George W Bush charged a charity $100,000 to guarantee his presence at fundraiser for military vets

It appears the Clinton's are innocent of your attempted smear and George has clammed up. The only way this goes away is by GWB returning his blood money.

I originally said Clinton charged the charity $250,000, but he actually charged them $500,000, and he was invited to the event to receive an award. Imagine charging a charity $500,000 that is giving you an award?

An Award for Bill Clinton Came With $500,000 for His Foundation

To commemorate the 10th anniversary of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, Petra Nemcova, a Czech model who survived the disaster by clinging to a palm tree, decided to pull out all the stops for the annual fund-raiser of her school-building charity, the Happy Hearts Fund.

She booked Cipriani 42nd Street, which greeted guests with Bellini cocktails on silver trays. She flew in Sheryl Crow with her band and crew for a 20-minute set. She special-ordered heart-shaped floral centerpieces, heart-shaped chocolate parfaits, heart-shaped tiramisù and, because orange is the charity’s color, an orange carpet rather than a red one. She imported a Swiss auctioneer and handed out orange rulers to serve as auction paddles, playfully threatening to use hers to spank the highest bidder for an Ibiza vacation.

The gala cost $363,413. But the real splurge? Bill Clinton.

The former president of the United States agreed to accept a lifetime achievement award at the June 2014 event after Ms. Nemcova offered a $500,000 contribution to the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation. The donation, made late last year after the foundation sent the charity an invoice, amounted to almost a quarter of the evening’s net proceeds — enough to build 10 preschools in Indonesia.
So nothing went to Bill Clinton's pockets but went to his charity. I'm not finding the same fault you are.

You are so gullible. Money going into Clinton's charity is the same as money going into his pocket. That charity is nothing but a slush fund for the Clinton's to use to fund their travel and payoff various cronies. Chelsea runs the "charity" and receives a huge salary from it.
You have to have evidence or the attendants will be upon you very shortly.

There's a mountain of evidence, but no matter how much there was, gullible drones like you would continue to deny the facts.
Stop making stuff up. It will stunt your growth. You don't want to be a little turd forever do you?
I think George is wealthy enough without depriving wounded warriors from needed care so he can fill his own pockets.
No one is deprived you lying pile of shit.

but yur a leftist, truth has no meaning

Fascinating -- psychologically speaking... A former POTUS who lied his way into a war sinks to charging money for face time in a benefit for the victims of that war ---- and that makes a USMB poster a "lying pile of shit".

Truly boggles the fucking mind.
posting lies to support your bullshit is proof of projection.

the irony
We posted facts, nothing but facts. You lying to support your own bullshit is pitiful and possibly deranged.
you posted no facts, only assumptions
I sourced the article that indicated George W. Bush accepted money and private jet service from a wounded veteran program and that Laura Bush had accepted $50,000 from the same organization. You posted nothing factual to debunk that claim beyond your own opinion.
No one is deprived you lying pile of shit.

but yur a leftist, truth has no meaning

Fascinating -- psychologically speaking... A former POTUS who lied his way into a war sinks to charging money for face time in a benefit for the victims of that war ---- and that makes a USMB poster a "lying pile of shit".

Truly boggles the fucking mind.
posting lies to support your bullshit is proof of projection.

the irony
We posted facts, nothing but facts. You lying to support your own bullshit is pitiful and possibly deranged.
you posted no facts, only assumptions
I sourced the article that indicated George W. Bush accepted money and private jet service from a wounded veteran program and that Laura Bush had accepted $50,000 from the same organization. You posted nothing factual to debunk that claim beyond your own opinion.

you posted facts

then you made false accusations.

which makes you a liar.
Fascinating -- psychologically speaking... A former POTUS who lied his way into a war sinks to charging money for face time in a benefit for the victims of that war ---- and that makes a USMB poster a "lying pile of shit".

Truly boggles the fucking mind.
posting lies to support your bullshit is proof of projection.

the irony
We posted facts, nothing but facts. You lying to support your own bullshit is pitiful and possibly deranged.
you posted no facts, only assumptions
I sourced the article that indicated George W. Bush accepted money and private jet service from a wounded veteran program and that Laura Bush had accepted $50,000 from the same organization. You posted nothing factual to debunk that claim beyond your own opinion.

you posted facts

then you made false accusations.

which makes you a liar.
Here I'll state it again. George W. Bush took money from people he sent to war and came back damaged. He profited off of their misery and took money that could have gone to their care. That's 100% truthful and I'm sorry you support someone who would do that to American troops.
Former Marine Eddie Wright say it all right here.

"Former Marine Eddie Wright served on the charity’s board and criticized the president’s said the $170,000 fee to “speak on behalf of men and women he ordered into harm’s way.”

“You sent me to war,” Wright told ABC News. “I was doing what you told me to do, gladly for you and our country and I have no regrets. But it’s kind of a slap in the face.”

The former Marine lost both hands in a rocket attack in Fallujah, Iraq in 2004."
Fascinating -- psychologically speaking... A former POTUS who lied his way into a war sinks to charging money for face time in a benefit for the victims of that war ---- and that makes a USMB poster a "lying pile of shit".

Truly boggles the fucking mind.

No matter how many times you've been caught in your "Bush lied" LIE, you continue to repeat it....that shows you have no honor, no dignity.
Here I'll state it again. George W. Bush took money from people he sent to war and came back damaged. He profited off of their misery and took money that could have gone to their care. That's 100% truthful and I'm sorry you support someone who would do that to American troops.

Bullshit....once again:

Speaking and traveling fees for the former President were paid by the charity, but the amount was underwritten by a private donor, the charity’s lawyer told ABC News.

Report George W. Bush charged 100 000 to speak at 2012 charity fundraiser for wounded veterans Dallas Morning News
Fascinating -- psychologically speaking... A former POTUS who lied his way into a war sinks to charging money for face time in a benefit for the victims of that war ---- and that makes a USMB poster a "lying pile of shit".

Truly boggles the fucking mind.

No matter how many times you've been caught in your "Bush lied" LIE, you continue to repeat it....that shows you have no honor, no dignity.

Uhh.... *I* didn't get caught in such a lie. George W. Bush did. It's his, not mine.
Here I'll state it again. George W. Bush took money from people he sent to war and came back damaged. He profited off of their misery and took money that could have gone to their care. That's 100% truthful and I'm sorry you support someone who would do that to American troops.

Bullshit....once again:

Uh, dumbass.....if you'd looked a little further into this three year old story you'd have found this:

Speaking and traveling fees for the former President were paid by the charity, but the amount was underwritten by a private donor, the charity’s lawyer told ABC News.

Report George W. Bush charged 100 000 to speak at 2012 charity fundraiser for wounded veterans Dallas Morning News
Again and I'll be patient with your comprehension disability, George Bush took money that could have gone to care for soldiers. It does not make any difference who paid George he should not have taken a cent, especially after putting those same people in harm's way with substandard body armor and unprotected humvees.
It galls me that all of these soldiers should not even be getting care from charity at all. The United States is responsible for their continuing care no one else should. But the shape George W. Bush left the V.A. in made that all but impossible.
Again and I'll be patient with your comprehension disability, George Bush took money that could have gone to care for soldiers. It does not make any difference who paid George he should not have taken a cent, especially after putting those same people in harm's way with substandard body armor and unprotected humvees.
It galls me that all of these soldiers should not even be getting care from charity at all. The United States is responsible for their continuing care no one else should. But the shape George W. Bush left the V.A. in made that all but impossible.

It makes all the difference in the world ya condescending little pissant....not a penny of the money he was paid came out of funds for injured Vets....I'm a former combat Vet and you're a dumbass who hates conservatives because you can't compete with run along back to your leftist hidey-hole....liars like you don't do well at USMB.
Again and I'll be patient with your comprehension disability, George Bush took money that could have gone to care for soldiers. It does not make any difference who paid George he should not have taken a cent, especially after putting those same people in harm's way with substandard body armor and unprotected humvees.
It galls me that all of these soldiers should not even be getting care from charity at all. The United States is responsible for their continuing care no one else should. But the shape George W. Bush left the V.A. in made that all but impossible.

It makes all the difference in the world ya condescending little pissant....not a penny of the money he was paid came out of funds for injured Vets....I'm a former combat Vet and you're a dumbass who hates conservatives because you can't compete with run along back to your leftist hidey-hole....liars like you don't do well at USMB.
So that's it? that's all you got? I'm a combat vet too, but at least I care about my wounded brethren. You still don't get it. George Bush should not have collected a penny for a speech where he sent those same vets into harms way. He took the equivalent of a small house away from a veteran that could have desperately used it in payment for a few minutes of his time.
So that's it? that's all you got? I'm a combat vet too, but at least I care about my wounded brethren. You still don't get it. George Bush should not have collected a penny for a speech where he sent those same vets into harms way. He took the equivalent of a small house away from a veteran that could have desperately used it in payment for a few minutes of his time.

That's all I need ya lying sack of shit. The charity got ten times what it would have taken in by him appearing there. And not a single penny of those funds went to him....his fee was UNDERWRITTEN (a new word for you) by a private source. And further, this was three years ago; a little detail the leftist rag left out of it's hit-piece. It's pretty obvious given the miserable performance of the current piece of shit in the WH that you communist fucks want to dig up the Bush years to explain the miserable state of the country.
Wrong on all counts. The date was reported in the original sourcing, and the miserable state of affairs of this country is directly traceable to George W. Bush and the harm he inflicted upon the country while he was president. I understand your moral instincts that George Bush was obligated to take the money, but these are combat heroes who left body parts in God forsaken countries and George Bush should have been honored to speak for free not looking to cash out on people he didn't even have the good sense to give them adequate protection from harm.
What adds insult to injury in this is it appears the charity is being sued for fraud Charity group faces flak from vets
The same amount of donations would have been donated due to Bush's appearance whether her got paid or not. The excuse being offered that he increased to amount of funds donated is therefore lame and misleading. Furthermore, it implies that without the fee, Bush would not have attended and spoken at the event.
In regards to the excuse of a private underwriter paying the fees, that is once again, lame. If there were no fee, the underwriter could have applied the funds directly to the charity.
The same amount of donations would have been donated due to Bush's appearance whether her got paid or not. The excuse being offered that he increased to amount of funds donated is therefore lame and misleading. Furthermore, it implies that without the fee, Bush would not have attended and spoken at the event.
In regards to the excuse of a private underwriter paying the fees, that is once again, lame. If there were no fee, the underwriter could have applied the funds directly to the charity.

:badgrin: Another pinhead trying to shape a win-win into an embarrassment for Dubya. The truth is Bush is a very busy man and must pick his appearances from amongst hundreds of offers. The fact that he attracted over $2M to this event in 2012 is testimony to his ability to help injured Vets. And once again, he neither "lied" or "invaded a country that hadn't attacked us". Saddam tried to assassinate Bush41...that's an act of war. Saddam had his own generals convinced he had an active nuclear program. If you knew anything about intel gathering you'd know you can't get much better information than that. And as to the VA situation, not a single operations person has been fired from the VA after the abysmal performance of that agency under Obozo.
Uhh.... *I* didn't get caught in such a lie. George W. Bush did. It's his, not mine.


My, aren't we having a diaper rash.

There was no threat from Iraq. His own administration admitted that. Break open the piggy bank and take a stroll through the clue store. Ask 'em if they still have "the news from ten years ago" on the shelf.

The same amount of donations would have been donated due to Bush's appearance whether her got paid or not. The excuse being offered that he increased to amount of funds donated is therefore lame and misleading. Furthermore, it implies that without the fee, Bush would not have attended and spoken at the event.
In regards to the excuse of a private underwriter paying the fees, that is once again, lame. If there were no fee, the underwriter could have applied the funds directly to the charity.

:badgrin: Another pinhead trying to shape a win-win into an embarrassment for Dubya. The truth is Bush is a very busy man and must pick his appearances from amongst hundreds of offers. The fact that he attracted over $2M to this event in 2012 testimony to his ability to help injured Vets. And once again, he neither "lied" or "invaded a country that hadn't attacked us". Saddam tried to assassinate Bush41...that's an act of war. Saddam had his own generals convinced he had an active nuclear program. If you knew anything about intel gathering you'd know you can't get much better information than that. And as to the VA situation, not a single operations person has been fired from the VA after the abysmal performance of that agency under Obozo.
There are so many lies in your paragraph it's astounding. Those vets would not even need charity if Bush had stayed out of Iraq and don't kid yourself, we went because of flat out lies. Obama has taken steps to repair the V.A. that Bush left in a shambles and people have paid with their jobs. Bush took the equivalent of two family yearly incomes for a 15 minute speech for a war he brought untold misery and pain to thousands of soldiers. Classy people don't do that.
The same amount of donations would have been donated due to Bush's appearance whether her got paid or not. The excuse being offered that he increased to amount of funds donated is therefore lame and misleading. Furthermore, it implies that without the fee, Bush would not have attended and spoken at the event.
In regards to the excuse of a private underwriter paying the fees, that is once again, lame. If there were no fee, the underwriter could have applied the funds directly to the charity.

:badgrin: Another pinhead trying to shape a win-win into an embarrassment for Dubya. The truth is Bush is a very busy man and must pick his appearances from amongst hundreds of offers. The fact that he attracted over $2M to this event in 2012 is testimony to his ability to help injured Vets. And once again, he neither "lied" or "invaded a country that hadn't attacked us". Saddam tried to assassinate Bush41...that's an act of war. Saddam had his own generals convinced he had an active nuclear program. If you knew anything about intel gathering you'd know you can't get much better information than that. And as to the VA situation, not a single operations person has been fired from the VA after the abysmal performance of that agency under Obozo.

"Very busy" between painting and finding ways to not leave the country because he'll be arrested for war crimes. :rofl:

-- the war crimes that wounded those vets for absolutely no reason, whose pockets he then picked by making a profit off raising money for them. Profit he has no need for being an entitled son-of-a-prick.

What a guy. No wonder he's your role model. :gay:
There was no threat from Iraq. His own administration admitted that. Break open the piggy bank and take a stroll through the clue store. Ask 'em if they still have "the news from ten years ago" on the shelf.


Zarqawi and Abu Nidal were there.....Saddam was openly preaching jihad against the west. AQ ran from the 'Stan. Dubya invited them to party with US Armed Forces instead of office workers. They came to Iraq, they got slaughtered. Barry threw the victory away....Now find me a "lie" Dubya told about WMDs....Bob Woodward couldn't find one....can you?

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