G a s o l i n e

The link proves that we have enough gas to keep prices a lot lower. Prices are supposed to go up when there is higher demand and lower supply. The link shows that we have so much supply that we are exporting gas at record levels.

It blows away all of your talking points.

Not really. Demand is the highest its ever been globally because of emerging economies in the east. Oil is sold on a global market. And that market is growing rapidly. Thus more drilling and more refineries would have an impact.
Focus, Grampa. Why are we exporting record amounts to other countries while our gas is at $4.00?

Why aren't we keeping that gas here to make prices go down for Americans?

Because the oil isn't ours to keep. It belongs to the people that paid to have it extracted from the earth and they are free to sell it to whomever they choose.

Are you suggesting a govt take over of the oil industry?
I love my job.

Good. Then stop complaining about the gas prices associated with it. Nobody is forcing you to do what you do. It's your decision, and you apparently love it. So love it and stop complaining about it.

And your contraption you drive is not for a working man, its for a grunt.

It serves my needs. Gets me around, is cheap on gas and insurance, it's fun, and chicks dig it. Has nothing to do with being a "working man." I work hard every single day.

And your attitude on the matter is very much elitist.

No, I told you, it's the conservative attitude, that conservatives take every single day on a whole litany of issues. If the discussion were about minimum wage and class warfare, the conservatives would be piping right up to say exactly the same things. "Don't like it, get another job/you're not entitled to groceries/nobody is forcing you to have the job you do/etc. I've brought that same attitude to this discussion to illustrate how the "conservative" positions on so many things changes with the wind based on what's convenient.

You could not survive if real working men didn't have the gas guzzling engines they do to deliver your goods to you.

What does this have to do with anything? You're the one complaining about gas prices, not me. If you don't like gas prices, don't buy gas. Nobody is forcing you to buy gas. Find another way to get the job done, find another job, or stop complaining about your own decisions to do the job you do and pay the price you pay for the gas you choose to buy.

Now go check your flintstone mobile and make sure the wind hasn't blown it away.

You wouldn't be able to handle my ride.

And just to clue you in there is NOTHING conservative about telling someone to change jobs if they don't like gas prices or can't do their job out of one of your toy vehicles.

Really? Because the conservatives around here are constantly dropping that line, and I'd wager that you usually agree with them when it's convenient to make such an argument. Guess you haven't been paying attention. So tell me, what would you say to someone who says that the government should intervene in the labor market so that said person can make more money with which they can pay feed and clothe their family? Remember, the rules you just set mean that you can't tell them to go shop somewhere else if they don't like the prices, or to go get a different job, etc.

In fact its very liberal.

I see. So the conservative position on this is that the government should intervene to force businesses to sell their product at a price that the government decides is fair, while dictating to businesses how much money they're allowed to make. That about right?
Welcome to Planet Talk Radio

US Oil production is at an all time high. Every refinery is maxed. Turn off talk radio and try to get the actual data. Start by finding out our total refinery capacity. Better still. Compare the amount of our total capacity used under say Bush 43 to today, where we are producing much more. We are maxed.

You could tap every single barrel from every corner of the US, including ANWAR and the Gulf and offshore FL and CA (which was opposed by Republican Governors like Jeb Bush)... and you still would not put in a dent in the supply/demand ratio, which is THE reason we're going to $6 a gallon no matter how many drips you choke from dwindling supplies. The low hanging fruit is gone. Everything left in the ground is insanely expensive. (Does Hannity or Gingrich ever talk about the rising energy demand on the 3rd world? Do they talk about how China is beating us in alternative energy, despite their current addiction to coal?)

The GOP never talks about the hard truth: rising demand of China, India and the developing world. No combination of additional petroleum discoveries or expensive Shale Tar Sand harvesting or super expensive deep water drilling will change the reality that current oil reserves will not match growing demand. [Do you know how many barrels we use in a day? Do you know what the best case scenario is for oil production from domestic supplies? We would need to find ten fields as large the largest Saudi Field - and current speculation is that all our potential discoveries combined would not equal 1/100th of that] The oil industry - which owns the GOP and funds all their elections - does not want the market to wake up to the fact that the world should be radically shifting investments from petrochemicals to alternative sources and conservation - and a whole new vision for urbanization built around efficient energy use, from transportation to shipping and production. Everything would have to change . . . but the GOP just wants to drill for something that isn't there. All the low handing fruit is gone. The only thing left is super expensive tar sands, shale and deep water drilling. Not only will these supplies not come close to satisfying our needs, but the costs are insane.

We are inside the energy crisis the Carter predicted - plain and simple.

Does Talk Radio ever mention how Reagan forbid the USA from pricing our Middle East military costs into a barrel of oil - he didn't want the world to know how much oil really cost. This is what happens when money controls politics.

In the 1970s America had a choice. The choice was between Carter's model, which called for a "moonshot" around alternative energy and conservation, or Reagan's model, which called for increased military investment in the Persian Gulf. America chose Reagan's model. They let the GOP convince them that Carter's oil worries were fake. The GOP actually made fun of the alternative energy movement and conservation. Had they listened to Carter, we would now have a 30 year head start toward energy independence.

America swallowed poison when they allowed Reagan to convince them that there was no energy problem. We can't snap our fingers and make up for 30 years of misallocating resources into a dead-end energy future. The oil industry and their political party, the GOP, suppressed findings that predicted what is happening now.

Even if we got 2 million extra barrels a day from domestic sources, it wouldn't put a dent in prices. America required a whole no approach to energy when this problem first arose in the 70s.

We swallowed poison in 1980 . . . nobody gets it.
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Not really. Demand is the highest its ever been globally because of emerging economies in the east. Oil is sold on a global market. And that market is growing rapidly. Thus more drilling and more refineries would have an impact.
Focus, Grampa. Why are we exporting record amounts to other countries while our gas is at $4.00?

Why aren't we keeping that gas here to make prices go down for Americans?

Because the oil isn't ours to keep. It belongs to the people that paid to have it extracted from the earth and they are free to sell it to whomever they choose.

Are you suggesting a govt take over of the oil industry?

As a matter of course? *They Do*

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3I-PVVowFY]Maxine Waters (D) Slip of the Tongue Reveals True Intentions (Socialism for America) - YouTube[/ame]
Because the oil isn't ours to keep. It belongs to the people that paid to have it extracted from the earth and they are free to sell it to whomever they choose.

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

You've just explained why increasing domestic oil production won't affect gas prices. Because it's a global commodity that sells in a global market. Even if the US produced enough oil to fully meet all of its own needs, pricing would still be set by the global market. Because the producers are free to sell their product to whomever they wish, wherever they wish, for as much money as they can squeeze out of the buyer. Why would they simply sell domestically for lower prices, when they could export at a higher profit?
So, what about the link? Did you get someone to read it to you?

The link had nothing to do with what I was commenting on- You know- "what the president can do to influence prices"

I know it suits you more to change the conversation to make it be what you want it to be. There were already other posts in this thread dealing with exports- you could have linked them up.

But since you want to discuss exports- and we can all see a temper tantrum beginning to develop if you don't get your way- I can be the grown up and discuss a point you want to make- just let me hear what it is first.

The link proves that we have enough gas to keep prices a lot lower. Prices are supposed to go up when there is higher demand and lower supply. The link shows that we have so much supply that we are exporting gas at record levels.

It blows away all of your talking points.

No, the link proves that oil companies are in the business of selling their product- The global demand drives their doing so- not the domestic demand. It would certainly be a benevolent thing for oil companies to leave their product here- but THAT is not in the presidents "free market" purview- which is what my original post addressed- are you always this obtuse?

Speculators add about 25- 30% increase to domestic pricing. Regulating their ability to repatriate that investment earning would curb a lot of the high pricing in the market- It was one of the 4 "free market" solutions I put forth. You and your ilk seem only able to yammer "exports and Wall Street". YOU are devoid of solutions.
I love my job.

Good. Then stop complaining about the gas prices associated with it. Nobody is forcing you to do what you do. It's your decision, and you apparently love it. So love it and stop complaining about it.

And your contraption you drive is not for a working man, its for a grunt.

It serves my needs. Gets me around, is cheap on gas and insurance, it's fun, and chicks dig it. Has nothing to do with being a "working man." I work hard every single day.

No, I told you, it's the conservative attitude, that conservatives take every single day on a whole litany of issues. If the discussion were about minimum wage and class warfare, the conservatives would be piping right up to say exactly the same things. "Don't like it, get another job/you're not entitled to groceries/nobody is forcing you to have the job you do/etc. I've brought that same attitude to this discussion to illustrate how the "conservative" positions on so many things changes with the wind based on what's convenient.

What does this have to do with anything? You're the one complaining about gas prices, not me. If you don't like gas prices, don't buy gas. Nobody is forcing you to buy gas. Find another way to get the job done, find another job, or stop complaining about your own decisions to do the job you do and pay the price you pay for the gas you choose to buy.

You wouldn't be able to handle my ride.

And just to clue you in there is NOTHING conservative about telling someone to change jobs if they don't like gas prices or can't do their job out of one of your toy vehicles.

Really? Because the conservatives around here are constantly dropping that line, and I'd wager that you usually agree with them when it's convenient to make such an argument. Guess you haven't been paying attention. So tell me, what would you say to someone who says that the government should intervene in the labor market so that said person can make more money with which they can pay feed and clothe their family? Remember, the rules you just set mean that you can't tell them to go shop somewhere else if they don't like the prices, or to go get a different job, etc.

In fact its very liberal.

I see. So the conservative position on this is that the government should intervene to force businesses to sell their product at a price that the government decides is fair, while dictating to businesses how much money they're allowed to make. That about right?

Just stfu already. The men and women who build this country have no choice but to buy gas. Your analogy falls flat on its face because THERE IS NO ALTERNATIVE.

You are not a conservative and you're fooling no one but yourself.
Because the oil isn't ours to keep. It belongs to the people that paid to have it extracted from the earth and they are free to sell it to whomever they choose.

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

You've just explained why increasing domestic oil production won't affect gas prices. Because it's a global commodity that sells in a global market. Even if the US produced enough oil to fully meet all of its own needs, pricing would still be set by the global market. Because the producers are free to sell their product to whomever they wish, wherever they wish, for as much money as they can squeeze out of the buyer. Why would they simply sell domestically for lower prices, when they could export at a higher profit?

And you just proved two things.

1. You're really fucking stupid

2. You are a liberal

More production no matter its source will add to the global market thus lowering the global price per barrel thus lowering the price at OUR pumps.
Just stfu already.

Is this getting to difficult for you to keep up with? Sorry gramps, you'll just have to deal with it. Nobody is forcing you to remain a part of the discussion.

The men and women who build this country have no choice but to buy gas.

There's always a choice. Either buy gas, or find another way. It's your responsibility to provide for your own needs. Nobody owes it to you to give you whatever you want at whatever price you want it.

Your analogy falls flat on its face because THERE IS NO ALTERNATIVE.

Then create an alternative. It's not the world's responsibility to provide for your wants.

You are not a conservative and you're fooling no one but yourself.

Never claimed to be a conservative. I'm a centrist, I've said that over and over. I said that I was presenting the conservative argument that is so often applied nearly any other time, but is clearly dropped immediately when it's not convenient anymore.
I love my job.

Good. Then stop complaining about the gas prices associated with it. Nobody is forcing you to do what you do. It's your decision, and you apparently love it. So love it and stop complaining about it.

It serves my needs. Gets me around, is cheap on gas and insurance, it's fun, and chicks dig it. Has nothing to do with being a "working man." I work hard every single day.

No, I told you, it's the conservative attitude, that conservatives take every single day on a whole litany of issues. If the discussion were about minimum wage and class warfare, the conservatives would be piping right up to say exactly the same things. "Don't like it, get another job/you're not entitled to groceries/nobody is forcing you to have the job you do/etc. I've brought that same attitude to this discussion to illustrate how the "conservative" positions on so many things changes with the wind based on what's convenient.

What does this have to do with anything? You're the one complaining about gas prices, not me. If you don't like gas prices, don't buy gas. Nobody is forcing you to buy gas. Find another way to get the job done, find another job, or stop complaining about your own decisions to do the job you do and pay the price you pay for the gas you choose to buy.

You wouldn't be able to handle my ride.

Really? Because the conservatives around here are constantly dropping that line, and I'd wager that you usually agree with them when it's convenient to make such an argument. Guess you haven't been paying attention. So tell me, what would you say to someone who says that the government should intervene in the labor market so that said person can make more money with which they can pay feed and clothe their family? Remember, the rules you just set mean that you can't tell them to go shop somewhere else if they don't like the prices, or to go get a different job, etc.

In fact its very liberal.

I see. So the conservative position on this is that the government should intervene to force businesses to sell their product at a price that the government decides is fair, while dictating to businesses how much money they're allowed to make. That about right?

Just stfu already. The men and women who build this country have no choice but to buy gas. Your analogy falls flat on its face because THERE IS NO ALTERNATIVE.

You are not a conservative and you're fooling no one but yourself.

Only forced ones by Obama and the left that aren't economically viable for the forseeable future.
And you just proved two things.

1. You're really fucking stupid

So, you are unable to respond with anything of substance, so you have no resort left other than name calling.

2. You are a liberal

I'm a liberal for explaining a basic economic concept? :cuckoo:

More production no matter its source will add to the global market thus lowering the global price per barrel thus lowering the price at OUR pumps.

So, if I piss in the ocean, I'll reduce the price of bottled water, because I increased world-wide supply? That's the best the US can hope to do. In any event, domestic production is at its highest levels in history. And prices?
Good. Then stop complaining about the gas prices associated with it. Nobody is forcing you to do what you do. It's your decision, and you apparently love it. So love it and stop complaining about it.

It serves my needs. Gets me around, is cheap on gas and insurance, it's fun, and chicks dig it. Has nothing to do with being a "working man." I work hard every single day.

No, I told you, it's the conservative attitude, that conservatives take every single day on a whole litany of issues. If the discussion were about minimum wage and class warfare, the conservatives would be piping right up to say exactly the same things. "Don't like it, get another job/you're not entitled to groceries/nobody is forcing you to have the job you do/etc. I've brought that same attitude to this discussion to illustrate how the "conservative" positions on so many things changes with the wind based on what's convenient.

What does this have to do with anything? You're the one complaining about gas prices, not me. If you don't like gas prices, don't buy gas. Nobody is forcing you to buy gas. Find another way to get the job done, find another job, or stop complaining about your own decisions to do the job you do and pay the price you pay for the gas you choose to buy.

You wouldn't be able to handle my ride.

Really? Because the conservatives around here are constantly dropping that line, and I'd wager that you usually agree with them when it's convenient to make such an argument. Guess you haven't been paying attention. So tell me, what would you say to someone who says that the government should intervene in the labor market so that said person can make more money with which they can pay feed and clothe their family? Remember, the rules you just set mean that you can't tell them to go shop somewhere else if they don't like the prices, or to go get a different job, etc.

I see. So the conservative position on this is that the government should intervene to force businesses to sell their product at a price that the government decides is fair, while dictating to businesses how much money they're allowed to make. That about right?

Just stfu already. The men and women who build this country have no choice but to buy gas. Your analogy falls flat on its face because THERE IS NO ALTERNATIVE.

You are not a conservative and you're fooling no one but yourself.

Only forced ones by Obama and the left that aren't economically viable for the forseeable future.

And the ones he's trying to force on the market won't haul the slabs of stone or travertine products I work with. So I'm supposed to change jobs apparently or shut up about high gas prices. How very American huh?

Fucking liberals.
Just stfu already. The men and women who build this country have no choice but to buy gas. Your analogy falls flat on its face because THERE IS NO ALTERNATIVE.

You are not a conservative and you're fooling no one but yourself.

Only forced ones by Obama and the left that aren't economically viable for the forseeable future.

And the ones he's trying to force on the market won't haul the slabs of stone or travertine products I work with. So I'm supposed to change jobs apparently or shut up about high gas prices. How very American huh?

Fucking liberals.

They expect you to adapt and overcome or just give up by force of thier sheer brilliance. ;)
Welcome to Planet Talk Radio

US Oil production is at an all time high. Every refinery is maxed. Turn off talk radio and try to get the actual data. Start by finding out our total refinery capacity. Better still. Compare the amount of our total capacity used under say Bush 43 to today, where we are producing much more. We are maxed.

You could tap every single barrel from every corner of the US, including ANWAR and the Gulf and offshore FL and CA (which was opposed by Republican Governors like Jeb Bush)... and you still would not put in a dent in the supply/demand ratio, which is THE reason we're going to $6 a gallon no matter how many drips you choke from dwindling supplies. The low hanging fruit is gone. Everything left in the ground is insanely expensive. (Does Hannity or Gingrich ever talk about the rising energy demand on the 3rd world? Do they talk about how China is beating us in alternative energy, despite their current addiction to coal?)

The GOP never talks about the hard truth: rising demand of China, India and the developing world. No combination of additional petroleum discoveries or expensive Shale Tar Sand harvesting or super expensive deep water drilling will change the reality that current oil reserves will not match growing demand. [Do you know how many barrels we use in a day? Do you know what the best case scenario is for oil production from domestic supplies? We would need to find ten fields as large the largest Saudi Field - and current speculation is that all our potential discoveries combined would not equal 1/100th of that] The oil industry - which owns the GOP and funds all their elections - does not want the market to wake up to the fact that the world should be radically shifting investments from petrochemicals to alternative sources and conservation - and a whole new vision for urbanization built around efficient energy use, from transportation to shipping and production. Everything would have to change . . . but the GOP just wants to drill for something that isn't there. All the low handing fruit is gone. The only thing left is super expensive tar sands, shale and deep water drilling. Not only will these supplies not come close to satisfying our needs, but the costs are insane.

We are inside the energy crisis the Carter predicted - plain and simple.

Does Talk Radio ever mention how Reagan forbid the USA from pricing our Middle East military costs into a barrel of oil - he didn't want the world to know how much oil really cost. This is what happens when money controls politics.

In the 1970s America had a choice. The choice was between Carter's model, which called for a "moonshot" around alternative energy and conservation, or Reagan's model, which called for increased military investment in the Persian Gulf. America chose Reagan's model. They let the GOP convince them that Carter's oil worries were fake. The GOP actually made fun of the alternative energy movement and conservation. Had they listened to Carter, we would now have a 30 year head start toward energy independence.

America swallowed poison when they allowed Reagan to convince them that there was no energy problem. We can't snap our fingers and make up for 30 years of misallocating resources into a dead-end energy future. The oil industry and their political party, the GOP, suppressed findings that predicted what is happening now.

Even if we got 2 million extra barrels a day from domestic sources, it wouldn't put a dent in prices. America required a whole no approach to energy when this problem first arose in the 70s.

We swallowed poison in 1980 . . . nobody gets it.

US Oil production is at an all time high.

No it isn't.

You could tap every single barrel from every corner of the US, including ANWAR and the Gulf and offshore FL and CA (which was opposed by Republican Governors like Jeb Bush)... and you still would not put in a dent in the supply/demand ratio,

Yeah, adding 5 or 6 million barrels a day would probably increase the price. :cuckoo:

We can't snap our fingers and make up for 30 years of misallocating resources into a dead-end energy future.

Quick, loan more money to Solyndra!

We swallowed poison in 1980 . . . nobody gets it.

You're still kicking yourself for voting for Carter. We get it.
He's been spouting off at the mouth. about coal, about gasoline, about energy in general. you should tell him to drill baby drill.. he's so darn stupid.

What about the question I asked? It's bolded, for the aged.

Do you think speculation raises the price?
If so, please explain how. Thanks!
Defense of oil speculation is just plain wrong - opinion - Mar. 26, 2012

Here's one from noted oil expert Dan Dicker:

Daniel Dicker: Oil Market Itself Proves Gas Prices Are All Speculation-Driven

S.O.S. Now - Stop Oil Speculation Now
Not really. Demand is the highest its ever been globally because of emerging economies in the east. Oil is sold on a global market. And that market is growing rapidly. Thus more drilling and more refineries would have an impact.
Focus, Grampa. Why are we exporting record amounts to other countries while our gas is at $4.00?

Why aren't we keeping that gas here to make prices go down for Americans?

Because the oil isn't ours to keep. It belongs to the people that paid to have it extracted from the earth and they are free to sell it to whomever they choose.

Are you suggesting a govt take over of the oil industry?
Then don't bitch about gas prices, and don't blame Obama, because you clearly believe that the price is set by the people who get it out of the ground (which costs them only $2.00 per barrel, BTW - deep water drilling cost them $37 per barrel).
Because the oil isn't ours to keep. It belongs to the people that paid to have it extracted from the earth and they are free to sell it to whomever they choose.

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

You've just explained why increasing domestic oil production won't affect gas prices. Because it's a global commodity that sells in a global market. Even if the US produced enough oil to fully meet all of its own needs, pricing would still be set by the global market. Because the producers are free to sell their product to whomever they wish, wherever they wish, for as much money as they can squeeze out of the buyer. Why would they simply sell domestically for lower prices, when they could export at a higher profit?

Don't you love it when they contradict their own talking points? :lol:
The link had nothing to do with what I was commenting on- You know- "what the president can do to influence prices"

I know it suits you more to change the conversation to make it be what you want it to be. There were already other posts in this thread dealing with exports- you could have linked them up.

But since you want to discuss exports- and we can all see a temper tantrum beginning to develop if you don't get your way- I can be the grown up and discuss a point you want to make- just let me hear what it is first.

The link proves that we have enough gas to keep prices a lot lower. Prices are supposed to go up when there is higher demand and lower supply. The link shows that we have so much supply that we are exporting gas at record levels.

It blows away all of your talking points.

No, the link proves that oil companies are in the business of selling their product- The global demand drives their doing so- not the domestic demand. It would certainly be a benevolent thing for oil companies to leave their product here- but THAT is not in the presidents "free market" purview- which is what my original post addressed- are you always this obtuse?

Another one who, by her own words, absolves Obama of any blame. Great job, wingnut!

Speculators add about 25- 30% increase to domestic pricing. Regulating their ability to repatriate that investment earning would curb a lot of the high pricing in the market- It was one of the 4 "free market" solutions I put forth. You and your ilk seem only able to yammer "exports and Wall Street". YOU are devoid of solutions.

Explain that to Todd. He doesn't understand. :)
I love my job.

Good. Then stop complaining about the gas prices associated with it. Nobody is forcing you to do what you do. It's your decision, and you apparently love it. So love it and stop complaining about it.

It serves my needs. Gets me around, is cheap on gas and insurance, it's fun, and chicks dig it. Has nothing to do with being a "working man." I work hard every single day.

No, I told you, it's the conservative attitude, that conservatives take every single day on a whole litany of issues. If the discussion were about minimum wage and class warfare, the conservatives would be piping right up to say exactly the same things. "Don't like it, get another job/you're not entitled to groceries/nobody is forcing you to have the job you do/etc. I've brought that same attitude to this discussion to illustrate how the "conservative" positions on so many things changes with the wind based on what's convenient.

What does this have to do with anything? You're the one complaining about gas prices, not me. If you don't like gas prices, don't buy gas. Nobody is forcing you to buy gas. Find another way to get the job done, find another job, or stop complaining about your own decisions to do the job you do and pay the price you pay for the gas you choose to buy.

You wouldn't be able to handle my ride.

Really? Because the conservatives around here are constantly dropping that line, and I'd wager that you usually agree with them when it's convenient to make such an argument. Guess you haven't been paying attention. So tell me, what would you say to someone who says that the government should intervene in the labor market so that said person can make more money with which they can pay feed and clothe their family? Remember, the rules you just set mean that you can't tell them to go shop somewhere else if they don't like the prices, or to go get a different job, etc.

In fact its very liberal.

I see. So the conservative position on this is that the government should intervene to force businesses to sell their product at a price that the government decides is fair, while dictating to businesses how much money they're allowed to make. That about right?

Just stfu already. The men and women who build this country have no choice but to buy gas. Your analogy falls flat on its face because THERE IS NO ALTERNATIVE.

You are not a conservative and you're fooling no one but yourself.

Ahh, the last recourse of a wingnut who has just had his ass handed to him. :laugh:
Because the oil isn't ours to keep. It belongs to the people that paid to have it extracted from the earth and they are free to sell it to whomever they choose.

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

You've just explained why increasing domestic oil production won't affect gas prices. Because it's a global commodity that sells in a global market. Even if the US produced enough oil to fully meet all of its own needs, pricing would still be set by the global market. Because the producers are free to sell their product to whomever they wish, wherever they wish, for as much money as they can squeeze out of the buyer. Why would they simply sell domestically for lower prices, when they could export at a higher profit?

And you just proved two things.

1. You're really fucking stupid

2. You are a liberal

More production no matter its source will add to the global market thus lowering the global price per barrel thus lowering the price at OUR pumps.
We have so much production, we are exporting it at record levels. What part of that don't you get?

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