are willing to be led, like sheep to the slaughter.

~ George Washington
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OK, I have corrected the sentence to make it correct.

"And this means that far out Liberals and far right Reactionaries can get away with lying and boldly asserting their lies are the truth."

OK, I have covered both extremes here accurately.

Only the far left and the far right are being led dumbly to the slaughter, but the middle mainstream will not permit that to happen.
OK, I have corrected the sentence to make it correct.

"And this means that far out Liberals and far right Reactionaries can get away with lying and boldly asserting their lies are the truth."

OK, I have covered both extremes here accurately.

Only the far left and the far right are being led dumbly to the slaughter, but the middle mainstream will not permit that to happen.

Bull crap.

They already opened the door to the slaughter pens when they let Obama into the WH in 08.

And if it wasn't for Ted Cruz we'd be on our way to being made subjects in our own nation.

Thanks to obama, the Dems. and the Middle Mainstream who were played like fiddles.

You and much of America still believe we can sport the enemy a head start and then come in an win the war after allowing them the first strike.

That paradigm is dangerously out of date.

We no longer have so much superiority that we can allow the enemy to take their best shot at us, a la Pearl Harbor, then come back and devastate them on our way to a lopsided victory.

Currently, we have a marauding radical element running America onto the rocks and half of America STILL thinks it's just business as usual.

Pal, you are dreamin if you think we can afford that kind of non-chalance today.
George Washington Would Never Say This Today!

"If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter."

~ George Washington

Can you figure out why he'd never say this today?
I'm guessing he would say it still. However, we have become so thin-skinned that not offending anyone has trumped freedom of speech.
George Washington Would Never Say This Today!

"If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter."

~ George Washington

Can you figure out why he'd never say this today?
I'm guessing he would say it still. However, we have become so thin-skinned that not offending anyone has trumped freedom of speech.

You have a point.
Anyone who writes, "They already opened the door to the slaughter pens when they let Obama into the WH in 08" has a lot of screws loose." Show us the open doors, show us the slaughter pens.

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