Frontline Doctors Dispel Massive Covid 19 Disinformation


Diamond Member
May 15, 2017

Well well well

Are we still listening to the experts?
Well, you have to listen to the pre-approved experts. You know, those that have been vetted to ensure they toe the unscientific line the left is positing.

Well well well

Are we still listening to the experts?
Well, you have to listen to the pre-approved experts. You know, those that have been vetted to ensure they toe the unscientific line the left is positing.
Nope. These are Frontline and most all this crap is political.

Well well well

Are we still listening to the experts?
Well, you have to listen to the pre-approved experts. You know, those that have been vetted to ensure they toe the unscientific line the left is positing.
Nope. These are Frontline and most all this crap is political.
I know that. I was referencing your question about listening to the experts. The left listen ONLY to those they preapprove.
Surely one of the topics will be Hydroxychloroquine. Trump advocated it and took it himself. The left saw that and without a shred of proof, immediately condemned the drug, and said Trump was stupid for taking it.

When the studies finally got published (July 2nd), it was crystal clear, Trump was right.

Now the big question revolves around a very tragic number. That is the number of lives that were lost from people who listened to the Democrats trash-talking Hydroxychloroquine, who, had they not listened to the power-obsessed Democrats, would still be alive today.

I wonder how many of those dead people's husbands, wives, fathers, mothers, sons, daughters brothers, or sisters, will still vote Democrat in November, if they had been planning to.

Well well well

Are we still listening to the experts?
Considering the source i seriously doubt there were any real doctors in the article.

Well well well

Are we still listening to the experts?

Yes, we are listening to the actual public health experts.
Not the alt-right, Tea Party sponsored, Breitbart promoted horseshit.
I spent 15 minutes of time (that I'll never get back) skimming through the almost 3 hours of propaganda, pseudo-science, and half baked conspiracy theories.

Well well well

Are we still listening to the experts?
Considering the source i seriously doubt there were any real doctors in the article.
They were on video with a senator.

Now fuck off.

Well well well

Are we still listening to the experts?

Yes, we are listening to the actual public health experts.
Not the alt-right, Tea Party sponsored, Breitbart promoted horseshit.
I spent 15 minutes of time (that I'll never get back) skimming through the almost 3 hours of propaganda, pseudo-science, and half baked conspiracy theories.
They are the front line doctors. You simply are saying 6 oh only listen to what you want to believe.

It was stated there is no case of a student giving a, teacher covid.

Refute, that please.
Yes, we are listening to the actual public health experts.
Not the alt-right, Tea Party sponsored, Breitbart promoted horseshit.
I spent 15 minutes of time (that I'll never get back) skimming through the almost 3 hours of propaganda, pseudo-science, and half baked conspiracy theories.
And you came up with the truth ? :biggrin: - as stated in Post # 5 ?

Well well well

Are we still listening to the experts?

Yes, we are listening to the actual public health experts.
Not the alt-right, Tea Party sponsored, Breitbart promoted horseshit.
I spent 15 minutes of time (that I'll never get back) skimming through the almost 3 hours of propaganda, pseudo-science, and half baked conspiracy theories.
I already suspect all the bs numbers and propaganda being disseminated by the lame stream media and other liberal outlets. I still do not know anyone, or anyone who has had someone they know sick with this bs, or died of it.
Hell of on interesting point. I don't know of, or heard of anyone either, except those mentioned on the TV news.

Well well well

Are we still listening to the experts?
Considering the source i seriously doubt there were any real doctors in the article.
I seriously doubt you have brains enough to know one way or the other. It's pretty well known around here that you have shit for brains already.

Well well well

Are we still listening to the experts?
Considering the source i seriously doubt there were any real doctors in the article.
I seriously doubt you have brains enough to know one way or the other. It's pretty well known around here that you have shit for brains already.
I do have quite the fan club, it's true.

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