Fresh Tissue

The Irish Ram

Apr 10, 2011
diagonally parked in a parallel universe
Fresh tissue is the best!
For all those who support abortion, read this article, and ask yourself, "How fresh?". The article is about other machinations connected to Fauci, like puppy torture, but beyond that is a frightening indication of just how far abortionists go in their enthusiasm.
Picture, if you will, live births being carved up while on the table, instead of in the womb. What an incredibly macabre thing to be enthused about.
In a recent investigation, the buyers and sellers enthused about the “freshness” of the tissue samples and the desire to keep the baby alive so living samples can be taken.
I wonder, how fresh was the tissue they were so enthused about? How evil are we willing to become to placate progress?
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Fresh tissue is the best!
For all those who support abortion, read this article, and ask yourself, "How fresh?". The article is about other machinations connected to Fauci, like puppy torture, but beyond that is a frightening indication of just how far abortionists go in their enthusiasm.
Picture, if you will, live births being carved up while on the table, instead of in the womb. What an incredibly macabre thing to be enthused about.
In a recent investigation, the buyers and sellers enthused about the “freshness” of the tissue samples and the desire to keep the baby alive so living samples can be taken.
I wonder, how fresh was the tissue they were so enthused about? How evil are we willing to become to placate progression?

THIS is perhaps the greatest crime in human history to date. However, the outraged, horrified cries of good, compassionate Americans will fall on deaf ears of those who rule us. We live in times more barbarous than the Dark Ages.
May GOD have pity on those poor dogs .... and all of those who have been killed in such a horrendous way is not worth living anymore.

I don't like this sort of life anymore, with this sort of monsters like Fauci , causing pain to all creatures on this earth...

This is not right
May GOD have pity on those poor dogs .... and all of those who have been killed in such a horrendous way is not worth living anymore.

I don't like this sort of life anymore, with this sort of monsters like Fauci , causing pain to all creatures on this earth...

This is not right

Take heart, have faith, hold the line. While good people remain and the sun continues to rise we must never give up, never surrender.
THIS is perhaps the greatest crime in human history to date. However, the outraged, horrified cries of good, compassionate Americans will fall on deaf ears of those who rule us. We live in times more barbarous than the Dark Ages.
I heard that the internet in the dark ages was really slow.

You guys are nuts.
May GOD have pity on those poor dogs .... and all of those who have been killed in such a horrendous way is not worth living anymore.

I don't like this sort of life anymore, with this sort of monsters like Fauci , causing pain to all creatures on this earth...

This is not right
I agree. People have lost their humanity as the elites trade profit for love.

When ever folks from this Covidian cult try to scare me with talk of death, if I don't get their jab. . . I'm fine with it. If I die? I will be o.k. with it. I've made my peace already. I will fight and struggle till the end, but what ever the creator wills, I will go when I'm called.

I'm not looking forward to the end of the old America. . . The New World Order they have planned for the everyday person is not something that most folks are going to enjoy anyway. I've already taken a look at the stats, and they are not good. Depression is up, anxiety is up, suicides are up. . . anger and tension is up, so is stress. This new world they are making is awful.

THIS is perhaps the greatest crime in human history to date. However, the outraged, horrified cries of good, compassionate Americans will fall on deaf ears of those who rule us. We live in times more barbarous than the Dark Ages.

You're joking right? The government and others have been committing crap like this since there was a government. It's what governments do.
I guess that makes it OK.
I feel better now.

No, it' don't make nothing OK. I can't believe I'm having to clarify this. But this kind of shit is horrible. Keeping babies alive to kill them when they're "fresh?" even if it's the mice they mentioned. That's still some sicko kind of shit. But still par for the course for government.
No, it' don't make nothing OK. I can't believe I'm having to clarify this. But this kind of shit is horrible. Keeping babies alive to kill them when they're "fresh?" even if it's the mice they mentioned. That's still some sicko kind of shit. But still par for the course for government.
While you do make a good point, and this? It cannot be denied.

There is a difference between previous times, and now.

In all the times before when outrages occurred, and they became known to the public? The government was responsive to the population, and sleazy immorality, and dehumanization of the population WAS NOT a partisan issue.

Now? The propaganda techniques of Edward Bernays have been used to make some issues either identified with one party or the other, so partisans on the left, or the right, will stand up and defend clearly immoral and unethical behavior.

This type of shit, mentioned in this thread, is unacceptable.

. . . and, on the converse, there once was a time, when the right would not tolerate "too big too fail," corporations, being in bed with the government. Now all I see from the right are excuses for corporate welfare and monopoly. And the middle class is slowly deterioratiing, giving their children who attend Univerisity even more reason to cotton to government control of society. It never ends.

Folks identify too closely with their party or politicians of choice, to be moral or ethical, and give too little thought about the soul of the nation any more. When clear and present dangers to our body politic is identified? Justice is no longer the object of our polity, only the spirit of revenge motivates our policy and public discourse these days.

If you think the founders, from either party, would have condoned this behavior once it was revealed, and not sought to change it?

While you do make a good point, and this? It cannot be denied.

There is a difference between previous times, and now.

In all the times before when outrages occurred, and they became known to the public? The government was responsive to the population, and sleazy immorality, and dehumanization of the population WAS NOT a partisan issue.

Now? The propaganda techniques of Edward Bernays have been used to make some issues either identified with one party or the other, so partisans on the left, or the right, will stand up and defend clearly immoral and unethical behavior.

This type of shit, mentioned in this thread, is unacceptable.

. . . and, on the converse, there once was a time, when the right would not tolerate "too big too fail," corporations, being in bed with the government. Now all I see from the right are excuses for corporate welfare and monopoly. And the middle class is slowly deterioratiing, giving their children who attend Univerisity even more reason to cotton to government control of society. It never ends.

Folks identify too closely with their party or politicians of choice, to be moral or ethical, and give too little thought about the soul of the nation any more. When clear and present dangers to our body politic is identified? Justice is no longer the object of our polity, only the spirit of revenge motivates our policy and public discourse these days.

In 2012, I gave up on all political parties. Party loyalist are for the Russians. They were what helped destroy Germany under Hitler. Hitlers power came from party loyalist. F the republicans. F the democrats. F the Libertarians. And F those who are loyal to their party. F those who are too brainwashed to see through the BS their party spews.
Trump with his BS tax cuts and promises of making another country pay for some stupid wall. The democrats with all their stupid support for race groups like BLM, their fighting for trans rights so men can control women even more than they do now.
And the libertarians with their "legalize all drugs" BS.
All these partys have their rhetoric they spew. But only spew it because their party members want to hear it. Behind the scene's they're laughing their butts off at how stupid everyone is for believing their crap.
They're keeping their voters so tied up with ridiculous BS, that they can get away with funding Covid research in China, abortions and other atrocities.
Fresh tissue is the best!
For all those who support abortion, read this article, and ask yourself, "How fresh?". The article is about other machinations connected to Fauci, like puppy torture, but beyond that is a frightening indication of just how far abortionists go in their enthusiasm.
Picture, if you will, live births being carved up while on the table, instead of in the womb. What an incredibly macabre thing to be enthused about.
In a recent investigation, the buyers and sellers enthused about the “freshness” of the tissue samples and the desire to keep the baby alive so living samples can be taken.
I wonder, how fresh was the tissue they were so enthused about? How evil are we willing to become to placate progress?
Anthony Fauci or Andrew McCabe

Hogwash, the covid 19 virsus is not manmade and McCabe got his pension restored.
Fresh tissue is the best!
For all those who support abortion, read this article, and ask yourself, "How fresh?". The article is about other machinations connected to Fauci, like puppy torture, but beyond that is a frightening indication of just how far abortionists go in their enthusiasm.
Picture, if you will, live births being carved up while on the table, instead of in the womb. What an incredibly macabre thing to be enthused about.
In a recent investigation, the buyers and sellers enthused about the “freshness” of the tissue samples and the desire to keep the baby alive so living samples can be taken.
I wonder, how fresh was the tissue they were so enthused about? How evil are we willing to become to placate progress?
If you believe all this fake stuff, your ignorance is supreme.
Anthony Fauci or Andrew McCabe

Hogwash, the covid 19 virsus is not manmade and McCabe got his pension restored.
Not only was the virus man made by us, we sent it to China, along with millions of tax dollars for it to gain the function of a bio weapon that circumvents a human's immunity system. There is no animal, not one, in the wild that has covid 19.
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Fresh tissue is the best!
For all those who support abortion, read this article, and ask yourself, "How fresh?". The article is about other machinations connected to Fauci, like puppy torture, but beyond that is a frightening indication of just how far abortionists go in their enthusiasm.
Picture, if you will, live births being carved up while on the table, instead of in the womb. What an incredibly macabre thing to be enthused about.
In a recent investigation, the buyers and sellers enthused about the “freshness” of the tissue samples and the desire to keep the baby alive so living samples can be taken.
I wonder, how fresh was the tissue they were so enthused about? How evil are we willing to become to placate progress?
what a crap source spread by a crap person. perfect for this crap board.

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