Gays have won. So what's next?

So you're saying your own statement make in regards to the gay gene doesn't apply across the board? Too funny! :lol:
That there is no gay gene is irrelevant. There's no stupid gene either, yet, there's lots of stupidity right in this thread.

You obviously missed the point of my post.. I wasn't disuccsing the gay gene, whether it exists or not, at all.

No, maybe you just have the stupid gene. :lmao:
That there is no gay gene is irrelevant. There's no stupid gene either, yet, there's lots of stupidity right in this thread.

You obviously missed the point of my post.. I wasn't disuccsing the gay gene, whether it exists or not, at all.

No, maybe you just have the stupid gene. :lmao:

Seeing as how you're the one who didn't understand the point of my post, I'm guessing that would be you. :cuckoo:

What exactly was I saying about the 'gay gene'?
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no the sad part is you spend soo much time and energy deluding yourself that there is evidence.....

So you're saying your own statement make in regards to the gay gene doesn't apply across the board? Too funny! :lol:
That there is no gay gene is irrelevant. There's no stupid gene either, yet, there's lots of stupidity right in this thread.

Not only is there a "man loving gene" there is also a stupid gene. I have some family members that were born really stupid and no amount of trying to smarten them up works they are still stupid.
So you're saying your own statement make in regards to the gay gene doesn't apply across the board? Too funny! :lol:
That there is no gay gene is irrelevant. There's no stupid gene either, yet, there's lots of stupidity right in this thread.

Not only is there a "man loving gene" there is also a stupid gene. I have some family members that were born really stupid and no amount of trying to smarten them up works they are still stupid.

There is no solid evidence of a "man loving gene", for the millionth time. Quit pushing this lie.
Dawsy: There is no God!!!

False! All you can say and be 100% factual is AT THIS TIME there is no evidence of a God. Anything else is speculation!


And the sad part is, is that there is evidence of God everywhere you look.:eusa_whistle:
no the sad part is you spend soo much time and energy deluding yourself that there is evidence.....

So you're saying your own statement made in regards to the gay gene doesn't apply across the board? Too funny! :lol:
yes like all people of your ilk you haven't got the mental chops to see the difference.
what I said about god was this: "there is no evidence for or against the existence of god."
from that you somehow FALSLY ASSUMED THAT you could capitalize on what you wish was a contradiction and get some imaginary payback.
So you're saying your own statement make in regards to the gay gene doesn't apply across the board? Too funny! :lol:
That there is no gay gene is irrelevant. There's no stupid gene either, yet, there's lots of stupidity right in this thread.

You obviously missed the point of my post.. I wasn't disuccsing the gay gene, whether it exists or not, at all.
you were as usual, talking out your ass.
That there is no gay gene is irrelevant. There's no stupid gene either, yet, there's lots of stupidity right in this thread.

Not only is there a "man loving gene" there is also a stupid gene. I have some family members that were born really stupid and no amount of trying to smarten them up works they are still stupid.

There is no solid evidence of a "man loving gene", for the millionth time. Quit pushing this lie.
no solid evidence means there is the possibility that there is it's not a lie..
I thought you pulled your skirts and ran away.
That there is no gay gene is irrelevant. There's no stupid gene either, yet, there's lots of stupidity right in this thread.

You obviously missed the point of my post.. I wasn't disuccsing the gay gene, whether it exists or not, at all.
you were as usual, talking out your ass.

No, I was merely using your very own words against you, I understand your frustration tho.. :eek:
Not only is there a "man loving gene" there is also a stupid gene. I have some family members that were born really stupid and no amount of trying to smarten them up works they are still stupid.

There is no solid evidence of a "man loving gene", for the millionth time. Quit pushing this lie.
no solid evidence means there is the possibility that there is it's not a lie..
I thought you pulled your skirts and ran away.
Male sexual orientation influenced by genes, study shows | Science | The Guardian

Headline says loudly in bold black Text: "Male sexual orientation influenced by genes, study shows"

Underneath it, it contradicts itself: "Genes examined in study are "not sufficient" or "necessary" to make men gay but do play some role in sexuality, say US researchers"

"A region of the X chromosome called Xq28 had some impact on men's sexual behaviour – though scientists have no idea which of the many genes in the region are involved, nor how many lie elsewhere in the genome.

Another stretch of DNA on chromosome 8 also played a role in male sexual orientation – though again the precise mechanism is unclear."

So basically it's speculation, folks. The headline says one thing, the article says another. They say the gene has something to do with male sexuality, not that it determines whether they will be sexually oriented towards the same sex or not.*

SlyHunter's claim that they've found a "male loving gene" is easily disprovable bullshit, just by using common sense...they have NOT found a "man loving gene" or else they found "the gay gene" as well.

There is never going to be any proof of a genetic or any other biological cause for homosexuality in males, and so far, there has been no similiar genes found in women that they claim to hint at in men attracted to the same sex.

Not one single bit of evidence for genetic causes of lesbianism. Look it up for yourself. Wonder why that is?

Shouldn't you be atleast a little skeptical instead of just hoping & praying with your fingers crossed?*

Get over it, it's an enviromentally & socially caused sexual abnormality. It is not worthy of holding up as good for society.

Lol! You fail at this, Dawson's Creek. I'm not going anywhere anytime soon.
You obviously missed the point of my post.. I wasn't disuccsing the gay gene, whether it exists or not, at all.
you were as usual, talking out your ass.

No, I was merely using your very own words against you, I understand your frustration tho.. :eek:
false.. you were attempting to use my own words against me and as always failing ...the frustration is yours and yours alone :lol:
There is no solid evidence of a "man loving gene", for the millionth time. Quit pushing this lie.
no solid evidence means there is the possibility that there is it's not a lie..
I thought you pulled your skirts and ran away.
Male sexual orientation influenced by genes, study shows | Science | The Guardian

Headline says loudly in bold black Text: "Male sexual orientation influenced by genes, study shows"

Underneath it, it contradicts itself: "Genes examined in study are "not sufficient" or "necessary" to make men gay but do play some role in sexuality, say US researchers"

"A region of the X chromosome called Xq28 had some impact on men's sexual behaviour – though scientists have no idea which of the many genes in the region are involved, nor how many lie elsewhere in the genome.

Another stretch of DNA on chromosome 8 also played a role in male sexual orientation – though again the precise mechanism is unclear."

So basically it's speculation, folks. The headline says one thing, the article says another. They say the gene has something to do with male sexuality, not that it determines whether they will be sexually oriented towards the same sex or not.*

SlyHunter's claim that they've found a "male loving gene" is easily disprovable bullshit, just by using common sense...they have NOT found a "man loving gene" or else they found "the gay gene" as well.

There is never going to be any proof of a genetic or any other biological cause for homosexuality in males, and so far, there has been no similiar genes found in women that they claim to hint at in men attracted to the same sex.

Not one single bit of evidence for genetic causes of lesbianism. Look it up for yourself. Wonder why that is?

Shouldn't you be atleast a little skeptical instead of just hoping & praying with your fingers crossed?*

Get over it, it's an enviromentally & socially caused sexual abnormality. It is not worthy of holding up as good for society.

Lol! You fail at this, Dawson's Creek. I'm not going anywhere anytime soon.
fail at what? it's not me who's trying to convince myself by spewing bullshit around, that all gay people are evil. Must suck to be you.

where you go and what you do is meaningless...
that is what's funny.

Steven Rose, of the Open University, said: "What worries me is not the extent, if at all, to which our genetic, epigenetic or neural constitution and development affect our sexual preferences, but the huge moral panic and religious and political agenda which surrounds the question."
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You're just all fail, period.

I'm not trying to convince you all gays are evil, nice dodge there, kiddo.
nice rationalizing there...
I didn't say convince me (even though you wish I did) all your whining just reinforces what I said " it's not me who's trying to convince myself by spewing bullshit around, that all gay people are evil. Must suck to be you."

btw all fail is meaningless you either fail or you don't there is no all .
I'm not trying to convince you or myself that all gays are evil, Im just giving you the facts along with my opinion of them, simple as that.

Keep dodging though...
Lets face it.....people are sick and tired of the gays. Nobody likes people who are in your face every second of the day. Nobody.

And maybe 179 people will vote for a gay to be president. Not happening ever......
You have gays in your face every second of the day? Or at all? Strange, where do you live? In the toilet of a gay bar that is open 24 hours a day?

We have already had a gay president.

s0n....people who get hysterical about shit ALL THE TIME are never taken seriously in the final analysis. Of course, by "people" I mean the majority of Americans. They are so sick of the in your face screaming crap pushing their lifestyles on everyone and their brother. People feel like this about any fringe group.....the global warming nutters are a prime example. They, like the gays need a Plan B.....but they cant help themselves. When the opinions of others are always.......emphasis on "always" disregarded, it always comes off as fringe.

A huge majority of the folks believe that a plug should go into a socket and that's just the way it is. The gays cant accept it.........not for nothing but tough shit!!!!.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:

Gays and their handful of supporters think they are mainstream...........fAiL............they're not and never will be.

If I walk into work tomorrow and announce that I am a swinger and am proud of it........I may feel like a hero but ets face it, most people are going to view me as a fringe oddball. They'll except me in all probablility but I'll still be considered a fringe oddball. Its something that's known as the "mean".......its part of life. Some however just refuse to accept it. I cant help you!!

To a HUGE majority, getting plowed in the pooper just doesn't sit right with regular folks and never, ever will.

The oddballs need to consider a Plan B.
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What's NEXT?

Bestiality rights.

Child molester rights.

Rapist rights.

Men who abuse blow-up dolls rights.

Sex orgy participant rights.

Equal rights for ANYTHING and EVERYTHING that goes on behind closed between men and women and animals and battery-operated toys, etc., etc., etc.
America has it right! But still work remains to break down the existing barriers that stand in the way of happiness and freedom for same-sex couples. But the good news is that Americans of all backgrounds and religious affiliations now agree that the right to marry is the right direction for the country and that is why they are supporting marriage equality by nearly 60%. Supporters of this are to be thanked wholeheartedly for having an open mind and a heart open to accept that each person is entitled to their happiness without having anyone stand in their way of it any longer.

Gays have won. So what's next?

We hate Muslims right now, not that much time for gays.

What's NEXT?

Bestiality rights.

Child molester rights.

Rapist rights.

Men who abuse blow-up dolls rights.

Sex orgy participant rights.

Equal rights for ANYTHING and EVERYTHING that goes on behind closed between men and women and animals and battery-operated toys, etc., etc., etc.

Fighting for equality started it. I once thought this was a slippery slope argument, but it's far more loathsome and sinister than that. Those that use this ridiculous argument are trying to frighten people into being against equality for homosexual couples. Suggestions that removing barriers to freedom ends in anarchy is always the position of those that wish to remain in a position of superiority.

If you can prove that homosexual couples becoming equal legally to heterosexual couples stll cause our people to then legalize child molestation or bestiality, present it, otherwise, you are a fear mongering liar and belong on the staff with Barack Obama.
America has it right! But still work remains to break down the existing barriers that stand in the way of happiness and freedom for same-sex couples. But the good news is that Americans of all backgrounds and religious affiliations now agree that the right to marry is the right direction for the country and that is why they are supporting marriage equality by nearly 60%. Supporters of this are to be thanked wholeheartedly for having an open mind and a heart open to accept that each person is entitled to their happiness without having anyone stand in their way of it any longer.

Gays have won. So what's next?

We hate Muslims right now, not that much time for gays.



Yes, hate requires a pretty darned full calendar, now doesn't it...
Lets face it.....people are sick and tired of the gays. Nobody likes people who are in your face every second of the day. Nobody.

And maybe 179 people will vote for a gay to be president. Not happening ever......
You have gays in your face every second of the day? Or at all? Strange, where do you live? In the toilet of a gay bar that is open 24 hours a day?

We have already had a gay president.

s0n....people who get hysterical about shit ALL THE TIME are never taken seriously in the final analysis.
I would agree with you, but as I will point out you are indeed theone being hysterical.
Of course, by "people" I mean the majority of Americans. They are so sick of the in your face screaming crap pushing their lifestyles on everyone and their brother.
Being that nobody is screaming and pushing mythical "lifestyles" on anybody, this is clearly the hysterics of cowardly people that are afraid ofthings changing.
People feel like this about any fringe group.....the global warming nutters are a prime example. They, like the gays need a Plan B.....but they cant help themselves. When the opinions of others are always.......emphasis on "always" disregarded, it always comes off as fringe.
It doesn't seem that "the gays" and of course those that support them are a fringe, it seems they make up the majority of citizens. Nutters wailing about some unarticulable doom that will befall the nation if same sex couples should become equal, seem to be the lunatic fringe. If anybody could make a case, other than a ridiculous slippery slope fallacy, I am sure they would have. Or we could approach the "sanctity of marriage" clap trap. This one is easy. If you need same sex marriage forbidden toprovide your marriage meaning, your marriage clearly means nothing.

A huge majority of the folks believe that a plug should go into a socket and that's just the way it is. The gays cant accept it.........not for nothing but tough shit!!!!.
Well, not sure why this is an issue for the huge majority of folks, because that pretty much sums up gay sex. But I don't think the majority is as obsessedwith other people's genitalia, as you are. See, nowhere is it illegal to be homosexual in the United states. Once again you are expressing your fixation on genitals. The current argument is over marriage, not sex. The battle over sexual freedom was won over half a century ago. The anti freedom crowd lost. Sadly they have infiltrated the conservative partyand made it into a hypocrite when it comes to homosexuals. Read up on Barry Goldwater, a real conservative.

Gays and their handful of supporters think they are mainstream...........fAiL............they're not and never will be.
It seems you are deluded.
It seems they are mainstream.

If I walk into work tomorrow and announce that I am a swinger and am proud of it........I may feel like a hero but ets face it, most people are going to view me as a fringe oddball.
Who cares? See when you grow up, you realize what others think is irrelevant.
They'll except me in all probablility but I'll still be considered a fringe oddball. Its something that's known as the "mean".......its part of life. Some however just refuse to accept it. I cant help you!!
I am not sure what the point of this rant is. Most people don't care if others accept them as normal, most people understand normal to be relative and thus rather meaningless when it comes to individuals. I don't want your help. Being excepted by others isn't really relevant to me.

To a HUGE majority, getting plowed in the pooper just doesn't sit right with regular folks and never, ever will.
Sucks to be regular.

The oddballs need to consider a Plan B.
Doesn't look like it. Seems you and the others that are blind to reality need to understand that in this nation, the majority doesn't rule.

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