Gas prices coming down fast.

Then try to understand this: People making up to 125K a year can get those handouts and couples making up to 250K a year. How is anybody making that kind of money "struggling?" If you graduated college and are struggling making ends meet, you Fd up. The idea of going to college is to secure a career and make better money than those that didn't attend college.

Yes, companies that applied for PPP loans got them. The government didn't pass them out to every corporation in America. And I'm sure some that applied didn't get them as well. But a friend of mine worked at a company that did get them. There wasn't much work, so they did stupid shit like painting and maintenance. He said they sat around and played cards for an hour here and there. But......he wasn't in any unemployment line. He worked 40 hours a week, and that allowed him to keep his health benefits.
So why should the gov't bail out businesses and not students. Is it the gov't's fault if your business can't maintain during a crisis.
So you post an opinion piece as fact. This country has NEVER been energy independent, that is a right wing lie that has been repeated over and over.

No lie at all, it's just that you don't know what the term actually means.

If the US imports 12 million barrels of day and exports 10 million barrels, we are energy dependent.
If the US imports 12 million barrels a day and exports 12 million barrels a day, we are considered energy independent.
If the US imports 12 million barrels a day and exports 13 million barrels, we are a world provider of energy.
Not a dime's worth of difference between Crats and Cans.

George Wallace
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So why should the gov't bail out businesses and not students. Is it the gov't's fault if your business can't maintain during a crisis.

Who said it was governments fault if a business lost business and had to lay people off or close down? It has nothing to do with paying off student loans.

Businesses were very damaged because of covid, people in college were not. Yes some had to take classes via video, but they still got the education they paid for. There is zero reason for government to hand money over to them outside of buying votes with our tax dollars.
Either way, no matter which side of the argument. The USA is not producing all the gasoline, oil, that we can.

No matter what you think, Democrat or Republican, we could build new, modern refineries.

Any way you look at it, it is stupid not produce the best, cheapest, most economical energy possible.
Either way, no matter which side of the argument. The USA is not producing all the gasoline, oil, that we can.

No matter what you think, Democrat or Republican, we could build new, modern refineries.

Any way you look at it, it is stupid not produce the best, cheapest, most economical energy possible.

That would be a lot of work. The reason we haven't built any new refineries is when Democrats were in power, they created so many EPA regulations it would be impossible for a new refinery to create profit. If a Republican gets in there and starts erasing those regulations, they are blamed for increasing our carbon footprint.

Environmentalists are out to destroy this county, and they seemingly just don't care.
The Arabs are pumping more oil, thus the price decrease. They probably don't want to see our oil reserves vanish. They want secure America as well, it's in their interest.
Do you have a source for Arab countries producing more oil? As of late.
No lie at all, it's just that you don't know what the term actually means.

If the US imports 12 million barrels of day and exports 10 million barrels, we are energy dependent.
If the US imports 12 million barrels a day and exports 12 million barrels a day, we are considered energy independent.
If the US imports 12 million barrels a day and exports 13 million barrels, we are a world provider of energy.
The Arabs are pumping more oil, thus the price decrease. They probably don't want to see our oil reserves vanish. They want secure America as well, it's in their interest.
According to this site, OPEC has reduced oil production actually.

The Arabs are pumping more oil, thus the price decrease. They probably don't want to see our oil reserves vanish. They want secure America as well, it's in their interest.
Well I guess Oman is producing a bit more oil. They’re not in OPEC.

That’s the only mid-east country I know of that’s producing more oil though.



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What a stupid site, especially after I just posted the meaning of the terms. Of course we never stopped importing oil. What did I just tell you???? Fuel is a worldwide commodity therefore traded worldwide.
What does energy independence really mean?
On a national scale, energy independence means that a country can create all the energy it needs to power homes, cars, businesses, etc., and does not rely on buying energy from foreign countries. Because the United States consumes more petroleum than it produces, it must compensate for that discrepancy by importing oil (crude and refined) from other countries.
What does energy independence really mean?
On a national scale, energy independence means that a country can create all the energy it needs to power homes, cars, businesses, etc., and does not rely on buying energy from foreign countries. Because the United States consumes more petroleum than it produces, it must compensate for that discrepancy by importing oil (crude and refined) from other countries.

It doesn't work that way. Again, fuel is a worldwide commodity. Even if we produced all the energy needed to run the US, we would still be importing and exporting fuel with other countries. That's just how the system works. And to answer your question again, energy independence means that if we import 12 million barrels of oil a day, and export 12 million barrels of oil a day, that's considered energy independent which we were under Trump.
It doesn't work that way. Again, fuel is a worldwide commodity. Even if we produced all the energy needed to run the US, we would still be importing and exporting fuel with other countries. That's just how the system works. And to answer your question again, energy independence means that if we import 12 million barrels of oil a day, and export 12 million barrels of oil a day, that's considered energy independent which we were under Trump.
So you are an expert, but the folks who actually work in the field don't know what they are talking about. LOL.

How long has US been energy independent?
While the shale oil revolution has reduced the volume of US crude oil imports, the United States continues to import almost 8 mbd. Moreover, the United States has never been energy independent since the early 1970s.
So you are an expert, but the folks who actually work in the field don't know what they are talking about. LOL.

How long has US been energy independent?
While the shale oil revolution has reduced the volume of US crude oil imports, the United States continues to import almost 8 mbd. Moreover, the United States has never been energy independent since the early 1970s.

Not claiming to be an expert but certainly more knowledgeable and experienced than you. I spent a few years trading commodities, that's how I know what's involved here. And yes, all fuel is a commodity. When you use your own hard earned money to invest in such a high risk market you do a lot of studying, trial and error to protect your money. You spend weeks and months educating yourself on exactly what's involved.

The US produces not only enough food for our people, but enough to feed other countries as well. But guess what? We still trade things like corn, wheat, soybeans, cattle, hogs, cotton, lumber, and a host of other items we use every day. The commodities market was designed to stabilize prices. No, it does not work in our favor every time, but we would be much worse without it.

Commodities are not like stocks. With stocks you invest in the companies that produce products or services. When you buy commodities, you are buying (or selling) the actual products itself. It's all very involved to paraphrase it in a few paragraphs, but you can trust me when I claim I know what I'm talking about.

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