Gen. Mattis apparently has sworn an oath to a Constitution he has not read


Gold Member
May 24, 2009
Gen. Mattis tells us he swore an oath to support and defend our Constitution and defends the right of demonstrators to protest, lauding them as “people of conscience” who were fulfilling the values of the country.

Perhaps Mattis, in his old age, has forgotten the right he speaks of, a “constitutional right”, commands the people may “peacefully” assemble when petitioning their government, which of course excludes and forbids the throwing of life threatening projectiles, and is what was correctly responded to.

And as to Mattis asserting “Donald Trump is the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people — does not even pretend to try. Instead he tries to divide us. We are witnessing the consequences of three years of this deliberate effort. We are witnessing the consequences of three years without mature leadership”, it is quite obvious that Mattis is unwilling to acknowledge there can never be unity between our communist and socialist crowd, and red blooded American citizens who support and defend our Constitutionally limited ”Republican Form of Government”, and its intended free market, free enterprise system ___ a meritocracy in which every person under protection of the law, is intended to be free to succeed or fail at their own hand!

Indeed, Mattis prefers to attack President Trump for wanting to enforce the rule of law, and sides with an orchestrated protest [orchestrated and given life by our Fifth Column Media and their Yellow Journalists] ___ a protest that has been co-opted by domestic enemies and has evolved into a direct attack on the lives, liberty, property and dreams of millions of American Citizens.

You, Mr. Mattis, should be ashamed of yourself for condemning our President for having a spine and sternly warning our communist/socialist leaders in Democrat controlled States to end the looting and mayhem, lest he do it for them.


Our country is infested with a Fifth Column movement at MSNBC, NEW YORK TIMES, CNN, WASHINGTON POST, ATLANTIC MAGAZINE, New York Daily News, Time, ETC., and their countless Yellow Journalists, who work hand in hand with the Democrat Party communist/socialist leadership
General Mattis is a patriot that believes in American intervention and foreign nation occupation and rebuilding and changing hearts and minds of the populous of that nation....he and his ilk were proven simply can not be done...but try and tell people like Mad Dog Mattis that and it will be like talking to a wall.....

Look around people...look at your returning soldiers from that kind of thinking....good men and women left body parts on foreign soil for that kind of now here comes Trump...he wants our men and women home and that shows the Mattis crowd up...and they don't like it....
General Mattis is a patriot that believes in American intervention and foreign nation occupation and rebuilding and changing hearts and minds of the populous of that nation...

IOW, he's just another in a very long line of Wilsonian neocon Bushbots.

Fuck Mattis.
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The protesters were not violent who were fired on by our own government with rubber bullets, smoke canisters and pepper ball tear gas, with a helicopter hovering low above to wind them out... So to clear them out for the President' s awkward walk across the park to St John's, so he could fumble with a Bible for a photo op.

Rioters... looters, vandals, rock throwers, car and store destroyers, are criminals and should be arrested, and charged.

But all those protesting people fired on by park police and other govt forces, Were Peaceful.... And somebody's ass should be grass, for pulling that unconstitutional stunt imo.
Pretty sure he has read it. Pretty sure he is not taking the sides of arsonists and looters. Pretty sure he has been in a good position to understand trump and proved that when he quit trump. Not sure why he took the job. Probably thought he might have had a sobering influence, but found out trump only likes Generals for their PR relation value, as trump is not much on leadership and no friend to the military, except lip service and doesn't listen to them. Ignoring the experience military generals is probably on of the reasons why he has made so many mistakes with the military and our foreign policy. Mattis nabbed trump dead to rights. Trump is a divider, not one to even attempt to unite the country. Though they deny he does it, I think there are many trump supporter that think that is part of his charm, as they prefer a divided America. General Mattis was correct in everything he said, and I thank him for speaking out. It is very important to hear from proven, respected Republican conservatives of conscience, while this man is still in office.
Gen. Mattis tells us he swore an oath to support and defend our Constitution and defends the right of demonstrators to protest, lauding them as “people of conscience” who were fulfilling the values of the country.

Perhaps Mattis, in his old age, has forgotten the right he speaks of, a “constitutional right”, commands the people may “peacefully” assemble when petitioning their government, which of course excludes and forbids the throwing of life threatening projectiles, and is what was correctly responded to.

And as to Mattis asserting “Donald Trump is the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people — does not even pretend to try. Instead he tries to divide us. We are witnessing the consequences of three years of this deliberate effort. We are witnessing the consequences of three years without mature leadership”, it is quite obvious that Mattis is unwilling to acknowledge there can never be unity between our communist and socialist crowd, and red blooded American citizens who support and defend our Constitutionally limited ”Republican Form of Government”, and its intended free market, free enterprise system ___ a meritocracy in which every person under protection of the law, is intended to be free to succeed or fail at their own hand!

Indeed, Mattis prefers to attack President Trump for wanting to enforce the rule of law, and sides with an orchestrated protest [orchestrated and given life by our Fifth Column Media and their Yellow Journalists] ___ a protest that has been co-opted by domestic enemies and has evolved into a direct attack on the lives, liberty, property and dreams of millions of American Citizens.

You, Mr. Mattis, should be ashamed of yourself for condemning our President for having a spine and sternly warning our communist/socialist leaders in Democrat controlled States to end the looting and mayhem, lest he do it for them.


Our country is infested with a Fifth Column movement at MSNBC, NEW YORK TIMES, CNN, WASHINGTON POST, ATLANTIC MAGAZINE, New York Daily News, Time, ETC., and their countless Yellow Journalists, who work hand in hand with the Democrat Party communist/socialist leadership
" We are witnessing the consequences of three years without mature leadership”

You are talking about Trump and the RWingers?
Mattis is a shithead. An embarassement to the Marine Corps

This is the kind of thing Trump was trying to prevent.

Gen. Mattis tells us he swore an oath to support and defend our Constitution and defends the right of demonstrators to protest, lauding them as “people of conscience” who were fulfilling the values of the country.

Perhaps Mattis, in his old age, has forgotten the right he speaks of, a “constitutional right”, commands the people may “peacefully” assemble when petitioning their government, which of course excludes and forbids the throwing of life threatening projectiles, and is what was correctly responded to.

And as to Mattis asserting “Donald Trump is the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people — does not even pretend to try. Instead he tries to divide us. We are witnessing the consequences of three years of this deliberate effort. We are witnessing the consequences of three years without mature leadership”, it is quite obvious that Mattis is unwilling to acknowledge there can never be unity between our communist and socialist crowd, and red blooded American citizens who support and defend our Constitutionally limited ”Republican Form of Government”, and its intended free market, free enterprise system ___ a meritocracy in which every person under protection of the law, is intended to be free to succeed or fail at their own hand!

Indeed, Mattis prefers to attack President Trump for wanting to enforce the rule of law, and sides with an orchestrated protest [orchestrated and given life by our Fifth Column Media and their Yellow Journalists] ___ a protest that has been co-opted by domestic enemies and has evolved into a direct attack on the lives, liberty, property and dreams of millions of American Citizens.

You, Mr. Mattis, should be ashamed of yourself for condemning our President for having a spine and sternly warning our communist/socialist leaders in Democrat controlled States to end the looting and mayhem, lest he do it for them.


Our country is infested with a Fifth Column movement at MSNBC, NEW YORK TIMES, CNN, WASHINGTON POST, ATLANTIC MAGAZINE, New York Daily News, Time, ETC., and their countless Yellow Journalists, who work hand in hand with the Democrat Party communist/socialist leadership
Doesn’t appear you have read the Constitution
General Mattis is a patriot.

Donald Trump is something else entirely.

I'm not sure how that relates to the context of the OP.


They are not "liberals" or "progressives". The Democrat Party Leadership is infested with notoriously evil communists and socialists who delude, lure and addict our nations needy with free government cheese used to buy votes while keeping the needy enslaved and dependent.
General Mattis is a patriot that believes in American intervention and foreign nation occupation and rebuilding and changing hearts and minds of the populous of that nation....he and his ilk were proven simply can not be done...but try and tell people like Mad Dog Mattis that and it will be like talking to a wall.....

Look around people...look at your returning soldiers from that kind of thinking....good men and women left body parts on foreign soil for that kind of now here comes Trump...he wants our men and women home and that shows the Mattis crowd up...and they don't like it....

Mattis certainly has not embraced General George Washington's advice regarding foreign entanglements:

"Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence (I conjure you to believe me, fellow-citizens) the jealousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake, since history and experience prove that foreign influence is one of the most baneful foes of republican government. But that jealousy to be useful must be impartial; else it becomes the instrument of the very influence to be avoided, instead of a defense against it. Excessive partiality for one foreign nation and excessive dislike of another cause those whom they actuate to see danger only on one side, and serve to veil and even second the arts of influence on the other. Real patriots who may resist the intrigues of the favorite are liable to become suspected and odious, while its tools and dupes usurp the applause and confidence of the people, to surrender their interests." Washington's Farewell Address 1796


The liberty to succeed or fail at one’s own hand is a socialist’s nightmare and not the American Dream


The protesters were not violent who were fired on by our own government with rubber bullets, smoke canisters and pepper ball tear gas, with a helicopter hovering low above to wind them out... So to clear them out for the President' s awkward walk across the park to St John's, so he could fumble with a Bible for a photo op.

Rioters... looters, vandals, rock throwers, car and store destroyers, are criminals and should be arrested, and charged.

But all those protesting people fired on by park police and other govt forces, Were Peaceful.... And somebody's ass should be grass, for pulling that unconstitutional stunt imo.

Kewl story
None of that actually happened that way

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