Gays have won. So what's next?

America has it right! But still work remains to break down the existing barriers that stand in the way of happiness and freedom for same-sex couples. But the good news is that Americans of all backgrounds and religious affiliations now agree that the right to marry is the right direction for the country and that is why they are supporting marriage equality by nearly 60%. Supporters of this are to be thanked wholeheartedly for having an open mind and a heart open to accept that each person is entitled to their happiness without having anyone stand in their way of it any longer.

Gays have won. So what's next?

crock of shit: stop soliciting and advertising. what is your connection to it?

AMERICAblog launched on April 24, 2004, and quickly became one of the most influential political blogs in the United States? :cuckoo:
Don't have it in the middle of our main streets then, ass hat, is how most feel about it.

We don't need to be reminded of your perversion.

But my own feeling is, hey, let it all hang out. Let the world know what you really are and the problem solves itself in the long run.

The opposite is true. The more gay people open and out, the more tolerance there is...which is why you don't like the parades. :lol:

I said I like gays parading their perversions. You have no idea how many people I know that were once 'live and let live' toward gays and are now emphatically against anything the militants want due to attending a gay pride parade.

People get sick of you the more they see of you.

You haven't been to a gay pride parade lately, have you?

There are social groups, sports clubs, military, church groups, politicians, businesses, charities, etc. that march in these parades.

So...when was the last time you, yourself, actually went and watched a gay pride parade in person?
What's NEXT?

Bestiality rights.

Child molester rights.

Rapist rights.

Men who abuse blow-up dolls rights.

Sex orgy participant rights.

Equal rights for ANYTHING and EVERYTHING that goes on behind closed between men and women and animals and battery-operated toys, etc., etc., etc.

Fighting for equality started it. I once thought this was a slippery slope argument, but it's far more loathsome and sinister than that. Those that use this ridiculous argument are trying to frighten people into being against equality for homosexual couples. Suggestions that removing barriers to freedom ends in anarchy is always the position of those that wish to remain in a position of superiority.

If you can prove that homosexual couples becoming equal legally to heterosexual couples stll cause our people to then legalize child molestation or bestiality, present it, otherwise, you are a fear mongering liar and belong on the staff with Barack Obama.

You are asking me to prove something that hasn't happened, YET.
So you can't say it would happen than?

There are MANY instances in history where cracking the door open leads to the door being smashed down by a large mob demanding that THEIR "rights" be legally recognized.
Clumsy metaphors that have no really meaning aren't arguments.

Putting lipstick on a PIG doesn't change the fact that it's still a PIG.
However, putting lipstick on a horse and calling it a pig doesn't make ita pig.

As for Obama, you are way off. Obama is a TRAITOR to this country. He should be arrested and thrown in prison YESTERDAY.
You're acting just like he is with say the second amendment but with regard to marriage equality. I am spot on withthat assessment.

Christ-on-a-stick but you make me sick to my stomach! Fucking faggots and dykes are sick, degenerate, conscious freaks who purposely defile Nature for the sake of being anti-social and rejected by society in general.
Get AIDS and get back in the closet. If you asshole pounding pedos just stayed in the closet and shut the fuck up about your perverted sex lives, 80% of us wouldn't give a shit but NOOOOO! YOU fucking idiots just HAVE to SHOVE your butt-fuckery into everyones faces!
we don't want this ---> in our streets. Keep it in your bedroom.

Don't attend the parade than. Easily solved. You don't own the streets and the town's and cities thathost them do want them in the streets.

That's not how you win my vote. Thread Failed.
why would he want to win your vote?
as always one of you ass hats makes a false has this thread failed?
we don't want this ---> in our streets. Keep it in your bedroom.

Don't attend the parade than. Easily solved. You don't own the streets and the town's and cities thathost them do want them in the streets.

Don't have it in the middle of our main streets then, ass hat, is how most feel about it.

We don't need to be reminded of your perversion.

But my own feeling is, hey, let it all hang out. Let the world know what you really are and the problem solves itself in the long run.
who the fuck is our?
it's just as much theirs as the imaginary ours
how bout keeping your homophobia and bigotry off everybody's street.
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Don't attend the parade than. Easily solved. You don't own the streets and the town's and cities thathost them do want them in the streets.

That's not how you win my vote. Thread Failed.
why would he want to win your vote?
as always one of you ass hats makes a false has this thread failed?

the purpose of creating a thread is to convince those opposed to you to switch sides. He failed.
That's not how you win my vote. Thread Failed.
why would he want to win your vote?
as always one of you ass hats makes a false has this thread failed?

the purpose of creating a thread is to convince those opposed to you to switch sides. He failed.
No it wasn't. Arguments don't often change antecedently held beliefs. Thus you don't really convince people to support things they oppose.

Your position begs the question.

Christ-on-a-stick but you make me sick to my stomach! Fucking faggots and dykes are sick, degenerate, conscious freaks who purposely defile Nature for the sake of being anti-social and rejected by society in general.
Get AIDS and get back in the closet. If you asshole pounding pedos just stayed in the closet and shut the fuck up about your perverted sex lives, 80% of us wouldn't give a shit but NOOOOO! YOU fucking idiots just HAVE to SHOVE your butt-fuckery into everyones faces!
Antecedently held beliefs aren't a good argument.

Your position begs the question.

Christ-on-a-stick but you make me sick to my stomach! Fucking faggots and dykes are sick, degenerate, conscious freaks who purposely defile Nature for the sake of being anti-social and rejected by society in general.
Get AIDS and get back in the closet. If you asshole pounding pedos just stayed in the closet and shut the fuck up about your perverted sex lives, 80% of us wouldn't give a shit but NOOOOO! YOU fucking idiots just HAVE to SHOVE your butt-fuckery into everyones faces!

You now need to have a neutral third party examine your computer for evidence of lesbian pornography!

Christ-on-a-stick but you make me sick to my stomach! Fucking faggots and dykes are sick, degenerate, conscious freaks who purposely defile Nature for the sake of being anti-social and rejected by society in general.
Get AIDS and get back in the closet. If you asshole pounding pedos just stayed in the closet and shut the fuck up about your perverted sex lives, 80% of us wouldn't give a shit but NOOOOO! YOU fucking idiots just HAVE to SHOVE your butt-fuckery into everyones faces!

You now need to have a neutral third party examine your computer for evidence of lesbian pornography!

Dude, that was worth gold!!


Christ-on-a-stick but you make me sick to my stomach! Fucking faggots and dykes are sick, degenerate, conscious freaks who purposely defile Nature for the sake of being anti-social and rejected by society in general.
Get AIDS and get back in the closet. If you asshole pounding pedos just stayed in the closet and shut the fuck up about your perverted sex lives, 80% of us wouldn't give a shit but NOOOOO! YOU fucking idiots just HAVE to SHOVE your butt-fuckery into everyones faces!

You now need to have a neutral third party examine your computer for evidence of lesbian pornography!
Based on the amount of rhetoric, I think you would be more likely to find guy on guy porn on his computer.
America has it right! But still work remains to break down the existing barriers that stand in the way of happiness and freedom for same-sex couples. But the good news is that Americans of all backgrounds and religious affiliations now agree that the right to marry is the right direction for the country and that is why they are supporting marriage equality by nearly 60%. Supporters of this are to be thanked wholeheartedly for having an open mind and a heart open to accept that each person is entitled to their happiness without having anyone stand in their way of it any longer.

Gays have won. So what's next?

(X)I believe that pedophilia,beastiality and incest are next. Sodom and Gomorrah never did go away, it's alive and well, and continues to push it's perverted agenda on the rest of the world. :cuckoo:
Don't attend the parade than. Easily solved. You don't own the streets and the town's and cities thathost them do want them in the streets.

That's not how you win my vote. Thread Failed.
why would he want to win your vote?
as always one of you ass hats makes a false has this thread failed?

Yeah, why should PC Fascists bother to win anyone's vote when they have a tyrannical government forcing people to accept evil bullshit by threat of death, fines and imprisonment?

Typical PC Nazi solution to everything; manipulate the government into shooting those who dissent, which is why fascist and Marxist government have killed over 262 million people since 1900 with the aid of idiots like Daws.
Christ-on-a-stick but you make me sick to my stomach! Fucking faggots and dykes are sick, degenerate, conscious freaks who purposely defile Nature for the sake of being anti-social and rejected by society in general.
Get AIDS and get back in the closet. If you asshole pounding pedos just stayed in the closet and shut the fuck up about your perverted sex lives, 80% of us wouldn't give a shit but NOOOOO! YOU fucking idiots just HAVE to SHOVE your butt-fuckery into everyones faces!

You now need to have a neutral third party examine your computer for evidence of lesbian pornography!
Based on the amount of rhetoric, I think you would be more likely to find guy on guy porn on his computer.

More 'well you must be queer too then' projection by a limpwristic Nazi.
What's NEXT?

Bestiality rights.

Child molester rights.

Rapist rights.

Men who abuse blow-up dolls rights.

Sex orgy participant rights.

Equal rights for ANYTHING and EVERYTHING that goes on behind closed between men and women and animals and battery-operated toys, etc., etc., etc.

Incest rights
Australian judge says incest may no longer be a taboo - Telegraph

I didn't know Australia was a Red state in the South.

Lol, again your ignorance is simply amazing.

The biggest practitioners of incest were the monarchies of Europe who so often intermarried with their cousins that genetic disorders like hemophilia were common among them.

But you'd get the knee pads out for them in record time no doubt.
What's NEXT?

Bestiality rights.

Child molester rights.

Rapist rights.

Men who abuse blow-up dolls rights.

Sex orgy participant rights.

Equal rights for ANYTHING and EVERYTHING that goes on behind closed between men and women and animals and battery-operated toys, etc., etc., etc.

Incest rights
Australian judge says incest may no longer be a taboo - Telegraph

I didn't know Australia was a Red state in the South.


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