Fuck it! Let Bernie win.

I'm so disheartened by the level of stupidity on display especially among the young. Let's look logically at what would happen if Crazy Bernie wins.

Can we get free stuff? If you are my age (60), we won't get to take advantage of the free college, but we may get free healthcare. At first, we may not have to suffer through long lines and long waits. If you're my age you won't have to worry about paying for the long term effects. So hey! Free stuff right?

If you are young, you have a serious problem. You get free healthcare, free college, a higher minimum wage, and whatever else Crazy Bernie has promised. But eventually the bill will come due. But hey YOU voted for him..."elections have consequences" and all that.

Crazy Bernie says that you don't have to worry, that he'll make Wall Street pay for it. Though he never says how. Yeah, good luck with the consequences of that.

The young, having suffered through years of progressive programming and designed ignorance, will likely only learn the truth when it hits them like a freight train. It may well be that the sooner it happens, the sooner we can trash all of this left wing poison that is making the US of A so sick.

You figured it out!!! It's not free shit. You can stop using that phrase now.

That must be liberating for you!

I think your difficulties with reading comprehension are getting worse. Read it again, more slowly this time. Maybe have someone read it for you and explain what it says. Then get back to us.

So dumb...you don't even know what you wrote.
No communist here but is not pro american rhetoric in schools a form of indoctrination?

Only if you are not pro-american already. You can't indoctrinate someone who is already a part of something. Now, if you are an anti-american Communist... which you are free to be in America, I suppose you could view it as a form of indoctrination.

I see it as more of a reverent symbolic observance in respect for what we stand for as a nation.
I'm so disheartened by the level of stupidity on display especially among the young. Let's look logically at what would happen if Crazy Bernie wins.

Can we get free stuff? If you are my age (60), we won't get to take advantage of the free college, but we may get free healthcare. At first, we may not have to suffer through long lines and long waits. If you're my age you won't have to worry about paying for the long term effects. So hey! Free stuff right?

If you are young, you have a serious problem. You get free healthcare, free college, a higher minimum wage, and whatever else Crazy Bernie has promised. But eventually the bill will come due. But hey YOU voted for him..."elections have consequences" and all that.

Crazy Bernie says that you don't have to worry, that he'll make Wall Street pay for it. Though he never says how. Yeah, good luck with the consequences of that.

The young, having suffered through years of progressive programming and designed ignorance, will likely only learn the truth when it hits them like a freight train. It may well be that the sooner it happens, the sooner we can trash all of this left wing poison that is making the US of A so sick.

Bernie is the only one running who actually pays his staff. What does that tell you about Republicans?

These other pigs are so full of themselves they think it's a PRIVILEGE for anyone to intern for them.

Feel the Bern, BedPan.


Is Bernie Sanders the Only Presidential Candidate to Pay His Interns?

There are plenty of threads on the positives and negatives of Bernie Sanders, can we stick to the subject outlined in the OP?

Were you talking about someone else named Bernie, or have you forgotten your own thread title?

Not surprising you can't understand the OP and how it relates to the title. You really need to have other people read stuff to you and explain it.
The Super-delegates aren't ever going to let Crazy Bern win.

I tend to agree, but my point is that we might as well let it happen now. That way they will learn, and we can fix it before people forget what it was like without it.

I hope that you are just being sarcastic and not serious. If they destroy the free market capitalist system that built this country, it will never be the same again. Once you drive over the cliff, there's no recovering from that. There are countries in the Baltics who were only Communist for a few decades and they have been trying for 30 years to re-establish democracy since the fall of the USSR and it's damn near impossible because the infrastructure no longer exists.

The Millennials have to be educated on what Socialism brings with it. They are under this delusion of Utopia that will just never exist but they've bought into it hook, line and sinker. It seems like a hopeless endeavor, I admit, but we simply have to keep fighting. Surrender can't be an option.

I am serious. Remember however that I do not have the power to make it happen.

I believe and hope, that it won't take decades for young Americans to understand the error that they would make. It is truely my belief that we cannot stop the tide of ignorance and progressive indoctrination that is producing people dumb enough to actually vote crazy Bernie into office. You can call it surrender but maybe if it happens sooner than later, it can get fixed before people forget what it was like before him.

I assure you, this is a bad, bad, BAD idea. This is not a matter of "oops, we messed up, let's change it back!" Once you go full-on Socialist, there isn't a way to change back. There is literally nothing to change back to. Once you destroy Wall Street and the financial institutions which underpin the free market system, you can't re-establish them. It's like a man cutting off his pecker to become a woman, it doesn't matter if he realizes down the road that it was a bad idea.

For better or worse (it will be worse), we'll have to live with the Socialist system.... until, ultimately, the US disintegrates into anarchy and what once were states cobble together some semblance of order that may resemble what once was. But the country we once knew will be gone forever. We'll never see it again, our great grandchildren will never see it. They may wish for it... they may be befuddled as to why we ever gave it up... they will inevitably look at history and ponder how we could have been so foolish. But you cannot put the bloom back on the rose.

As futile as it might seem, the better alternative is to continue to fight for what our founders established. We have to take back our education system and stop the indoctrination that has been systemically happening in America for the past 70+ years. This has to be rejected politically and philosophically. We're going to always be dealing with those who have been brainwashed by the Socialist propaganda. We've been dealing with them for years... some say as far back as the Civil War or before.

You might be right, but I will argue that it is inevitable anyway. The progressives have control of what the young learn at school and see on tv and in the movies. My only point is that for those of us who are older and know how bad it will be, it won't be as bad. Shouldn't the young, who will be responsible for their own misery, suffer for it? They won't listen to reason? Fuck 'em.
I'm so disheartened by the level of stupidity on display especially among the young. Let's look logically at what would happen if Crazy Bernie wins.

Can we get free stuff? If you are my age (60), we won't get to take advantage of the free college, but we may get free healthcare. At first, we may not have to suffer through long lines and long waits. If you're my age you won't have to worry about paying for the long term effects. So hey! Free stuff right?

If you are young, you have a serious problem. You get free healthcare, free college, a higher minimum wage, and whatever else Crazy Bernie has promised. But eventually the bill will come due. But hey YOU voted for him..."elections have consequences" and all that.

Crazy Bernie says that you don't have to worry, that he'll make Wall Street pay for it. Though he never says how. Yeah, good luck with the consequences of that.

The young, having suffered through years of progressive programming and designed ignorance, will likely only learn the truth when it hits them like a freight train. It may well be that the sooner it happens, the sooner we can trash all of this left wing poison that is making the US of A so sick.

You figured it out!!! It's not free shit. You can stop using that phrase now.

That must be liberating for you!

I think your difficulties with reading comprehension are getting worse. Read it again, more slowly this time. Maybe have someone read it for you and explain what it says. Then get back to us.

So dumb...you don't even know what you wrote.

It must bea pre-requisite for being a progressive that you cannot understand anything written above a 3rd grade level. Go fuck yourself moron.
I'm so disheartened by the level of stupidity on display especially among the young. Let's look logically at what would happen if Crazy Bernie wins.

Can we get free stuff? If you are my age (60), we won't get to take advantage of the free college, but we may get free healthcare. At first, we may not have to suffer through long lines and long waits. If you're my age you won't have to worry about paying for the long term effects. So hey! Free stuff right?

If you are young, you have a serious problem. You get free healthcare, free college, a higher minimum wage, and whatever else Crazy Bernie has promised. But eventually the bill will come due. But hey YOU voted for him..."elections have consequences" and all that.

Crazy Bernie says that you don't have to worry, that he'll make Wall Street pay for it. Though he never says how. Yeah, good luck with the consequences of that.

The young, having suffered through years of progressive programming and designed ignorance, will likely only learn the truth when it hits them like a freight train. It may well be that the sooner it happens, the sooner we can trash all of this left wing poison that is making the US of A so sick.


1. We did it! Oh yes we did. We allowed it. Activists constantly were everywhere as they were into transforming America long before Obama came on the scene. Bernie is just the next step further along the road from Obama.

2. Want to change Bernie supporters minds? Call your children over for Easter. Open up your books, and show them what you have. Tell them that if they vote for Hillary or Bernie, you are either going to spend it all, or leave it to charity. Why? Because if they vote either in, they won't get it anyway.

Sound evil, mean, and nasty? Maybe, but what are the Democrats actually doing? Threatening to take your money and give it to everyone else. You are just doing the same thing, and it was your money to start with-)

3. Bernie is a very bad sign to GOPers. Why? Because none of the GOPers besides Trump could actually take any of his votes if Hilly gets the nod. Problem with Trump is, he may not get all of the GOP votes, lol. Six of one, 1/2 dozen of the other.

4. Read the whole thread before posting this. Some have said Bernie couldn't get his plans through congress. I heard him talk about EOs on some subjects last night. He will get them, unless the Supreme court stopped him because it would invoke a constitutional crisis. Obama has opened Pandora's box, and I have little doubt unless it is Cruz, the next President; whomever it is, is going to walk through that door again.

5. What is the old saying? Everyone under 30 (35,40,45?) is a liberal, everyone over that age with any sense is a conservative. We are living longer, which means as long as we assimilate people, if we hold on, the Democrats should lose handily down the road..........if the saying has merit. It is OUR job to hold on NOW! Not for us, but for those who come after us.

6. Bernie aside, did you know that most independent voters are either former Democrats who believe that the Democrats have gone to far left, or Republicans that believe that the Republicans have done the same thing showing absolutely no contrast? If that doesn't give you hope, I do not know what will!

7. I am told Bernie can't get elected. I don't believe that for a second. Why? Because many of the same people tell me Trump can't get elected either! So what happens if it is Bernie V Trump, one of their statements is 100% wrong! Again, it is easier for people like us to pay a little and do a little now, use a little truth with our kids today, (and yes a little blackmail if necessary) than to let Bernie or Hillary get anywhere near the White House and get all of us, including our progeny, cleaned out later.

Do you have a right/reason to be pissed? Sure you do! You/we have seen what happens when certain principles are in effect across the globe, how our principles stand up to them, and we know what really happens.

And yet, our children have little knowledge of this at all if they are younger than what, 30? They didn't see Reagan, the contract with America republicans and Clinton working together. What they have seen is GW, and Obama. Now if that is all you knew, how hard would it be to convince you Bernie or Hillary was the saving grace? Socialist is not a bad word to them. The theory is not even a bad theory.

Right now, you, I, and bunch of other people STILL have control of their money and property. USE it! Make it hammer, I do, lol. Tis better to use what you have as a hammer on those you love who know no better, then to allow the government to use it as a hammer to screw them later, wouldn't you say!

Bottom line----------> If Bernie and Hillary can use YOUR money to buy someones vote, then it is only fair that YOU use YOUR money to buy your children's vote too-) And know what. It is a better investment!
You can't come up with your own original. So you use my post.

He is laughing at the fucking idiot you are.



Ok. you cannot figure it out. Laughing at the stupidity of the post.

Alright then...what does an out of focus over rated lousy free throw shooter have to do with anything?

So whats a fat retarded guy have to do with anything?

Nah...he's laughing at your inability to use the written word to convey your thoughts.
This is the only appropriate response to the stupid remark you made.
The only reason you think it is what you think it is, is because you said nothing to respond too.


Ok. you cannot figure it out. Laughing at the stupidity of the post.



What does a over rated lousy free throw shooter have to do with anything?

Alright then...what does an out of focus over rated lousy free throw shooter have to do with anything?

Good job eliminating yourself from the discussion. Bye.
Well my kids said the pledge every morning and to me that's also s form of indoctrination is it not?

Not unless you're a communist propagandist.
Well, is it indoctrination to teach kids to respect the individuality of others, and to demand to live in a society where each individual is free to achieve the most they can while also respecting others' rights to do the same.?

I'm not convinced the Bern subscribes to this.

Oh, my. Another third-grader in the schoolyard.

Pretty fucking ironic that I scroll back up the page and every single post you've made is to simply denigrate someone's comments without substance. This is what 3rd graders do in the schoolyard because they haven't learned how to debate or even lob decent insults yet.

When the OP's posts consist of "irrelevant" and "you morons need to learn to read" and "Let Bernie win...there are already threads about Bernie, let's talk about this one," what response would you deem appropriate?
The Super-delegates aren't ever going to let Crazy Bern win.

I tend to agree, but my point is that we might as well let it happen now. That way they will learn, and we can fix it before people forget what it was like without it.

I hope that you are just being sarcastic and not serious. If they destroy the free market capitalist system that built this country, it will never be the same again. Once you drive over the cliff, there's no recovering from that. There are countries in the Baltics who were only Communist for a few decades and they have been trying for 30 years to re-establish democracy since the fall of the USSR and it's damn near impossible because the infrastructure no longer exists.

The Millennials have to be educated on what Socialism brings with it. They are under this delusion of Utopia that will just never exist but they've bought into it hook, line and sinker. It seems like a hopeless endeavor, I admit, but we simply have to keep fighting. Surrender can't be an option.

I am serious. Remember however that I do not have the power to make it happen.

I believe and hope, that it won't take decades for young Americans to understand the error that they would make. It is truely my belief that we cannot stop the tide of ignorance and progressive indoctrination that is producing people dumb enough to actually vote crazy Bernie into office. You can call it surrender but maybe if it happens sooner than later, it can get fixed before people forget what it was like before him.

I assure you, this is a bad, bad, BAD idea. This is not a matter of "oops, we messed up, let's change it back!" Once you go full-on Socialist, there isn't a way to change back. There is literally nothing to change back to. Once you destroy Wall Street and the financial institutions which underpin the free market system, you can't re-establish them. It's like a man cutting off his pecker to become a woman, it doesn't matter if he realizes down the road that it was a bad idea.

For better or worse (it will be worse), we'll have to live with the Socialist system.... until, ultimately, the US disintegrates into anarchy and what once were states cobble together some semblance of order that may resemble what once was. But the country we once knew will be gone forever. We'll never see it again, our great grandchildren will never see it. They may wish for it... they may be befuddled as to why we ever gave it up... they will inevitably look at history and ponder how we could have been so foolish. But you cannot put the bloom back on the rose.

As futile as it might seem, the better alternative is to continue to fight for what our founders established. We have to take back our education system and stop the indoctrination that has been systemically happening in America for the past 70+ years. This has to be rejected politically and philosophically. We're going to always be dealing with those who have been brainwashed by the Socialist propaganda. We've been dealing with them for years... some say as far back as the Civil War or before.

You might be right, but I will argue that it is inevitable anyway. The progressives have control of what the young learn at school and see on tv and in the movies. My only point is that for those of us who are older and know how bad it will be, it won't be as bad. Shouldn't the young, who will be responsible for their own misery, suffer for it? They won't listen to reason? Fuck 'em.

I understand your sentiments, it's difficult trying to convince brainwashed young people who already think they know more than us. I still think what we have is worth fighting for and we can't throw up our hands in frustration.

I recently read a Pew study found that 47% of Millennials favor Socialism. That's an alarming statistic but I am an optimist... it means 53% don't favor Socialism. There is still hope but we have to wake the fuck up and stop pretending there isn't a problem.
The Super-delegates aren't ever going to let Crazy Bern win.

unless Hillary is indicted, which could happen.

If that happens they will call in Uncle Joe.
Oh yes, unlike the GOP, the super delegates can nominate whomever they please.

yep, democrat corruption is well established, but the dem-following sheep are too stupid to know that they are sheep.
I tend to agree, but my point is that we might as well let it happen now. That way they will learn, and we can fix it before people forget what it was like without it.

I hope that you are just being sarcastic and not serious. If they destroy the free market capitalist system that built this country, it will never be the same again. Once you drive over the cliff, there's no recovering from that. There are countries in the Baltics who were only Communist for a few decades and they have been trying for 30 years to re-establish democracy since the fall of the USSR and it's damn near impossible because the infrastructure no longer exists.

The Millennials have to be educated on what Socialism brings with it. They are under this delusion of Utopia that will just never exist but they've bought into it hook, line and sinker. It seems like a hopeless endeavor, I admit, but we simply have to keep fighting. Surrender can't be an option.

I am serious. Remember however that I do not have the power to make it happen.

I believe and hope, that it won't take decades for young Americans to understand the error that they would make. It is truely my belief that we cannot stop the tide of ignorance and progressive indoctrination that is producing people dumb enough to actually vote crazy Bernie into office. You can call it surrender but maybe if it happens sooner than later, it can get fixed before people forget what it was like before him.

I assure you, this is a bad, bad, BAD idea. This is not a matter of "oops, we messed up, let's change it back!" Once you go full-on Socialist, there isn't a way to change back. There is literally nothing to change back to. Once you destroy Wall Street and the financial institutions which underpin the free market system, you can't re-establish them. It's like a man cutting off his pecker to become a woman, it doesn't matter if he realizes down the road that it was a bad idea.

For better or worse (it will be worse), we'll have to live with the Socialist system.... until, ultimately, the US disintegrates into anarchy and what once were states cobble together some semblance of order that may resemble what once was. But the country we once knew will be gone forever. We'll never see it again, our great grandchildren will never see it. They may wish for it... they may be befuddled as to why we ever gave it up... they will inevitably look at history and ponder how we could have been so foolish. But you cannot put the bloom back on the rose.

As futile as it might seem, the better alternative is to continue to fight for what our founders established. We have to take back our education system and stop the indoctrination that has been systemically happening in America for the past 70+ years. This has to be rejected politically and philosophically. We're going to always be dealing with those who have been brainwashed by the Socialist propaganda. We've been dealing with them for years... some say as far back as the Civil War or before.

You might be right, but I will argue that it is inevitable anyway. The progressives have control of what the young learn at school and see on tv and in the movies. My only point is that for those of us who are older and know how bad it will be, it won't be as bad. Shouldn't the young, who will be responsible for their own misery, suffer for it? They won't listen to reason? Fuck 'em.

I understand your sentiments, it's difficult trying to convince brainwashed young people who already think they know more than us. I still think what we have is worth fighting for and we can't throw up our hands in frustration.

I recently read a Pew study found that 47% of Millennials favor Socialism. That's an alarming statistic but I am an optimist... it means 53% don't favor Socialism. There is still hope but we have to wake the fuck up and stop pretending there isn't a problem.

when the teachers and professors are teaching how wonderful socialism is and how awful capitalism is, we have a very large task in front of us.

Liberalism is a mental disease and its spreading.
Sure it does. It's all about the free stuff. That is what the supporters say. When they can actually state why they support him that is.

Bernie is one of the few talking about getting private monied interests out of politics. Do you disagree with that? Do you think politics should be a contest of who can gain the favor of the most rich and powerful people? We need to level the playing field. Your message should matter more than the amount of money you have access to.
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Bernie is one of the few talking about getting private monied interests out of politics. Do you disagree with that? Do you think politics should be a contest of who can gain the favor of the most rich and powerful people? We need to level the playing field. Your message should matter more than the amount of money you have access to.

I do disagree with that. To run a national campaign requires purchasing air time for commercials, printing brochures, renting venues, traveling around the country... how are you supposed to do it without money? I suppose people like Donald Trump could do it but do you prefer a system where only super wealthy people can effectively campaign for president? Would that be a level field?

You see, the thing you socialists don't get is... money makes the world go round. Money is speech. Men and women with ideas and visions obtain donations from people who support their ideas and visions. This funds their campaigns. Take away the funding and their ideas and visions can't be heard. Who is funding Bernie's ideas and visions? Labor unions. So old Bern would like to have you think it's wise for us to restrict corporations and business people from contributing to campaigns but he's fine with allowing labor unions to fund his campaign.

When we start picking and choosing who can who can't donate to a political campaign, we no longer have freedom of political speech. We stack the deck... tilt the table in favor of one group over another. This group is silenced and that group reigns supreme. The BEST system is allowing everyone to contribute and limiting the amount each person or entity may contribute.

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