From a Grateful Nation?


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2011
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Don't forget to spread the blame around. The GOP doesn't give a shit about the military, either.

Sorry, but I don't remember any study from a Republican administration suggesting that Veterans get their care for service connected disabilities from their own private insurance. And I also do not remember any Republican administration suggesting such huge Tricare increases.

Heck, my wife has already had to change doctors because hew oncologist no longer accepts Tricare (payments just took to long). And I had an ER visit last November that I am still waiting for Tricare to reimburse me for.

Love how somebody comments on the sequester, and you automatically go on the attack. How about getting off of your partisan wagon and try to address the actual issue?

And out of curiosity, since you know so much about dishonoring the uniform, when did you serve?
Don't forget to spread the blame around. The GOP doesn't give a shit about the military, either.

Sorry, but I don't remember any study from a Republican administration suggesting that Veterans get their care for service connected disabilities from their own private insurance. And I also do not remember any Republican administration suggesting such huge Tricare increases.

Heck, my wife has already had to change doctors because hew oncologist no longer accepts Tricare (payments just took to long). And I had an ER visit last November that I am still waiting for Tricare to reimburse me for.

Love how somebody comments on the sequester, and you automatically go on the attack. How about getting off of your partisan wagon and try to address the actual issue?

And out of curiosity, since you know so much about dishonoring the uniform, when did you serve?

A little aside from military benefits - any medical care paid by a government agency is always late - one reason some doctors are turning away Medicare patients.

As for the military benefits - everybody who has worn the US uniform for whatever branch should be at the top of the list for any and all benefits they can get. They give out of love of country, some of them the ultimate sacrifice, and deserve to be honored and repaid in every way possible.

I have no personal military experience except that of being a military daughter and being a military mother and grandmother. I'm up 100% for our military personnel and veterans being taken care of from day one as opposed to getting nothing but insults from an ungrateful nation.
A little aside from military benefits - any medical care paid by a government agency is always late - one reason some doctors are turning away Medicare patients.

As for the military benefits - everybody who has worn the US uniform for whatever branch should be at the top of the list for any and all benefits they can get. They give out of love of country, some of them the ultimate sacrifice, and deserve to be honored and repaid in every way possible.

I have no personal military experience except that of being a military daughter and being a military mother and grandmother. I'm up 100% for our military personnel and veterans being taken care of from day one as opposed to getting nothing but insults from an ungrateful nation.

And my hat is off to you. I have long said that my wife had it much harder then I did.

As for my "benefits", I have long ago given up trying to ever get a fraction of what I am "entitled" to. I tried that game for almost 14 years, and gave up in disgust. I don't even want to begin to get into what a pile of horse apples the VA is, I am in a good mood and do not want to ruin it.


And the saddest thing is that cartoon is from 1959. Yet there have been no real changes in the VA since then. They still do whatever they want, and will blow off a Veteran for as long as they can as a way to try and keep their budget low.
Very juvenile reply.

And it's somehow mature to blame only half the people who deserve it?

Your empty ad hominem dishonors the uniform.

Did you serve in combat withe our Armed Forces?

I made a factual statement. It is not up to me to prove Republicans "don't give a shit" about the military"
You made the statement ass hole and it is up to you to prove it.
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A little aside from military benefits - any medical care paid by a government agency is always late - one reason some doctors are turning away Medicare patients.

As for the military benefits - everybody who has worn the US uniform for whatever branch should be at the top of the list for any and all benefits they can get. They give out of love of country, some of them the ultimate sacrifice, and deserve to be honored and repaid in every way possible.

I have no personal military experience except that of being a military daughter and being a military mother and grandmother. I'm up 100% for our military personnel and veterans being taken care of from day one as opposed to getting nothing but insults from an ungrateful nation.

And my hat is off to you. I have long said that my wife had it much harder then I did.

As for my "benefits", I have long ago given up trying to ever get a fraction of what I am "entitled" to. I tried that game for almost 14 years, and gave up in disgust. I don't even want to begin to get into what a pile of horse apples the VA is, I am in a good mood and do not want to ruin it.


And the saddest thing is that cartoon is from 1959. Yet there have been no real changes in the VA since then. They still do whatever they want, and will blow off a Veteran for as long as they can as a way to try and keep their budget low.

I spent 8 years as the Director of the Suffolk County Veterans Service Agency and 7 1/2 yeas as a Deputy Director for the NYS Division of Veterans Affairs. There is one golden rule: Do not deal directly with VA. Get an accredited Veterans" Service Representative to act on your behalf.
Most Veteran's Service Organizations ( AL, VFW, DAV, VVA, PVA etc. ) and some States have offices for Claims Benefits Assistance at VA Regional Offices. Their services are free!
They are well trained and have annual update training.They can also answer questions about Health Care Benefits.
During my tenure, my 4 Senior Veterans Reps and I had the right to request any claims folder of any Veteran we were representing.
Never take advice from anyone other than your Veterans Service Rep.

Since 1959, there have been many changes in VA Benefits and Services. One great change has been presumptive service connection for certain disabilities attributed to the exposure of AO among In Country Vietnam Veterans. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder was recognized.
In the early 90's, they changed the more stringent proof a stressor to recipients of: a medal of Valor, Purple Heart, CIB, CMB and Combat Action Ribbon (USN, USMC and USC).
There were many more changes some positive and some negative.
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I made a factual statement. It is not up to me to prove Republicans "don't give a shit" about the military"

No, you made a biased political jab, which has nothing to do with what is being discussed.

Then you go on the attack again, questioning the credentials of somebody who says something you do not like.

All the while actually ignoring depredations of services by a Democrat.

Get behind me, partisan political animal! If you are only interested in making digs instead of solving a problem, then get gone.
I made a factual statement. It is not up to me to prove Republicans "don't give a shit" about the military"

No, you made a biased political jab, which has nothing to do with what is being discussed.

Then you go on the attack again, questioning the credentials of somebody who says something you do not like.

All the while actually ignoring depredations of services by a Democrat.

Get behind me, partisan political animal! If you are only interested in making digs instead of solving a problem, then get gone.

I created the subject of this thread. Duh! Your statement does not make much sense.

You consistently make statements about subjects of which you have very little or no knowledge.

I served with C Co. 1st Bn 4th Marines in Vietnam 67-68 as an Infantry Fire Team Leader
( 0311 MOS ). Our unit was in the bush of Northern I Corps not too far from the DMZ. It was just us and the NVA. Frequently referred to as Leather Neck Square.
Now tell me about your military service: Branch, MOS, Unit and where you engaged in combat with enemy.
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I served with C Co. 1st Bn 4th Marines in Vietnam 67-68 as an Infantry Fire Team Leader
( 0311 MOS ). Our unit was in the bush of Northern I Corps not too far from the DMZ. It was just us and the NVA. Frequently referred to as Leather Neck Square.
Now tell me about your military service: Branch, MOS, Unit and where you engaged in combat with enemy.

Semper Fi Bro. Fox 2/2 here, as well as Marine Barracks Seal Beach and Mare Island, 1983-1993. Also 0311.

Ignore that newer picture, only way I could get back in at the age of 42 was to go in the Army (to old and with terminal Grunt's Knees).

I largely laugh at those who do nothing but attack us without having a clue of who we are and what we did.

And for the remark, that was actually not aimed at you, I had tried to parse down a multi-quote, I was trying to respond to Wonky but removed the wrong part. My bad there, and I apologize for any confusion.
Don't forget to spread the blame around. The GOP doesn't give a shit about the military, either.

Sorry, but I don't remember any study from a Republican administration suggesting that Veterans get their care for service connected disabilities from their own private insurance. And I also do not remember any Republican administration suggesting such huge Tricare increases.

Heck, my wife has already had to change doctors because hew oncologist no longer accepts Tricare (payments just took to long). And I had an ER visit last November that I am still waiting for Tricare to reimburse me for.

Love how somebody comments on the sequester, and you automatically go on the attack. How about getting off of your partisan wagon and try to address the actual issue?
Sorry, but I wasn't referring to Tricare or insurance specifically. Didn't intend to give that impression. There are many other areas in which the GOP leadership has decided to give short shrift to defense, and that's all I was implying. Daring to criticize the GOP certainly does not make me partisan.
And out of curiosity, since you know so much about dishonoring the uniform, when did you serve?
It's dishonest to pretend that one has to have served to know what it means to dishonor the uniform. (And, not that it's any of your business, but I couldn't pass the medical.)
Very juvenile reply.

And it's somehow mature to blame only half the people who deserve it?

Your empty ad hominem dishonors the uniform.

Did you serve in combat withe our Armed Forces?

I made a factual statement. It is not up to me to prove Republicans "don't give a shit" about the military"
You made the statement ass hole and it is up to you to prove it.

Great. Another aging punk who thinks he now has every right to act like an asshole just because someone let him put on a uniform. Clearly you haven't figured out that you just proved my point.
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Don't forget to spread the blame around. The GOP doesn't give a shit about the military, either.

Sorry, but I don't remember any study from a Republican administration suggesting that Veterans get their care for service connected disabilities from their own private insurance. And I also do not remember any Republican administration suggesting such huge Tricare increases.

Heck, my wife has already had to change doctors because hew oncologist no longer accepts Tricare (payments just took to long). And I had an ER visit last November that I am still waiting for Tricare to reimburse me for.

Love how somebody comments on the sequester, and you automatically go on the attack. How about getting off of your partisan wagon and try to address the actual issue?
Sorry, but I wasn't referring to Tricare or insurance specifically. Didn't intend to give that impression. There are many other areas in which the GOP leadership has decided to give short shrift to defense, and that's all I was implying. Daring to criticize the GOP certainly does not make me partisan.
And out of curiosity, since you know so much about dishonoring the uniform, when did you serve?
It's dishonest to pretend that one has to have served to know what it means to dishonor the uniform. (And, not that it's any of your business, but I couldn't pass the medical.)

Only the person wearing the uniform can dishonor it. Your poor choice of words would never be used by a Veteran or those on Active Military Duty. You will never get it and I don't care. We are done here.
Sorry, but I wasn't referring to Tricare or insurance specifically. Didn't intend to give that impression. There are many other areas in which the GOP leadership has decided to give short shrift to defense, and that's all I was implying. Daring to criticize the GOP certainly does not make me partisan.

It's dishonest to pretend that one has to have served to know what it means to dishonor the uniform. (And, not that it's any of your business, but I couldn't pass the medical.)

I was not talking about Tricare either. This is because Veterans (other then 20 year careerists) do not get Tricare. You see, those (and active duty and active reservists) are the only ones that get Tricare. Those who did their 2-19 years and get out (or those medically discharged) only get the VA.

But I myself remember very well the attempt by the current Administration to force Disabled Veterans to not use the VA and instead force them to get their own private insurance. And that it largely blew up in his face.

President Obama yesterday abandoned a proposal to bill veterans' private insurance companies for the treatment at VA hospitals of combat-related injuries amid an outcry over the measure from veterans' service organizations and members of Congress.

The proposal would have authorized the Department of Veterans Affairs to charge private companies for treating injuries and other medical conditions, such as post-traumatic stress disorder, that are related to military service. The measure was intended to save VA about $530 million a year, but the administration's pursuit of third-party billing sparked resistance from leaders of veterans groups, who met this week with Obama.

Obama Drops Plan to Bill Veterans' Private Insurers - Washington Post

And through all of your nonsensical twisted doublespeak, I notice that you really do not say much. And yes, what you did was a blatant political attack. Because if you were really non-partisan, then why the ignoring of that attempt to shift the responsibility of the Government onto the Veterans themselves? Hmmm?

I for one (being a disabled veteran) know that it sent shockwaves through our community, but it was barely noticed by 99% of civilians. And this is why it makes a difference if you are a veteran or not. Sure, you can say whatever the freak you want, but you are not neutral. You look at the world through the eyes of a biased partisan political wonk, and not through the eyes of an actual Veteran who is impacted by such things.

So, are we going to talk about the attempt by this administration to shuffle the healthcare of injured and disabled Veterans away from the Government and onto the Veterans themselves, or are we going to play "Biased political bullshit games"?

Hmmmm? Because I can play that freaking game all day long. And trust me, you will loose because I have been battling the VA for over 20 years now. It was jacked up under Clinton, it was jacked up under Bush, it is jacked up under Obama, it will forever be jacked up because it is the VA.
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