Genuine Murdering Communist Basterds Read Biden the Riot Act


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
It must really suck when you think you're such a woke little Bolshevik, and then some real murdering Commie shitheads come along and kick sand in your face. This kind of insolence never would have happened while the Great President Donald J. Trump was at the helm of this country. I hope you gob-slobbering wanna-be Marxists enjoy your cold rice, borscht, and Gulag death camps. You've certainly earned it. Maybe if you send Russia and China a couple pallets of cash money, they won't kick your collective asses on the playground and steal the lunch money your mommy gave you.

Russia, China warn Biden at same time to stay the fuck out of Ukraine, Taiwan

"On Tuesday, Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov warned President Joe Biden’s administration against getting involved in Ukraine, amid Russian forces massing on the Ukrainian border. Also on Tuesday, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian warned the Biden administration against getting involved in Taiwan. "

Russia, China warn Biden at same time to stay out of Ukraine, Taiwan
It must really suck when you think you're such a woke little Bolshevik, and then some real murdering Commie shitheads come along and kick sand in your face. This kind of insolence never would have happened while the Great President Donald J. Trump was at the helm of this country. I hope you gob-slobbering wanna-be Marxists enjoy your cold rice, borscht, and Gulag death camps. You've certainly earned it. Maybe if you send Russia and China a couple pallets of cash money, they won't kick your collective asses on the playground and steal the lunch money your mommy gave you.

Russia, China warn Biden at same time to stay the fuck out of Ukraine, Taiwan

"On Tuesday, Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov warned President Joe Biden’s administration against getting involved in Ukraine, amid Russian forces massing on the Ukrainian border. Also on Tuesday, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian warned the Biden administration against getting involved in Taiwan. "

Russia, China warn Biden at same time to stay out of Ukraine, Taiwan

Even a chimp in the throes of Covid could see this coming! :piss2:.
What's coming is the Chinese invasion of Taiwan and the Russian annexation of Ukraine. The United States will be a helpless observer to both,
It must really suck when you think you're such a woke little Bolshevik, and then some real murdering Commie shitheads come along and kick sand in your face.
They ain't the commies they used to be.

Whether they are or not is debatable. But they are far more of the threat they used to be. AT least we had a Kennedy during the 60's, who stared them down when they stationed nuclear missiles in Cuba. At least we had a Donald Trump who armed the Ukrainians with anti-tank missiles, and stood up to the CHICOMS.

Those days are gone. Russia and China are now free to run roughshod over any country they deem to be their "property", as they no doubt will. Maybe Russia will even demand that we return Alaska to them, who the hell knows?
The comeuppance was as much expected as deserved.
The majority of honest, hardworking Americans many of whom as vets who fought for freedom and this country did not deserve to have a weak, extortionist and lying plaguerist as a leader. He is the only president appointed by a lying, paid-for press and sickening Democrat precinct chairpersons manning swing states with cheating computers designed for ousting the mayor's competition and destroying two and a half centuries of a nation's conceived in liberty and bought with the blood of martyrs to champion human rights in a dictatorial world of Monarchs, oligarchs, murderous and genocidal strongmen. Not to mention the Marxist professors who have inflamed their youthful charges with an insurrectious mindset and loyalty, foisted on this nation by a paid for press to divide human beings with lies to get undeserved power. God help us, the people of this land.
The comeuppance was as much expected as deserved.
The majority of honest, hardworking Americans many of whom as vets who fought for freedom and this country did not deserve to have a weak, extortionist and lying plaguerist as a leader. He is the only president appointed by a lying, paid-for press and sickening Democrat precinct chairpersons manning swing states with cheating computers designed for ousting the mayor's competition and destroying two and a half centuries of a nation's conceived in liberty and bought with the blood of martyrs to champion human rights in a dictatorial world of Monarchs, oligarchs, murderous and genocidal strongmen. Not to mention the Marxist professors who have inflamed their youthful charges with an insurrectious mindset and loyalty, foisted on this nation by a paid for press to divide human beings with lies to get undeserved power. God help us, the people of this land.
Have you been waving a white flag for long?
The comeuppance was as much expected as deserved.
The majority of honest, hardworking Americans many of whom as vets who fought for freedom and this country did not deserve to have a weak, extortionist and lying plaguerist as a leader. He is the only president appointed by a lying, paid-for press and sickening Democrat precinct chairpersons manning swing states with cheating computers designed for ousting the mayor's competition and destroying two and a half centuries of a nation's conceived in liberty and bought with the blood of martyrs to champion human rights in a dictatorial world of Monarchs, oligarchs, murderous and genocidal strongmen. Not to mention the Marxist professors who have inflamed their youthful charges with an insurrectious mindset and loyalty, foisted on this nation by a paid for press to divide human beings with lies to get undeserved power. God help us, the people of this land.

We are ripe for the taking. But don't tell anybody.
The comeuppance was as much expected as deserved.
The majority of honest, hardworking Americans many of whom as vets who fought for freedom and this country did not deserve to have a weak, extortionist and lying plaguerist as a leader. He is the only president appointed by a lying, paid-for press and sickening Democrat precinct chairpersons manning swing states with cheating computers designed for ousting the mayor's competition and destroying two and a half centuries of a nation's conceived in liberty and bought with the blood of martyrs to champion human rights in a dictatorial world of Monarchs, oligarchs, murderous and genocidal strongmen. Not to mention the Marxist professors who have inflamed their youthful charges with an insurrectious mindset and loyalty, foisted on this nation by a paid for press to divide human beings with lies to get undeserved power. God help us, the people of this land.

We are ripe for the taking. But don't tell anybody.
What I am not getting is why the power in Washington got into the hands of those who act like mean sharks and the press looks the other way. I guess those Soros checks are mighty convincing that criminal reporting of lies that destroy all that is good pays.
Does this mean Hunter Biden loses both his jobs?

What will Joe do about being told to butt out? If anything?

Tell Putin your Corn Pop story, Joe. Challenge Xin Jinping to a push up contest.
The comeuppance was as much expected as deserved.
The majority of honest, hardworking Americans many of whom as vets who fought for freedom and this country did not deserve to have a weak, extortionist and lying plaguerist as a leader. He is the only president appointed by a lying, paid-for press and sickening Democrat precinct chairpersons manning swing states with cheating computers designed for ousting the mayor's competition and destroying two and a half centuries of a nation's conceived in liberty and bought with the blood of martyrs to champion human rights in a dictatorial world of Monarchs, oligarchs, murderous and genocidal strongmen. Not to mention the Marxist professors who have inflamed their youthful charges with an insurrectious mindset and loyalty, foisted on this nation by a paid for press to divide human beings with lies to get undeserved power. God help us, the people of this land.
Have you been waving a white flag for long?
My flag has 50 stars of white on dark blue with 13 stripes of red and alternating white strips. That stand for 13 states of unrepresented men and women who fought against a pantywaist monarch who snubbed American diplomats as not good enough to speak in his court' and American patriots who also with honest sweat exercised freedom and love for their fellow countrymen who had no shoes in the winter but they had a general, George Washington who prayed for God's protection and was blessed with the fiscal gift of every penny Haym Solomon had to provide his army with warm clothing, food, and sturdy leather shoes. From Valley Forge where his prayers were answered he and his army defeated the bloody British whose brutality to families of the Continental Congress are a legend patriots must not forget when dealing with monarchs of no caring for their nation's "little people."

God bless our beloved First President' George Washington who began and/or ended his every official communication with a blessing to thank our God for giving us each other, with all due respect.
The comeuppance was as much expected as deserved.
The majority of honest, hardworking Americans many of whom as vets who fought for freedom and this country did not deserve to have a weak, extortionist and lying plaguerist as a leader. He is the only president appointed by a lying, paid-for press and sickening Democrat precinct chairpersons manning swing states with cheating computers designed for ousting the mayor's competition and destroying two and a half centuries of a nation's conceived in liberty and bought with the blood of martyrs to champion human rights in a dictatorial world of Monarchs, oligarchs, murderous and genocidal strongmen. Not to mention the Marxist professors who have inflamed their youthful charges with an insurrectious mindset and loyalty, foisted on this nation by a paid for press to divide human beings with lies to get undeserved power. God help us, the people of this land.
Have you been waving a white flag for long?
Biden may have some shady ties to a Ukranian billionaire. True?
This is what happens when you let the Democrats take over the country with a coup d'etat.
It will be a sad day when russia and china divide the world between them much like germany and japan tried to do in WWII

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