Gas prices coming down fast.

Similar thread showed up last week. It's winter, let's hear about heating oil prices. Being retired here in Arizona I don't pay attention to either.
You know what happens, further Trump attempted to add to the reserve at just $29.00 a barrel and Pelosi/Schumer refused, does the celebration know what the American people are gonna ante up to replenish after Biden drains it, around $80-$90 a barrel!

The price is down for only one reason, just as with heating vs food payments, Americans are not driving in favor of feeding their children and selves!

Happy days are not here again! :wink:
The Arabs are pumping more oil, thus the price decrease. They probably don't want to see our oil reserves vanish. They want secure America as well, it's in their interest.
I agree that the college loan forgiveness was another big reason there wasn't a red wave. However, I still think that if gas prices had not dropped so much from the 1st quarter high levels (by about $1.50 where I live) there would have still be a red wave.

I would disagree for one reason: It was estimated that this loan forgiveness would cost us nearly a half-trillion dollars. That's a hell of a lot of people meaning a hell of a lot of young voters. Remember too that Republicans had 5 million more voters come out for them on election day than the Democrats.
The Arabs are pumping more oil, thus the price decrease. They probably don't want to see our oil reserves vanish. They want secure America as well, it's in their interest.
That is not why prices are tumbling, its demand, lack of demand, do you know whats not going down in price, continuing to rise, food!
a serious question....
what happens when we can't replenish the reserves?

We can replace the reserves at any time we want. The question is at what price? Trump filled them up when oil was cheap. Lord knows if it will get anywhere close to that with Dementia in the White House.
That is not why prices are tumbling, its demand, lack of demand, do you know whats not going down in price, continuing to rise, food!

Yes, food will continue to rise with the price of diesel and fertilizer. Gasoline started to drop with the bad economic news heading our way before the election. That and China locking things down helped lower the price of gasoline. If layoffs begin we may see gasoline go down to the $2.00 range once again.
We can replace the reserves at any time we want. The question is at what price? Trump filled them up when oil was cheap. Lord knows if it will get anywhere close to that with Dementia in the White House.
No he didn't fill them, he wanted to but they(Pelosi)would not allow them to be topped up, they turned him(America)down cold!
All food and product prices will drop by one third as the 2023 begins. All homes and apartments the same. All bills for energy, water cable and other services also. Old Joe...The globalist stooge sellout like so many others.
Yes, food will continue to rise with the price of diesel and fertilizer. Gasoline started to drop with the bad economic news heading our way before the election. That and China locking things down helped lower the price of gasoline. If layoffs begin we may see gasoline go down to the $2.00 range once again.
I think it incredibly ominous this fall in price of gasoline, nothing has changed except of course consumption! This same issue is manifesting in home heating, both oil and gas, where Americans are being forced to choose between heating homes/apt's or eating, they are of course choosing to eat, and this is in America. What might we surmise is the state of affairs in Europe, Asia, South America and Africa???
I think it incredibly ominous this fall in price of gasoline, nothing has changed except of course consumption! This same issue is manifesting in home heating, both oil and gas, where Americans are being forced to choose between heating homes/apt's or eating, they are of course choosing to eat, and this is in America. What might we surmise is the state of affairs in Europe, Asia, South America and Africa???

The market is a funny place. I spent a couple of years trading commodities contracts. It's not really what we have and don't have, it's what we expect to have or won't have in the future. When talk started about a recession, people were sure it was about to hit and hit hard. Gasoline prices dropped even though at the time we probably weren't using any less gasoline than the month before. That's just how the market works.
Would it be nice & magical if any president could just lower the cost of any product for sale to the public, When does the reality enter that those who own the product set the price. and usually until they get a little carried away, Only then does the government get involved. Sometimes in a good way sometimes not so much.
Update. Prices fell 6 cents from yesterday. :)

Gas price.JPG
Would it be nice & magical if any president could just lower the cost of any product for sale to the public, When does the reality enter that those who own the product set the price.

When it becomes a reality. If oil companies could set the price, we would have been paying $10.00 a gallon for the last 20 years.

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