Garland / Partisan Weaponized DOJ Says Police Who Facilitated / Failed To Prevent J6 Violent Protest Can Sue Trump


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Despite released J6 video showing the Police open fired on protestors with mortars, tear gas, tazers, etc... despite more recently released J6 video showing Police holding open doors for protestors to enter the Capitol and holding doors open inside the Capitol - giving protestors access to the 2nd level, Garland has announced these same officers who facilitated the *fake 'Insurrection' can sue Forner President Trump...

Despite the fact that Trump has not been found guilty of rimes / of having anything directly to do with the violent protest...

Despite the recent report on the J6 violence that reported federal and DC Politicians and federal, district / local police failed to prevent J6 even though they had more than enough Intel and warnings months in advance.

Yea, Garland is a far left knuttjob who has a vendetta against the Republicans.
There is no basis to sue Trump.
The Democrat Party's fanatical obsession with Trump is another symptom of them being a dangerous political cult.
Their abuses of power, greed for power, total dishonesty and epic corruption are a threat to the republic.
Trump(and Fox News) incited an insurrection at the Capitol based on total lies, this is after they lost all court cases and even Trump appointed judges said there is no credible evidence of fraud at all.

if you do that, you must be held accountable.
Trump and Fix news are going to pay for what they did.
Trump(and Fox News) incited an insurrection at the Capitol based on total lies, this is after they lost all court cases and even Trump appointed judges said there is no credible evidence of fraud at all.

if you do that, you must be held accountable.
Trump and Fix news are going to pay for what they did.
Trump(and Fox News) incited an insurrection at the Capitol based on total lies, this is after they lost all court cases and even Trump appointed judges said there is no credible evidence of fraud at all.

if you do that, you must be held accountable.
Trump and Fix news are going to pay for what they did.

Make sure that you thank Trump for taking the 'beer Google's' off of voter's leaving a bifurcated USA.
Where we go from here is anybody's guess; but I'm sure that your guess will be wrong.
Garland's nuts still ache from being in front of the Oversight Committee yesterday!!
What a classic passive-aggressive Mr. Peepers is!
Nahhh! It just reminded us of what pompous asses and boisterous arrogant little boys some Republican Senators are..... It was good for the public to see! The showmanship deserves applause!

BRAVO! Keep it up!
Thanks for repeating what I said while falsely accusing me of lying...again.
- Jealous and wanted the credit for saying it?


Can you please post the link to the official DOJ report on the trial or summation of the court case in which Trump was found GUILTY?
-- Surely the DOJ would not declare Trump can be sued for inciting violence without findingbhim guilty of doing do.

Or was this just more TDS-suffering, hate-driven, Trump obsessed leftist OPINION?

The J6 Committee attempted to prove Trump did this, but in order to do so, like with the criminal Impeachment attempts, Democrats had to alter transcripts and illegallly manufacture fake evidence.

Also, I want to thank you for finally putting an end to the Leftist false narrative about J6 being an 'Insurrection' committed by 'Insurrectionists'

Your post shows how those who were at the Capitol on J6 were protestors, part of a 'violent mob' - a 'mostly peaceful protest' by Democrat standards, yet not 'Insurrectionists'.


The recently released J6 video Democrats tried to hide show the federal and local law enforcement agents actually initiated / incited the violence by firing mortars, tear gas, rubber bullets,and swinging away with batons without any prior warning.

I especially like the video footage of police opening doors for / inviting protestors in, one leading people through like a tour guide, and other officers holding doors open for protestors once inside, giving them access to the 2nd level.

'Trespassing Insurrectionists'?

They were INVITED IN, baited into entering the Capitol, and, again, video plainly shows it was the officers on-scene who initiated the violence.

You indoctrinated idiots don't have the Common Sense ... and honesty ... to fill up a sewing thimble.

And lookee here - the same NY Times who won Pulitzers for intentionaly writing fiction against Trump during Obama's failed coup artempt is the SAME media (snowflakes swear by) that reported Trump was ACQUITTED of inciting an insurrection / violence.

Gee, that means Garland is a lying, criminal POS, and there is no legal basis for suing Trump!

If you broke-ass snowflakes need a dollar to read the article let me know; however,we both know this is the perfect excuse for you to avoid the TRUTH / REALITY!


  • The FBI has found no evidence that Trump was directly involved in organizing Capitol-riot violence.
  • It also found little evidence of an organized plot to overturn the election results.
  • "Ninety to ninety-five percent of these are one-off cases," said one former official.

"The FBI hasn't found any evidence that the January 6 assault on the US Capitol was part of an organized plot to overturn the election results, Reuters reported, citing law-enforcement officials.

The officials also said that the FBI has "so far found no evidence" that former President Donald Trump or "people directly around him were involved in organizing the violence."

....but Garland says officers / others can sue Trump ... based on his ... TDS?!

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