Friendly Reminder: If you like borders, you hate the free market.


Active Member
Jun 14, 2017
Border enforcement represents an unparalleled assault on the free market.

According to Gallup some 750 million people would move to the US. The average income of a 1st generation immigrant is ~45k. That is a whopping ~30 trillion dollars of market suppression every year. That's almost twice our GDP worth of market suppression.

There is simply no other government program that suppresses the free market to that degree. There is simply no other government program that suppresses the freedom of individuals to that degree.

Now, personally, I like borders. But I also profoundly distrust the free market in certain fields. If you claim to trust free markets, you either hate borders or are a hypocrite. Period.
Border enforcement represents an unparalleled assault on the free market.

According to Gallup some 750 million people would move to the US. The average income of a 1st generation immigrant is ~45k. That is a whopping ~30 trillion dollars of market suppression every year. That's almost twice our GDP worth of market suppression.

There is simply no other government program that suppresses the free market to that degree. There is simply no other government program that suppresses the freedom of individuals to that degree.

Now, personally, I like borders. But I also profoundly distrust the free market in certain fields. If you claim to trust free markets, you either hate borders or are a hypocrite. Period.

Did someone say FREE?
Border enforcement represents an unparalleled assault on the free market.

According to Gallup some 750 million people would move to the US. The average income of a 1st generation immigrant is ~45k. That is a whopping ~30 trillion dollars of market suppression every year. That's almost twice our GDP worth of market suppression.

There is simply no other government program that suppresses the free market to that degree. There is simply no other government program that suppresses the freedom of individuals to that degree.

Now, personally, I like borders. But I also profoundly distrust the free market in certain fields. If you claim to trust free markets, you either hate borders or are a hypocrite. Period.

Did someone say FREE?

We are still waiting for the left to tell us who's going to pay for all this free stuff they are promising. They should move to a right to work state, get a job and pay for their own free shit.
Border enforcement represents an unparalleled assault on the free market.

According to Gallup some 750 million people would move to the US. The average income of a 1st generation immigrant is ~45k. That is a whopping ~30 trillion dollars of market suppression every year. That's almost twice our GDP worth of market suppression.

There is simply no other government program that suppresses the free market to that degree. There is simply no other government program that suppresses the freedom of individuals to that degree.

Now, personally, I like borders. But I also profoundly distrust the free market in certain fields. If you claim to trust free markets, you either hate borders or are a hypocrite. Period.

The border problem exists largely because of the welfare magnet which draws them here.
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Border enforcement represents an unparalleled assault on the free market.

According to Gallup some 750 million people would move to the US. The average income of a 1st generation immigrant is ~45k. That is a whopping ~30 trillion dollars of market suppression every year. That's almost twice our GDP worth of market suppression.

There is simply no other government program that suppresses the free market to that degree. There is simply no other government program that suppresses the freedom of individuals to that degree.

Now, personally, I like borders. But I also profoundly distrust the free market in certain fields. If you claim to trust free markets, you either hate borders or are a hypocrite. Period.

The border problme exists largely because of the welfare magnet which draws them here.

Free food, subsidized housing, free education, free healthcare, just sneak across the border and pop out an anchor baby or demand asylum.
The border problme exists largely because of the welfare magnet which draws them here.

So why are people drawn to the US the most rather than to places that actually offer substantial welfare, like European states?

You really should look at a world map, pay particular attention to oceans. :itsok: They had to walk to the U.S., you can't walk across an ocean.
Border enforcement represents an unparalleled assault on the free market.

According to Gallup some 750 million people would move to the US. The average income of a 1st generation immigrant is ~45k. That is a whopping ~30 trillion dollars of market suppression every year. That's almost twice our GDP worth of market suppression.

There is simply no other government program that suppresses the free market to that degree. There is simply no other government program that suppresses the freedom of individuals to that degree.

Now, personally, I like borders. But I also profoundly distrust the free market in certain fields. If you claim to trust free markets, you either hate borders or are a hypocrite. Period.
You are why I am not a libertarian.
So why are people drawn to the US the most rather than to places that actually offer substantial welfare, like European states?

These recent 'caravan' shenanigans I don't think are legit. Someone or some people have thought that horse pucky up, in my opinion. I think they wanna create a 'border crisis' in order to shackle us to the wall with a national id.

Putting that aside, if you're talking about immigration at a global level coming to America that's a little deeper. The H-1B, for example. And other scenarios, each with their own consequence, I'd add.
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Border enforcement represents an unparalleled assault on the free market.

According to Gallup some 750 million people would move to the US. The average income of a 1st generation immigrant is ~45k. That is a whopping ~30 trillion dollars of market suppression every year. That's almost twice our GDP worth of market suppression.

There is simply no other government program that suppresses the free market to that degree. There is simply no other government program that suppresses the freedom of individuals to that degree.

Now, personally, I like borders. But I also profoundly distrust the free market in certain fields. If you claim to trust free markets, you either hate borders or are a hypocrite. Period.

If you claim to trust free markets, you either hate borders or are a hypocrite.

I trust free markets.
Now, seal the border and boot 15 million illegal aliens.
To start.
Border enforcement represents an unparalleled assault on the free market.

According to Gallup some 750 million people would move to the US. The average income of a 1st generation immigrant is ~45k. That is a whopping ~30 trillion dollars of market suppression every year. That's almost twice our GDP worth of market suppression.

There is simply no other government program that suppresses the free market to that degree. There is simply no other government program that suppresses the freedom of individuals to that degree.

Now, personally, I like borders. But I also profoundly distrust the free market in certain fields. If you claim to trust free markets, you either hate borders or are a hypocrite. Period.
You fucking asshole. STFU>
ow is deporting every last illegal AND their anchor babies socialism? That's my plan!

Because it's anti-capitalist. Labor is a market. You are suppressing that market. You are no better than a Venezuelan government price-fixer.

Because mexicans cant swim that far.

So Mexicans are the only people who immigrate? Fascinating.

Its MAGA that's all you need to know snowflake. Just relax while we clean up this mess.

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