Fuck it! Let Bernie win.

We have Trump, we have Sanders. Why does it take so much MONEY in free world democracy to even show up? Maybe, Bernie will fix that, no more friggin' PAC money and millions just to show up. Enough, enough.

Oh, I am SURE ol' Bern would love to "fix" it where only Socialist entities can control political funding and you'd cheer that on.... but it ain't gonna happen.
But it doesn't work.

Yes, it does, and it works in more than just England.

England is a monarchy.

The royal family has no real political power. England's government is run by elected officials just like our government.

We're a representative republic. We declared independence from England over 200 years ago because we didn't want a monarch or king telling us what to do.

Being a representative republic doesn't mean we can't have publicly funded elections.

Again, if you prefer having a monarch or king tell you what you're going to do... move to England!

Wanting publicly funded elections does not equate to wanting a monarch.

Now... "We're not England" isn't a reason, it's just a statement of fact. The reason we can't implement your idea is the First Amendment. And if you think that's foolish, you're free to move somewhere that doesn't have a First Amendment, the world is full of such shitholes. Otherwise, you are also free to get 75% of the country behind your efforts to amend the Constitution and repeal the First Amendment but I think you're going to find most people here like it and don't want to get rid of it. But as long as we have it, people are going to be free to support, with their money, the candidate with the political speech they prefer and there's nothing you can do about that.

How would having publicly funded elections infringe on the first amendment? Rich people should not be allowed to buy politicians and have large amounts of influence over politics. That's not democracy; that's oligarchy.

Increased wealth gives you the increased opportunity to do most anything. This is true in our country with a Constitution or any other country... even one with a king or monarch. Our founding fathers knew this and that's why they established a First Amendment... so that individuals could contribute money to the people who they wished to have elected as opposed to only the wealthiest being able to hold office.So actually, what you are proposing is a giant step backwards and toward oligarchy or ruling class elites like they have in England and elsewhere in Europe.

Something tells me you know very little about England and the rest of Europe.
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What part of, when you get government programs and assistance you are under the control of the government with their rules and no longer free, are you not getting?
Given the widespread disinformation campaigns over the last century, what that definition is, is going to vary tremendously, therefore you have no constant to work with in the question. Thus the question itself boils down to nothing more than, "what is your emotional reaction to the word "socialism?". And while that may tell us something about prejudice in political rhetoric, it tells us nothing about how anyone favors or disfavors any actual policy.

I can't say I disagree with you, after all, most nitwits who claim they favor Socialism have no idea of what kind of chaos, misery and death always follows in it's wake. They are oblivious to history, apparently. I guess we stopped teaching about it or we let modern-day progressives water it down and sugar coat it until they simply never comprehended the ramifications.

I can remember when I was... oh, about 12 or 13, and was first starting to learn about politics in school and such... and it kind of surprised me to discover that every presidential election, there was a Socialist Party candidate running. They never got much of the vote, but they were an option on the ballot. Seems like it was the same guy every time and there were always several thousand who voted for him. I always wondered who these people were and what were they thinking?

Now, I am 56 and the Democrats have an avowed Socialist running for the nomination and a sizable chunk of Millennials supporting him... and PROUD of it!

Not a "Socialist" --- a "Democratic Socialist".

But do go on --- what kind of "chaos, misery and death always follows in it is wake" then?

Socialism’s death count


Your link buries itself in its first paragraph ---- the writer actually floats the premise that the Nazis of Germany were "socialists" :rofl:

That is some funny shit.

I know, I know, "they were socialist because they said so", right? Of course a Nazi would never lie.

Holy SHIT that was fuckin' lame.

So Bernie Sanders is a Nazi? Sure you wanna plant your flag on that?

Well, this just further underscores the meaninglessness of that poll cited earlier. If there are actually people running around with such a dearth of education in world history that they actually believe Nazis were "socialists", the results of the poll that doesn't define its term can mean nothing. Of course, we already made that point.
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The Super-delegates aren't ever going to let Crazy Bern win.

I tend to agree, but my point is that we might as well let it happen now. That way they will learn, and we can fix it before people forget what it was like without it.

I hope that you are just being sarcastic and not serious. If they destroy the free market capitalist system that built this country, it will never be the same again. Once you drive over the cliff, there's no recovering from that. There are countries in the Baltics who were only Communist for a few decades and they have been trying for 30 years to re-establish democracy since the fall of the USSR and it's damn near impossible because the infrastructure no longer exists.

The Millennials have to be educated on what Socialism brings with it. They are under this delusion of Utopia that will just never exist but they've bought into it hook, line and sinker. It seems like a hopeless endeavor, I admit, but we simply have to keep fighting. Surrender can't be an option.

I am serious. Remember however that I do not have the power to make it happen.

I believe and hope, that it won't take decades for young Americans to understand the error that they would make. It is truely my belief that we cannot stop the tide of ignorance and progressive indoctrination that is producing people dumb enough to actually vote crazy Bernie into office. You can call it surrender but maybe if it happens sooner than later, it can get fixed before people forget what it was like before him.

Yeah--I agree, I don't know what's wrong with millennials today. Even my daughter who is an NP is freaked out about this. I grew up with a work ethic, I raised her with a work ethic, this comes from generation after generation. So where in the hell did this group come from that would swallow a lot of bullshit about free college tuition--to where they would go crazy over it.

1. Free college tuition: They obviously don't know anything about civics. That yes there is a United States Congress, and a United States Senate that has to vote and approve the President's policies. Bernie Sanders is soooo far left you would finally see Democrats and Republicans agree to tape his mouth shut and lock him in a closet for the next 4 years. There is not one single Democrat in Washington D.C. that would support "free college tuition." So it's a dead issue right out of the gate, never going to happen

2. The hate of corporations:--which can also be spelled J.O.B.S in this country is also unbelievable. Even small business people are Sub -S Corporations. They hate em.

3. Wall Street:-where hard working American pension funds are invested, 401K's, working people invest for their kids college education, retirement, and rainy day funds. They hate em. Sure Wall Street needs reform and regulation--but it's no reason to pick the weirdest candidate (a socialist) to be commander and chief of this country.

So out of nothing more than IGNORANCE they have swallowed the canned speech's of Bernie Sanders, (a dyed in the wool SOCIALIST) because they want shit for free. They don't give a crap what it does to the average working family, they want theirs for FREE.--and they don't give a crap who pays for it. Anyone who supports Bernie Sanders is a real LOOSER.


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t absolutely DOES matter...

No, it DOESN'T matter. The Constitution is over 200 years old and it's still the law of the land. If you want to change it, there is a process you must go through. You can't simply win an election and decide it's outdated and obsolete. That's not how this is ever going to work and you need to get that through your stubborn little commie head.

Yes it DOES matter --- you made a bullshit point that tried to compare an 18th century action with a 21st century environment. That's bullshit, and that's why you keep editing the context out of the post --- because it proves you WRONG.

Dishonest hack.

No, I made an honest point and you're the dishonest hack. A 21st century environment doesn't negate the Constitution. I've read the Constitution and nothing in it says a thing about... once we get to the 21st Century, liberal socialists are free to rip this document to shreds and do their own thing.

Yyyyyeah .... that's the ticket. That's why you keep cutting the original exchange out of the posts, because it proves you right, right?

'Fraid not Sparky. You addressed a comparison with present-day England with your own comparison from the 18th century. And that is not going away. You made a fucked-up unworkable comparison, and you don't have the balls to admit it.
Hold on, I found your problem right here. Well, one or two of 'em...

Money is speech

That so? So voting is up for the highest bidder, is it? "Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of Speech, just so long as John Q. Public can come up with the required fee", is that it?

Here's what the Constitution actually says about that: :fu:

Who is funding Bernie's ideas and visions? Labor unions.

Yuh huh. Two million labor unions, is it? Donations coming so fast the website can't handle it --- too many of those gosh darn labor unions by jiminy!
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The first two names of the party is National Socialist.

Guess how many musicians are in the band "10,000 Maniacs".

Guess how many grapes are in a box of Grape Nuts. Or for that matter how many nuts.

More to the point, guess how "democratic" and "populist" the DPRK is. Or the Democratic Republic of Congo was. Or the GDR.
The problem with corporations is they whine and cry about unions, taxes, regulations, etc. So, if you don't want to be american, then good riddance. Go overseas.
The first two names of the party is National Socialist.


You're breaking their little hearts.......

1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealthy out of prosperity.

2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.

3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.

4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it!

5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that is the beginning of the end of any nation.

"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery."Winston Churchill

Read more: 5 Best Sentences You'll Ever Read - Watchwoman on the Wall

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The first two names of the party is National Socialist.

Guess how many musicians are in the band "10,000 Maniacs".

Guess how many grapes are in a box of Grape Nuts. Or for that matter how many nuts.

More to the point, guess how "democratic" and "populist" the DPRK is. Or the Democratic Republic of Congo was. Or the GDR.

Lame try.

You mean it works differently when you want it to?

“When I use a word,’ Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, ‘it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.’

’The question is,’ said Alice, ‘whether you can make words mean so many different things.’

’The question is,’ said Humpty Dumpty, ‘which is to be master — that’s all.”

Now here's the quiz answer: all zeroes, except for 10,000 Maniacs, which has never numbered more than six.

Clearly, a rock band, a cereal company, and authoritarian governments in North Korea, East Germany and Congo are liars, while the Nazis would never stoop so low.
Any of us can be president. If we had Millions of dollars. I am about to pull down the lever on Sanders, he gets money and support from the PEOPLE, not PACs.
Yes, it does, and it works in more than just England.

No, it doesn't work as well as what we do or those countries which are far older than us would be the leaders of the free world instead of us. So it quite matter or factly doesn't work, or at least not as well as what we do here.

Being a representative republic doesn't mean we can't have publicly funded elections.

We do have publicly funded elections... who do you think funds them? We're not going to have GOVERNMENT funded elections, that's silly. It also violates the First Amendment.

How would having publicly funded elections infringe on the first amendment?

Again, the public is who fund the candidates. Government funded elections are a violation of the First Amendment because they restrict my right to free political speech. I can't fund who I want to fund, the government is doing that for me.

Look.. I know you enjoy being led around by your nose ring. I get that you prefer having Big Government tell you when to take a shit and when you can eat. Some people feel more secure when being controlled and oppressed. You don't need to make any decisions, those are made for you and you don't have to worry about competing with anyone for resources or assets. You're content with being nurse-fed from cradle to grave by the Nanny State, protected from those mean old people who might take advantage of you because you're kind of stupid and gullible. But guess what? You aren't the only person in the world and the world doesn't revolve around you and what you whine for. I'm sorry Mommy and Daddy didn't teach you this but you're just going to have to pull your big girl panties up and accept it.
Any of us can be president. If we had Millions of dollars. I am about to pull down the lever on Sanders, he gets money and support from the PEOPLE, not PACs.

No.. Bern gets his funding from labor unions. Little microcosms of Socialism who've driven all the jobs out of our country by overwhelming the capitalists. He has never held a private sector job. He has been a politician losing elections since high school. And he will lose this campaign as well because the Democratic Machine won't let him win. He's now 2-0 in terms of the people voting... he has won two primaries but he is 0-2 in terms of delegates because the DNC has no intention of him winning over Hillary. THEY control the shots, you have nothing to say about it... Enjoy Socialism!
Any of us can be president. If we had Millions of dollars. I am about to pull down the lever on Sanders, he gets money and support from the PEOPLE, not PACs.

No.. Bern gets his funding from labor unions. Little microcosms of Socialism who've driven all the jobs out of our country by overwhelming the capitalists. He has never held a private sector job. He has been a politician losing elections since high school. And he will lose this campaign as well because the Democratic Machine won't let him win. He's now 2-0 in terms of the people voting... he has won two primaries but he is 0-2 in terms of delegates because the DNC has no intention of him winning over Hillary. THEY control the shots, you have nothing to say about it... Enjoy Socialism!

There you go again with the "labor unions" malarkey.


Looks like you'll need at leas two million of 'em...
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