Gang members lie on Federal Background check forms, get guns illegally....gun control works?

Two gang members went into gun stores, filled out the Federally mandated paperwork.....and were allowed to buy guns.....

gun just as expected...

Yep. I'm not a registered member of the Oath Keepers, Three Percenters, Proud Boys, BLM, Antifa, MS-13, or any of the other gangs and cartels lawfully permitted to bear arms in the United States.
Sorry, that is ignorant.

First of all, less than 1% of guns in the US are used in crime, so your notion gun stores are deliberately selling to criminals is totally false.

You miss the point. It's not the money they make off the crook, it's the money they make keeping people scared so they want to buy more guns.

Are you stupid? They run full background checks on every gun sale.....the majority of the time the buyers have clean records and the gangs use them specifically because the straw buyer has a clean they will pass any background check.

Then the background checks are inadequate.

Which goes back to my point. Start hitting these gun sellers in the bottom line, they will make DAMNED sure they aren't selling to the wrong people.
But whose fault is that? Mama Lanza was a mentally ill prepper. She was stockpiling guns. What she needed was therapy, not more guns.

20 children and six teachers paid a price.
Just sit on the couch and talk about it. They'll drug you into a stupor for your own benefit and protection.
And because it was a gun free zone, they became the target...because of people like you.

Uh, guy, we have gun free zones because of crazies like you...

The fact that Mama Lanza had guns at all with a dangerous child she refused to control until he became a dangerous adult, is the problem there.
But whose fault is that? Mama Lanza was a mentally ill prepper. She was stockpiling guns. What she needed was therapy, not more guns.

20 children and six teachers paid a price. the same time.....each year Americans use guns 1.2 million times a year to save lives...stopping rapes, beatings, stabbings, robberies, murders and yes, even mass public shootings at schools....

According to the Centers for Disease Control...

Or 1.5 million times a year if you go by the Department of Justice research...

Or 1.67 million times a year if you go by the 2020 Firearms survey research...

Can you tell which number is bigger? How many lives are saved by guns?
Uh, guy, we have gun free zones because of crazies like you...

The fact that Mama Lanza had guns at all with a dangerous child she refused to control until he became a dangerous adult, is the problem there.
Democrat cops see "gun free zones" as license to open fire on suspects without warning.
That would be equivalent to victims of alcoholism suing liquor stores?


this is why other industries need to support the Lawful Commerce in Arms protection act......if the democrats ever manage to repeal that, it opens up every single industry to predatory lawsuits....far beyond what they face today.
Sure they can. And when the jury hears that gun store sold 850 guns that were eventually recovered in crimes in Chicago, they can draw their own conclusions.

You see, there's a reason why your iron has a label on it that says, "Do not iron clothes while wearing them". Because some idiot did that, burned himself and sued the iron company.

Can't find anything about that lawsuit except for what you posted which was a story at the end of April. Currently gun stores can't be sued unless it's proven they did something wrong. The story doesn't say these 850 people actually purchased the guns, it said they ended up in their hands.
You miss the point. It's not the money they make off the crook, it's the money they make keeping people scared so they want to buy more guns.

Then the background checks are inadequate.

Which goes back to my point. Start hitting these gun sellers in the bottom line, they will make DAMNED sure they aren't selling to the wrong people.

No...moron.....start keeping gang members in jail when you catch them with illegal guns....

And when you have 5 gang members in a shootout, caught on arrest them and lock them up for life.....but the democrat party wants to ban they keep releasing these same guys over and over again, so they can keep shooting people....scaring uninformed people, and driving asshats like you they can ban guns...
Can't find anything about that lawsuit except for what you posted which was a story at the end of April. Currently gun stores can't be sued unless it's proven they did something wrong. The story doesn't say these 850 people actually purchased the guns, it said they ended up in their hands.

Yeah...not surprising.......anti-gun extremists are going to lie with every post....
Moron....he could have stabbed her to death in her sleep and then gotten the idiot.........

No, we know that Mommy was extremely permissive with the guns. Adam had access any time his violent, mentally ill little ass pleased.

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You miss the point. It's not the money they make off the crook, it's the money they make keeping people scared so they want to buy more guns.

Then the background checks are inadequate.

Which goes back to my point. Start hitting these gun sellers in the bottom line, they will make DAMNED sure they aren't selling to the wrong people.
Would you find gun dealers refusing to sell to blacks anywhere near Chicago an acceptable solution? Because I suspect THAT might be the result.
You miss the point. It's not the money they make off the crook, it's the money they make keeping people scared so they want to buy more guns.

Then the background checks are inadequate.

Which goes back to my point. Start hitting these gun sellers in the bottom line, they will make DAMNED sure they aren't selling to the wrong people.

Hey...shithead......let's try this...

Explain to us why kim foxx, democrat party prosecutor refused to charge the 5 gang members, caught on video, shooting at each other in the middle of a chicago street...with two of the shooters injured and captured at the scene of the shooting...

You tell us why she didn't press charges against them, and why they are still out there shooting people......
No, we know that Mommy was extremely permissive with the guns. Adam had access any time his violent little ass pleased.

Moron...he planned the attack for about 2 didn't matter what she did, he planned on getting those moron.

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