Fuck you Roy Moore...

...you piece of shit! You lost the easiest senate seat in the country to win! THE EASIEST! This was a seat we needed and you are an asshole for staying in contest and losing such an easily winnable election.

Just close the book on any legislation going through for at least a year because it is over now.

The tax reform bill, once it comes out of conference by the two houses, will be dead on arrival in the Senate.

You piece of shit!

Sorry, but I don't blame this on Roy Moore. Roy is Roy and everyone should've known what they were getting when they voted for him. If you didn't want to back Luther Strange, you should've backed Mo Brooks in the primary. I have yet to have anyone explain why Mo Brooks wouldn't have been the best replacement for Jeff Sessions.

Bottom line, this is the fault of Alabama Republican voters. Many will point the finger at the crooked Democrats with the sexual allegations smear campaign but we're supposed to expect such things and have candidates who are above reproach.
...you piece of shit! You lost the easiest senate seat in the country to win! THE EASIEST! This was a seat we needed and you are an asshole for staying in contest and losing such an easily winnable election.

Just close the book on any legislation going through for at least a year because it is over now.

The tax reform bill, once it comes out of conference by the two houses, will be dead on arrival in the Senate.

You piece of shit!

Hopefully you have the same disdain for McCain, Collins, Flake and Corker

I want to thank the liberals and snowflakes on this board who have rabidly attacked Moore the last week or so, who insisted he should be booted out of the race (despite there being no definitive proof against him and despite their defense of Hillary who should have been booted from the 2016 Presidential race for her proven crimes).

Thank you for your rabid attacks against anyone who suggested 'Innocent until proven guilty', who attacked those who suggested that the people of Alabama should decide his fate. You had so little faith in the people of Alabama.

Despite the fact that it looks like Moore only lost by 2 points, the people of Alabama restored my faith in people. The democratic process of voting worked.
...you piece of shit! You lost the easiest senate seat in the country to win! THE EASIEST! This was a seat we needed and you are an asshole for staying in contest and losing such an easily winnable election.

Just close the book on any legislation going through for at least a year because it is over now.

The tax reform bill, once it comes out of conference by the two houses, will be dead on arrival in the Senate.

You piece of shit!

He didn't lose.

The democrats won by playing it smart: by landing endless false rape accusations in a conservative state.

The republican party lost by not pointing out how utterly dangerous and third world like such false accusations are. Instead they let the words get to them did not even attempt to stand strong. The republicans are colossal losers, and if they continue to be such losers we may as well hand the country to the democrats and turn America into a 3rd world nation as planned.

Basically, you were just buttraped by communist techniques. Losing with dignity, what a plan!
Ironically, this election was, in some ways, the mirror opposite of the Hillary-Trump election. Hillary was supposed to win in a landslide but should have been forced out of the race. Moore was supposed to win in a 'landslide' yet should have been pushed out of the race. Both ended up losing, as voters picked 'the lesser of two evils'.
...you piece of shit! You lost the easiest senate seat in the country to win! THE EASIEST! This was a seat we needed and you are an asshole for staying in contest and losing such an easily winnable election.

Just close the book on any legislation going through for at least a year because it is over now.

The tax reform bill, once it comes out of conference by the two houses, will be dead on arrival in the Senate.

You piece of shit!

He didn't lose.

The democrats won by playing it smart: by landing endless false rape accusations in a conservative state.

The republican party lost by not pointing out how utterly dangerous and third world like such false accusations are. Instead they let the words get to them did not even attempt to stand strong. The republicans are colossal losers, and if they continue to be such losers we may as well hand the country to the democrats and turn America into a 3rd world nation as planned.

Basically, you were just buttraped by communist techniques. Losing with dignity, what a plan!

Wow.. that was intense... Norman

images (67).jpg ..although, I don't think Dems. played it smart..


...you piece of shit! You lost the easiest senate seat in the country to win! THE EASIEST! This was a seat we needed and you are an asshole for staying in contest and losing such an easily winnable election.

Just close the book on any legislation going through for at least a year because it is over now.

The tax reform bill, once it comes out of conference by the two houses, will be dead on arrival in the Senate.

You piece of shit!

He didn't lose.

The democrats won by playing it smart: by landing endless false rape accusations in a conservative state.

The republican party lost by not pointing out how utterly dangerous and third world like such false accusations are. Instead they let the words get to them did not even attempt to stand strong. The republicans are colossal losers, and if they continue to be such losers we may as well hand the country to the democrats and turn America into a 3rd world nation as planned.

Basically, you were just buttraped by communist techniques. Losing with dignity, what a plan!

well damn, smear tactic politics from the dems - guess they learned something from the Republitards after they bashed the shit out of Clinton..

better suck it up RussianWingers, guess who's next on the list ??? :badgrin:
well damn, smear tactic politics from the dems - guess they learned something from the Republitards after they bashed the shit out of Clinton..
Classic. Again, if you want to know what a Democrat has done / is doing, just listen to what they are accusing others of doing.

Roy, Roy Roy ..


Cya Roy.


and by the way - Thanks to President Trump for endorsing Roy ..



'Unfit to Clean Toilets in Obama's Presidential Library': USA Today Editorial Board Goes After Trump

"A president who'd all but call a senator a
whore is unfit to clean toilets in Obama's presidential library or to
shine George W. Bush's shoes,"

ZOMG, G, we lost USA Today Editorial Board. Does Trump even have a path to the White House?
when and if Trumps tax cuts hit the fan it will be interesting to see how millions of people losing health insurance subsidies, and insurance companies losing customers effects the stock market, and how much shit blows back on him.

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