Gay Marriage - Question.....

Let me put this another way.

It makes no more sense to me why Christians would object to homosexuals any more than they would Hindu's.

Based upon the Bible.

Let me put this another way.

Why does it have to make any sense to you at all, since you don't share their belief system?

Again- as long as a person is not using their Religion as an excuse to encourage discrimination- I really don't care.

But when you- or anyone else tells me that homosexuals are bad because God says so- be prepared for me to challenge your religious beliefs.

Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from criticism.
Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.(Timothy 2: 11-12) - No woman President I guess...the bible's against it.

The New Testament has a handful of verses in support of slavery and indicating that a slave was not fully human...I wonder if I would be religiously persecuted if I started using the bible to support bringing back slavery.

That's three people who think being asked WHY they do something is an invitation for them to do it even more. I have two private bets with myself, one about how many leftists/non-Christians will do this very thing, and the other about how many pages it will take before ONE of these assholes stops proving Bonzi's point and actually answers the fucking question.

The question was just don't like the answer given. Not my problem.
... if you are not a Christian, or don't believe the Bible, why is it important to you to try to make it sound like God and/or the Bible is /does not condemn homosexuality?

If you don't believe, it should be irrelevant to you.

As long as opponents to homosexuals do not bring up the Bible- I will not. I personally do not care what a persons religious beliefs are.

However, if someone uses the Bible as a rationalization here on the boards for why they believe homosexuals should be discriminated against- then I am fine with actually discussing what the Bible says.

Frankly- from the rhetoric of the Far Right Christians, an ignorant outsider would easily assume that homosexuality is one of the main themes of the Bible- and that Jesus's primary message was regarding homosexuality. Because that is what the Far Right Christians focus on.

But instead- the NT barely mentions homosexuality, and Jesus's own words are barely mentioned.

So to recap- I won't challenge your belief in what the Bible says if you don't cite the Bible as your reason to discriminate.

Homosexuality is discussed because it is the current hot topic.
If it were another issue (abortion) that was a current event hot topic, that would be brought forth.
I'll be happy to discuss any of the many sins mentioned in the Bible.
We all sin. It's not the sin as much as the Government making sins lawful, and, thus, having the 2 fold effect of (1) further advancing the trend toward a less moral society and (2) making something Christian's view as a sacred union between a man and a woman something entirely different.

Lastly, many Christian's believe that our Country was founded on Christian principles, and, that this is slipping away. Some people feel this is for the better, some not.

It's not (or should not be) about hatred, repression etc. Unfortunately, man will never manufacture a perfect society with perfect rules. God has, however, and, Christian's know that but - it won't come to be until after the End Times.

Making sins unlawful would be a violation of the 1st amendment.
... if you are not a Christian, or don't believe the Bible, why is it important to you to try to make it sound like God and/or the Bible is /does not condemn homosexuality?

If you don't believe, it should be irrelevant to you.

because part of the liberal gay agenda is the destruction of organized religion.

I don't think that. They just want to neuter organized religion.
They want organized religion to stay out of it and go in their corner and play by themselves, so to speak.

If by neuter you mean they don't want someone else's religion imposed upon them.... then yes. I don't think I know anyone who does want someone else's religion imposed upon them.
Let me put this another way.

It makes no more sense to me why Christians would object to homosexuals any more than they would Hindu's.

Based upon the Bible.

Let me put this another way.

Why does it have to make any sense to you at all, since you don't share their belief system?

Again- as long as a person is not using their Religion as an excuse to encourage discrimination- I really don't care.

But when you- or anyone else tells me that homosexuals are bad because God says so- be prepared for me to challenge your religious beliefs.

Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from criticism.

Wouldn't a more valid response be to challenge the person to make their case on it's own merits instead of an appeal to authority?
... if you are not a Christian, or don't believe the Bible, why is it important to you to try to make it sound like God and/or the Bible is /does not condemn homosexuality?

If you don't believe, it should be irrelevant to you.

As long as opponents to homosexuals do not bring up the Bible- I will not. I personally do not care what a persons religious beliefs are.

However, if someone uses the Bible as a rationalization here on the boards for why they believe homosexuals should be discriminated against- then I am fine with actually discussing what the Bible says.

Frankly- from the rhetoric of the Far Right Christians, an ignorant outsider would easily assume that homosexuality is one of the main themes of the Bible- and that Jesus's primary message was regarding homosexuality. Because that is what the Far Right Christians focus on.

But instead- the NT barely mentions homosexuality, and Jesus's own words are barely mentioned.

So to recap- I won't challenge your belief in what the Bible says if you don't cite the Bible as your reason to discriminate.

Homosexuality is discussed because it is the current hot topic.
If it were another issue (abortion) that was a current event hot topic, that would be brought forth.
I'll be happy to discuss any of the many sins mentioned in the Bible.
We all sin. It's not the sin as much as the Government making sins lawful, and, thus, having the 2 fold effect of (1) further advancing the trend toward a less moral society and (2) making something Christian's view as a sacred union between a man and a woman something entirely different.

Lastly, many Christian's believe that our Country was founded on Christian principles, and, that this is slipping away. Some people feel this is for the better, some not.

It's not (or should not be) about hatred, repression etc. Unfortunately, man will never manufacture a perfect society with perfect rules. God has, however, and, Christian's know that but - it won't come to be until after the End Times.

Making sins unlawful would be a violation of the 1st amendment.

You obviously can't make all sins unlawful or illegal.
Many Biblical principles, however, can be applied to how we run our Country and society.
Our elected officials choose not to go that path.
... if you are not a Christian, or don't believe the Bible, why is it important to you to try to make it sound like God and/or the Bible is /does not condemn homosexuality?

If you don't believe, it should be irrelevant to you.

As long as opponents to homosexuals do not bring up the Bible- I will not. I personally do not care what a persons religious beliefs are.

However, if someone uses the Bible as a rationalization here on the boards for why they believe homosexuals should be discriminated against- then I am fine with actually discussing what the Bible says.

Frankly- from the rhetoric of the Far Right Christians, an ignorant outsider would easily assume that homosexuality is one of the main themes of the Bible- and that Jesus's primary message was regarding homosexuality. Because that is what the Far Right Christians focus on.

But instead- the NT barely mentions homosexuality, and Jesus's own words are barely mentioned.

So to recap- I won't challenge your belief in what the Bible says if you don't cite the Bible as your reason to discriminate.

Homosexuality is discussed because it is the current hot topic.
If it were another issue (abortion) that was a current event hot topic, that would be brought forth.
I'll be happy to discuss any of the many sins mentioned in the Bible.
We all sin. It's not the sin as much as the Government making sins lawful, and, thus, having the 2 fold effect of (1) further advancing the trend toward a less moral society and (2) making something Christian's view as a sacred union between a man and a woman something entirely different.

Lastly, many Christian's believe that our Country was founded on Christian principles, and, that this is slipping away. Some people feel this is for the better, some not.

It's not (or should not be) about hatred, repression etc. Unfortunately, man will never manufacture a perfect society with perfect rules. God has, however, and, Christian's know that but - it won't come to be until after the End Times.

Making sins unlawful would be a violation of the 1st amendment.

You obviously can't make all sins unlawful or illegal.
Many Biblical principles, however, can be applied to how we run our Country and society.
Our elected officials choose not to go that path.

You cannot make any sin unlawful. It is likely that some things which are unlawful may also be considered a sin by some, but it is not unlawful because it is a sin. Sin is a purely religious concept. It is unconstitutional for our elected officials to choose that path.
Romans 1: 26-7 declares homosexual desires and actions to be shameful, unnatural, lustful, and indecent. I Corinthians 6:9 states that homosexuals are unrighteous and will not inherit the kingdom of God. Since both homosexual desires and actions are condemned in the Bible, it is clear that homosexuals “marrying” is not God’s will, and would be, in fact, sinful.
It's not about having an excuse to be bigoted. Saying that is just trying to put Christian's in a negative light and is a generalization.

There ARE bigoted people out there (Christian and non-Christian).
TRUE Christian's know God's way is the ONLY way, and more importantly the BEST (perfect) way.

Both of these books of the Bible were written by Paul, a disciple who never met Jesus, and who was not part of the 12 Apostles. It is possible that Paul was projecting his own homophobia into Christianity since Jesus never spoke of this matter.
Romans 1: 26-7 declares homosexual desires and actions to be shameful, unnatural, lustful, and indecent. I Corinthians 6:9 states that homosexuals are unrighteous and will not inherit the kingdom of God. Since both homosexual desires and actions are condemned in the Bible, it is clear that homosexuals “marrying” is not God’s will, and would be, in fact, sinful.
It's not about having an excuse to be bigoted. Saying that is just trying to put Christian's in a negative light and is a generalization.

There ARE bigoted people out there (Christian and non-Christian).
TRUE Christian's know God's way is the ONLY way, and more importantly the BEST (perfect) way.

Both of these books of the Bible were written by Paul, a disciple who never met Jesus, and who was not part of the 12 Apostles. It is possible that Paul was projecting his own homophobia into Christianity since Jesus never spoke of this matter.

He DID meet Jesus:

Acts 9 - 3 - As he neared Damascus on his journey, suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him. 4 - He fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him, “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?” 5 “Who are you, Lord?” Saul asked. “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting,” he replied. 6 “Now get up and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do.”
That's not a meeting, that's a vision of Jesus.

The 12 Apostles lived and travelled with Jesus. They heard his words and his thoughts every day. None of the 12 in their writings, ever had the Lord expressing a bias against gays.

What Jesus expressed disgust with was treating other people with less than kindness and love. He didn't condemn sinners, he embraced them.
Romans 1: 26-7 declares homosexual desires and actions to be shameful, unnatural, lustful, and indecent. I Corinthians 6:9 states that homosexuals are unrighteous and will not inherit the kingdom of God. Since both homosexual desires and actions are condemned in the Bible, it is clear that homosexuals “marrying” is not God’s will, and would be, in fact, sinful.
It's not about having an excuse to be bigoted. Saying that is just trying to put Christian's in a negative light and is a generalization.

There ARE bigoted people out there (Christian and non-Christian).
TRUE Christian's know God's way is the ONLY way, and more importantly the BEST (perfect) way.

Yes, the all loving God hates fags and will condemn them to eternal fire. If God exists under such pretenses, then Satan may be the better choice, don't ya think?
... if you are not a Christian, or don't believe the Bible, why is it important to you to try to make it sound like God and/or the Bible is /does not condemn homosexuality?

If you don't believe, it should be irrelevant to you.

Proving the bigots are liars is fun.
Romans 1: 26-7 declares homosexual desires and actions to be shameful, unnatural, lustful, and indecent. I Corinthians 6:9 states that homosexuals are unrighteous and will not inherit the kingdom of God. Since both homosexual desires and actions are condemned in the Bible, it is clear that homosexuals “marrying” is not God’s will, and would be, in fact, sinful.
It's not about having an excuse to be bigoted. Saying that is just trying to put Christian's in a negative light and is a generalization.

There ARE bigoted people out there (Christian and non-Christian).
TRUE Christian's know God's way is the ONLY way, and more importantly the BEST (perfect) way.

You need to restart your argument taking into account the irrefutable fact that there is no real evidence that the Bible is the word of God or that anything attributed to Christ is provably attributable to Christ.
Romans 1: 26-7 declares homosexual desires and actions to be shameful, unnatural, lustful, and indecent. I Corinthians 6:9 states that homosexuals are unrighteous and will not inherit the kingdom of God. Since both homosexual desires and actions are condemned in the Bible, it is clear that homosexuals “marrying” is not God’s will, and would be, in fact, sinful.
It's not about having an excuse to be bigoted. Saying that is just trying to put Christian's in a negative light and is a generalization.

There ARE bigoted people out there (Christian and non-Christian).
TRUE Christian's know God's way is the ONLY way, and more importantly the BEST (perfect) way.

You need to restart your argument taking into account the irrefutable fact that there is no real evidence that the Bible is the word of God or that anything attributed to Christ is provably attributable to Christ.

It's not an argument. I'm simply sharing my faith and hoping others will see it's the path they should go or at least consider. I'm not here to win arguments or show off my intelligence (I don't have that much to show off anyway) - and I don't claim to have all the answers to life's mysteries... but I know someone who does....
... if you are not a Christian, or don't believe the Bible, why is it important to you to try to make it sound like God and/or the Bible is /does not condemn homosexuality?

If you don't believe, it should be irrelevant to you.

Proving the bigots are liars is fun.

That's an unfair and broad statement. It implies all Christian's are bigots and that is not true....
Romans 1: 26-7 declares homosexual desires and actions to be shameful, unnatural, lustful, and indecent. I Corinthians 6:9 states that homosexuals are unrighteous and will not inherit the kingdom of God. Since both homosexual desires and actions are condemned in the Bible, it is clear that homosexuals “marrying” is not God’s will, and would be, in fact, sinful.
It's not about having an excuse to be bigoted. Saying that is just trying to put Christian's in a negative light and is a generalization.

There ARE bigoted people out there (Christian and non-Christian).
TRUE Christian's know God's way is the ONLY way, and more importantly the BEST (perfect) way.

Yes, the all loving God hates fags and will condemn them to eternal fire. If God exists under such pretenses, then Satan may be the better choice, don't ya think?

God loves all people, gay, straight, and it is His will the all come to Him.
Not sure why you think He hates gays (or anyone else for that matter...)
That's not a meeting, that's a vision of Jesus.

The 12 Apostles lived and travelled with Jesus. They heard his words and his thoughts every day. None of the 12 in their writings, ever had the Lord expressing a bias against gays.

What Jesus expressed disgust with was treating other people with less than kindness and love. He didn't condemn sinners, he embraced them.

It was a meeting as real as any other. Interaction with Jesus in any form is interaction with Jesus and holds just as much weight.. we disagree there.

Jesus does love others, and, tells them lovingly to go and sin no more. You will not hear Jesus say in the Bible, continue in sin, because enabling you to do whatever you want is love. Because it's not.
... if you are not a Christian, or don't believe the Bible, why is it important to you to try to make it sound like God and/or the Bible is /does not condemn homosexuality?

If you don't believe, it should be irrelevant to you.

As long as opponents to homosexuals do not bring up the Bible- I will not. I personally do not care what a persons religious beliefs are.

However, if someone uses the Bible as a rationalization here on the boards for why they believe homosexuals should be discriminated against- then I am fine with actually discussing what the Bible says.

Frankly- from the rhetoric of the Far Right Christians, an ignorant outsider would easily assume that homosexuality is one of the main themes of the Bible- and that Jesus's primary message was regarding homosexuality. Because that is what the Far Right Christians focus on.

But instead- the NT barely mentions homosexuality, and Jesus's own words are barely mentioned.

So to recap- I won't challenge your belief in what the Bible says if you don't cite the Bible as your reason to discriminate.

You're a frigging liar. You bring it up all the damned time.

And you still haven't answered the question. What's it to you WHAT other people believe? Why do you feel the need to correct other people's personal beliefs, particularly when you react with such outrage if someone tries to do the same to you?
The last sentence is what you have been trying to do for a long time, and now it is being done to you. Quit your whining.
Bonzi, I know you are a humble Bible reader and follower of Jesus. Please do not attempt to instruct and lead men on Biblical principles. You know better.
Bonzi, I know you are a humble Bible reader and follower of Jesus. Please do not attempt to instruct and lead men on Biblical principles. You know better.

I addressed that already - not going to do it again ;)

You just like giving me a hard time... silly goose!

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