HOLY $#!* this game rocks! I just picked it up last night...wow this game is fun. I played the 1 player campaign for a while, then tried on-line. I love the 4vs4 online with headsets. I sucked real bad at it but I still had a blast. The chainsaw bayonet is such an awesome idea lol. The game is very 'duck-and-cover' oriented, so its somewhat like Rainbow Six but with just a little bit more leeway to have fun. The other great thing is how they did health. There isn't a lifebar meter per se, if you get shot up a red cog shows up in the middle of the screen. If you just take some cover and wait a few seconds it will fade away and you are fully recovered. If you're shot down you don't die(unless its a sniper head shot or grenade blast), you become incapacititated, and a teammate can revive you fairly quickly.
Anyone else here a COG?
Anyone else here a COG?