Gay Day at Disney


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Gay Days is stage for banner wars

Updated: Wednesday, 09 May 2012, 6:24 PM EDT

ORLANDO, Fla. (WOFL FOX 35) - The first weekend of June marks the annual gathering of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered (LGBT) locals and tourists known as Gay Days. The event, now over two decades old, began as a single day at Walt Disney World Resort's Magic Kingdom theme park but has since grown into a multi-day, multi-attraction affair which brings millions of dollars to local coffers.

It also brings out protesters who say the event is an assault on traditional family values.

Florida Family Association (FFA) has raised over $4,000 to fly banners over Disney this year, alerting visitors to gays in the parks. "You can help spare thousands of children from being exposed to this highly offensive Gay Day at Disney event," reads a statement on the organization's website.

FFA says the airplane banner is the most cost effective way to "warn" families before they spend money on tickets and parking. They say it helps to inform families before they "expose their children to same-sex revelry" and "commit a day for fun now ruined."

Now, it appears an organization which promotes Orlando as a gay-friendly destination is borrowing the tactic from the FFA's playbook., which bills itself as "the official non-profit LGBT Convention and Visitors Bureau," is hoping to take to the air with banners of their own. As part of the "Gay-friendly Sky Campaign," the website plans to use a primary banner which will read, "Gay Friendly, Everyone Friendly!"

"Our destination is in the top 10 most visited places for LGBT tourist and the American Hotel and Lodging Association estimate gay-travelers spent $3.0 billion last year in Orlando," reads a statement on

They say that as funds allow, additional banners would display the messages, "Welcome LGBT Visitors" and "Thanks LGBT for $3.0 Billion."

Read more: Gay Days is stage for banner wars

I have less problem with gay days at Disney then i do with the children's miracle network take over.....

Thanks for being LGBT friendly. :)

Disney has been doing this for as long as i have had an annual pass. I have as yet to come across any inappropriate behavior.

You haven't seen anything like THIS YET?...:eusa_shhh:


And that was supposed to shock me? Sorry, you failed. Ive seen all that up close and personal...not just some pic you grab off the web.

First off.. Disney would not let anyone in looking like that. So again.... i have never seen anything inappropriate at Disney gay days.
Gay day at Disneyland might be bad with public sex common but it is still a vast improvement over the clandestine red shirt days when Disneyland didn't know, no one knew. The designated red shirt day was by word of mouth over the internet. In those days fights were the norm as men who had no idea this was a designated gay day and inadvertently wore red. Gays wore red so they would recognize one another. Woe be to the clueless man who had no idea and wore red.

At least Gay Days at Disneyland is a day when gays bring their own children. The ones interested in public sex get a damper put on the activities by their own species. Gay days is no worse than any other group having a designated day when the park changes the rules to accommodate that group. Just tell people. Publicize it so that anyone who does not want to deal with open homosexuality can decide for themselves whether to go on that day or not. It's best all the way around.
You haven't seen anything like THIS YET?...:eusa_shhh:

Gay activists are notorious for mocking Christianity.

And Christians have always treated gays so well...

IMO, Christians, as a group, are much more loving and tolerant than the gay activists.

Gay activists use tactics of bullying and intimidation to silence any opposition to their agenda..

People have become afraid to speak out against the radical gay agenda as a result. However, gay activists continually make viscous attacks on Christianity with virtual impunity.
Thanks for being LGBT friendly. :)

Disney has been doing this for as long as i have had an annual pass. I have as yet to come across any inappropriate behavior.

IIRC, this is not an event organized or sponsored by Disney, an oft thought misconception.

This is an external group of individuals/groups that picked a certain day and decided to go to Disney.

Thanks for being LGBT friendly. :)

Disney has been doing this for as long as i have had an annual pass. I have as yet to come across any inappropriate behavior.

IIRC, this is not an event organized or sponsored by Disney, an oft thought misconception.

This is an external group of individuals/groups that picked a certain day and decided to go to Disney.


It is recognized by Disneyland. Disneyland remarks the day by putting up a sign at the ticket kiosk. THe same as they put up a sign welcoming any group.
I'm not anti-gay...but i am against gays getting "married".
What i don't get is, they talk about wanting the same rights and benefits that the rest of us have. They want to make being gay a normal thing. But then they do things like this...not so much having the "event" as how they dress and act out in public. Even heterosexual couples don't do things like this..their actions at these events are not "normal". I'm sure a lot of gay couples don't go overboard with this, i know quite a few that you would have no idea they are gay. Then you get the wierdo's that want to dress extravagantly like women and they just plain look stupid!

With this, how are we supposed to believe they want to be "equal"?????
I'm not anti-gay...but i am against gays getting "married".
What i don't get is, they talk about wanting the same rights and benefits that the rest of us have. They want to make being gay a normal thing. But then they do things like this...not so much having the "event" as how they dress and act out in public. Even heterosexual couples don't do things like this..their actions at these events are not "normal". I'm sure a lot of gay couples don't go overboard with this, i know quite a few that you would have no idea they are gay. Then you get the wierdo's that want to dress extravagantly like women and they just plain look stupid!

With this, how are we supposed to believe they want to be "equal"?????

Most gays and lesbians don't dress up like this and act out in public. We live quiet lives like everyone else. I've never been to Disneyland.
Gay activists are notorious for mocking Christianity.

And Christians have always treated gays so well...

IMO, Christians, as a group, are much more loving and tolerant than the gay activists.

Gay activists use tactics of bullying and intimidation to silence any opposition to their agenda..

People have become afraid to speak out against the radical gay agenda as a result. However, gay activists continually make viscous attacks on Christianity with virtual impunity.

This post isn't an example of a loving Christian message.

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