Full send podcast- Tucker Carlson defends Andrew Tate


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May 12, 2022

Some people here might not know who Andrew Tate is but he was at one point the most googled man on earth. He is outspoken on getting young men off of drugs getting them to work out, getting them to meet women. And for that he is a political prisoner he has been in jail in Romania with no charge for three months based on trumped up charges for nothing.

For claims of sexually abusing women when the very women who Romania is claiming were assaulted or held in captivity have come out and said they were not. Andrew Tate is an American citizen and he is being held as a political prisoner. He opposes people like Greta Thunberg it is perhaps believed that Greta or far left politicians in America are influencing Romania through bribery or perhaps money to keep this man in jail. You’ll see people on the far left don’t give one damn about humanity at all …they are monsters they want this man in jail for his viewpoints. Not because he did anything he didn’t do anything at all.
nice defending human trafficking and using under age girls for web cam action....

Yep, as we knew all along, conservatives are the real groomers and pedos.


Some people here might not know who Andrew Tate is but he was at one point the most googled man on earth. He is outspoken on getting young men off of drugs getting them to work out, getting them to meet women. And for that he is a political prisoner he has been in jail in Romania with no charge for three months based on trumped up charges for nothing.

For claims of sexually abusing women when the very women who Romania is claiming were assaulted or held in captivity have come out and said they were not. Andrew Tate is an American citizen and he is being held as a political prisoner. He opposes people like Greta Thunberg it is perhaps believed that Greta or far left politicians in America are influencing Romania through bribery or perhaps money to keep this man in jail. You’ll see people on the far left don’t give one damn about humanity at all …they are monsters they want this man in jail for his viewpoints. Not because he did anything he didn’t do anything at all.

How does this case have anything to do with the left or right?
How does this case have anything to do with the left or right?
If you watch the video or if you read about Andrew Tate his enemies are those on the far left …. for example those refer to Tate as a misogynist, a sexist or a criminal are the very people who think that it is offensive that a man is telling young man to get out there get off the Internet get off the porn meet a woman in real life, get off dope stop playing video games, work out.

OK for example take the ladies on “the view “ or some of the people on CNN who are openly on the left who openly support BLM and nonsense like …..this they hate Andrew Tate for what he stands for. They want a population to be slaves to be subservient. Tate is therefore the enemy because again he’s out there teaching young men as I said before to meet women in real life, to be a man to take care of the woman to work so hard that their wife their girlfriend doesn’t have to work. Things like that for example.

In order to understand us you would have to take a look at some of the Andrew Tate podcasts on YouTube those are readily available.

Here is the full send podcast with Tucker Carlson. What an amazing interview I have to say. And it just goes to show us the humanity of Tucker Carlson he’s a really cool guy for sure. Hes a regular every day American
If you watch the video or if you read about Andrew Tate his enemies are those on the far left …. for example those refer to Tate as a misogynist, a sexist or a criminal are the very people who think that it is offensive that a man is telling young man to get out there get off the Internet get off the porn meet a woman in real life, get off dope stop playing video games, work out.

OK for example take the ladies on “the view “ or some of the people on CNN who are openly on the left who openly support BLM and nonsense like …..this they hate Andrew Tate for what he stands for. They want a population to be slaves to be subservient. Tate is therefore the enemy because again he’s out there teaching young men as I said before to meet women in real life, to be a man to take care of the woman to work so hard that their wife their girlfriend doesn’t have to work. Things like that for example.

In order to understand us you would have to take a look at some of the Andrew Tate podcasts on YouTube those are readily available.
Would you let Tate anywhere near your daughter?

Some people here might not know who Andrew Tate is but he was at one point the most googled man on earth. He is outspoken on getting young men off of drugs getting them to work out, getting them to meet women. And for that he is a political prisoner he has been in jail in Romania with no charge for three months based on trumped up charges for nothing.

For claims of sexually abusing women when the very women who Romania is claiming were assaulted or held in captivity have come out and said they were not. Andrew Tate is an American citizen and he is being held as a political prisoner. He opposes people like Greta Thunberg it is perhaps believed that Greta or far left politicians in America are influencing Romania through bribery or perhaps money to keep this man in jail. You’ll see people on the far left don’t give one damn about humanity at all …they are monsters they want this man in jail for his viewpoints. Not because he did anything he didn’t do anything at all.

He'll be dead from his lung cancer soon, regardless. And the world will be a better place.
Would you let Tate anywhere near your daughter?
OK that’s a weird sort of question and it’s something quite odd. How do you know that the people you’re talking with even have kids.

Tate has been around many women. Tons of women on YouTube who give interviews to say he’s great to be around with. There’s your answer sir. So are you here to be a troll or actually address the issue at hand. Please address the issue at hand

Don’t you realize what’s going on here this man is an American citizen and he is a political prisoner in Romania. Who gives a shit what his political views are. If there was a Black Lives Matter supporter in prison in Romania I would also be up in arms against it. So it’s your duty as an American every single person in this thread who is an American to push to get Andrew Tate out of prison. Sick what’s going on in this country and the world this far left movement and also I should say to the other posters point there are neoconservatives who oppose Andrew Tate.

This is all that counts. Andrew Tate has been accused of kidnapping or sexually assaulting a woman. That woman came out and said no I’m Andrew Tate’s girlfriend nothing wrong happened. That’s it game over nothing more needs to be said. The man is a political prisoner he is in prison because he has some controversial views or he said some things that might offend people…. who gives a shit sir. You either have freedom you either have free speech or you don’t.


You don’t have any legitimate response brother it’s like in the other thread. Or any other thread about the January 6 protesters. You don’t give a shit man. What’s your problem. I’m the one saying that a BLM protester or January 6 protester who did nothing more than trespass into a building should get a few weeks in jail you and every person here who supports Biden has nothing to say about that. And now it’s the same thing with Andrew tate you take case you don’t care about the facts. Say something about the facts this man is innocent he’s a political prisoner. What are you wishing the guy to die? . The hell is wrong with you. “

I don’t wish of BLM protester to die from lung cancer.
He'll be dead from his lung cancer soon, regardless. And the world will be a better place.
Now you’re acting like an uncivilized beast. No he’s gonna get out of jail and he will be back to influencing young man to be great. And you are powerless you and the far left in the neoconservatives are completely powerless to do anything. What a bunch of sick bastards in this world That wish people that die because they have different political views. Your powerless to do anything.

I hope you get on the right side of history good brother. Have a nice night my friend
OK that’s a weird sort of question and it’s something quite odd. How do you know that the people you’re talking with even have kids.

Tate has been around many women. Tons of women on YouTube who give interviews to say he’s great to be around with. There’s your answer sir. So are you here to be a troll or actually address the issue at hand. Please address the issue at hand

Don’t you realize what’s going on here this man is an American citizen and he is a political prisoner in Romania. Who gives a shit what his political views are. If there was a Black Lives Matter supporter in prison in Romania I would also be up in arms against it. So it’s your duty as an American every single person in this thread who is an American to push to get Andrew Tate out of prison. Sick what’s going on in this country and the world this far left movement and also I should say to the other posters point there are neoconservatives who oppose Andrew Tate.

This is all that counts. Andrew Tate has been accused of kidnapping or sexually assaulting a woman. That woman came out and said no I’m Andrew Tate’s girlfriend nothing wrong happened. That’s it game over nothing more needs to be said. The man is a political prisoner he is in prison because he has some controversial views or he said some things that might offend people…. who gives a shit sir. You either have freedom you either have free speech or you don’t.


You don’t have any legitimate response brother it’s like in the other thread. Or any other thread about the January 6 protesters. You don’t give a shit man. What’s your problem. I’m the one saying that a BLM protester or January 6 protester who did nothing more than trespass into a building should get a few weeks in jail you and every person here who supports Biden has nothing to say about that. And now it’s the same thing with the end you take case you don’t care about the facts. Say something about the facts this man is innocent he’s a political prisoner.
Odd? That's you... the epitome of "ODD" if you have to defend yourself on such a simple question.

One more chance. Would you let any female member of your family or of a friends family around him?

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