Fresh decapitations – Acapulco, Tourist Welcome!


U B U & I'll B Me 4 USA!
Jan 15, 2009
There are more beheading in Mexico than there are in the Middle East.

5 decapitated bodies found in Acapulco

August 20, 2011

At a Sam’s Club (like Walmart/Costco) in Acapulco Mexico authorities found 2 decapitated bodies their faces and hair had been scalped and the bodies were cut up into about 2 dozen pieces and certain parts were stuffed in a woman’s purse.

On Saturday 3 more decapitated bodies were found in a car less than a 1000 feet from the same Sam’s Club. They say one of the victims was woman, I wonder if it was her purse they used. The corpus heads were not with the bodies. Some gas station owners closed their stations in protest.
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They weren't shot. I guess the US Government and Eric Holder must have finally put a halt to Project Gunwalker, Operation Fast and Furious then.
The deaths have to be slowing down, they have to. How much time would it take a Narco terrorist hitman to shoot fourty people, versus decapitating fourty people. Plus the effort. The Samurai Warriors have to practice repeatedly with rolled, wet tatami mats before they become proficient.
One thing I'm learning about the Mexican culture is that they're a very cruel culture. The men are cruel to their animals and cruel to their women & children and they're ruthless to their enemies.

They enjoy blood sport. I read in the L.A. Times once where the drug cartel enjoy putting people in a 55 gallon barrel drum filled with
flammable fluids. They put a car tire around their victims neck and then they set them on fire. They drink Tequila, smoke dope, joke and party and even making bets while watching their victim(s) burn up alive.

Five headless bodies found in Acapulco

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) -- The Mexican Federalizes said the headless bodies were found tied up in the back of a SUV. They said there was a message from “Shorty” he’s the head of the notorious Sinaloa Drug Cartel. They didn’t say what the message was but I’m sure it was something real nice. His real name is Joaquin “Shorty” Guzman and I believe there is a big reward (millions) on his head from the U.S.

The authorities said 25 people were killed in a short amount of time which they deemed “Black Week”, duh well I guess! It won’t be long before they bring it into America. Won’t that be fun? Why don't we save ourselves some grief and close the border now!

Since 2006 since Felipe became President of Mexico there have been 42,000 people killed. Now, if that’s what he calls keeping his country safe Mexico is in a whole lot of trouble.

You know what's funny I just watched that movie "8 Heads in a Duffle Bag" on Friday. That dang "Shorty" sure has a sense of humor! :eusa_whistle:
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peaceful & gentle nation.

5 decapitated bodies found in Acapulco

Saturday, August 20, 2011

“Nearly two dozen Acapulco gas stations closed temporarily on Friday to protest the escalating violence.Meanwhile, authorities said they found the bullet-riddled bodies of nine men on a highway in the Pacific Coast state of Nayarit. In May, a gun battle between rival drug gangs in Nayarit left 29 bodies in fake military uniforms heaped across a roadway."
has plummeted by approx. 50 %

Decapitated bodies in Acapulco spotlight drug war's toll on tourism

"15 decapitated bodies strewn outside of a shopping center and another six young men found dead in a taxi. Local residents found a mass grave of 18 sightseers the tourists families say they disappeared while touring Acapulco. Extortions, kidnappings and daylight shootouts have already shuttered some stores."
Mebbe dey should rename it Dodge City - fer dodgin' the bullets
Forget cliff diving, Acapulco now known as hot spot in Mexico's drug war
August 24, 2011 - The days of jet set vacationing in Acapulco are long gone, but the Mexican resort city is once again in the news, this time for drug violence. It is one of the few tourist spots in Mexico suffering from public shootouts.
While many of Mexico’s tourist areas have remained separate from the bouts of drug violence buffeting the country, the popular resort city of Acapulco has emerged as one of the new hot spots of organized crime. A bloody week in which more than two dozen people were killed, and five decapitated bodies were found around the city, is the latest marker of Acapulco’s decline. As Excelsior reports, many of those murdered in the resort were taxi drivers, who often work as lookouts for one drug gang or another. On the year, 42 cab drivers have been murdered in the city, according to figures from the newspaper Reforma. The recent wave of violence has led to a broader spike in crimes against the population in this port city, including people unconnected to organized crime.

Twenty-three local gasoline stations shut their doors for three hours on Friday to protest against increased extortion demands, while authorities reported a 20-fold rise in car robberies along the famed Autopista del Sol, or Highway of the Sun, which connects Acapulco to Mexico City. After a series of robberies on shops last week, a handful of jewelers in the city’s downtown announced a weekend shutdown to take a stand against the violence. As of early August, 650 people had been killed in Acapulco in 2011, making it perhaps the bloodiest big city in Mexico after Juarez. Acapulco’s body count has been strikingly high for a number of years. Last year, just over 1,000 people were killed, following 843 murders in 2009 and 724 in 2008.

As a key entryway for South American cocaine, the city has long been an attractive piece of real estate for drug gangs, with agents of the Sinaloa Cartel battling the Zetas as far back as 2005. But breakdowns in the coherence of the hegemonic networks in Mexico have transformed Acapulco from the site of a battle between two competing gangs to an anarchic mess of newer groups. Much of the recent surge in violence stems from battles between the Independent Cartel of Acapulco (known as CIDA for its initials in Spanish), which is made up of the remains of the network run by Edgar Valdez Villarreal until his arrest in September 2010, and the South Pacific Cartel, a newly emerging gang that is loosely affiliated with the Beltran Leyvas.


See also:

1 dead, 5 wounded in Mexico border school shooting
Wednesday, August 24, 2011 - Gunmen attacked a group of parents waiting for their children outside an elementary school Wednesday, killing one man and wounding five other people in a dangerous part of the Mexican border city of Ciudad Juarez.
Gunmen attacked a group of parents waiting for their children outside an elementary school Wednesday, killing one man and wounding five other people in a dangerous part of the Mexican border city of Ciudad Juarez. The Chihuahua state prosecutor's office said two cars drove up to the school around noon, and two men got out and started shooting, apparently with assault rifles. The gunfire wounded one man and four women, prosecutors' spokesman Arturo Sandoval said.

Teachers locked down the school, not allowing students to leave until the situation calmed down. Frightened parents rushed to the school to search for their children. No information on the motive for the attack was released, but schools in Ciudad Juarez have reported receiving threats and extortion demands in the past. The federal Interior Ministry condemned the shootings. "This is precisely the irrational violence that should be combatted equally by all three levels of government," its statement said.

Mexico's federal government has been urging state and local authorities to improve their police forces with better training for their officers and by investigating officers for possible ties to crime organizations. The Sinaloa and Juarez drug cartels have been fighting for control of Ciudad Juarez, which neighbors El Paso, Texas. More than 6,000 people have been killed in the city since 2008.

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The Hispexican’s will be throwing babies off the cliffs in Acapulco instead of cliff divers.
Death to Zetas...
Mexico body dump: result of a gang war?
September 22, 2011 - Mexican officials identified several of the bodies dumped on a Mexican highway as Zeta gang members. A gang linked to the Sinaloa Cartel claimed responsibility for the murders.
The bodies of 35 alleged Zetas members were dumped beneath an underpass in downtown Veracruz, south Mexico, in the latest sign that the group is taking a hit to its activities on the Gulf coast. Motorists along the busy avenue of Ruiz Cortine in the Mexican port city of Veracruz encountered a gruesome roadblock on Tuesday afternoon: two abandoned pickup trucks, each carrying more than a dozen dead bodies. According to eyewitness accounts, an number of masked men had stopped traffic along the road around 5:00 p.m., pointing weapons at passersby as they opened up the gates of the truck beds before abandoning the vehicles.

The men also left an ominous “narcomanta,” or drug banner, claiming that the victims had been killed for their allegiance to the Zetas: This will happen to all those Zeta s---- who remain in Veracruz. The beach now has a new owner: G.N. Here lies "El Ferras" and his royal court.

According to state Attorney General Reynaldo Escobar Perez, several of the victims have been identified as possible escapees in a prison breakout that occurred on Monday, in which 32 inmates from three different prisons allegedly managed to overcome their guards and escape. Several of them were captured soon after, but 18 remained at large on Tuesday. The jailbreak was blamed on the Zetas, for whom the activity is something of a specialty. In 2010, the state of Tamaulipas lost more than 350 inmates to jailbreaks, most of which were attributed to the Zetas.

The banner’s mention of “G.N.” is a clear reference to the Gente Nueva, an enforcer gang which has been linked to Sinaloa Cartel boss Joaquin Guzman Loera, alias “El Chapo.” Gente Nueva got their start working as hitmen for Guzman, and have been blamed for contributing to the violence in the border city of Ciudad Juarez. There the group earned the reputation of being a bitter enemy of La Linea, a gang who serve as foot soldiers for Vicente Carrillo Fuentes’ Juarez Cartel.

Is president Calderon not in the USA touring telling americans how very safe it is to travel to Mexico??? Does this fool really believe his own lies? Or maybe he has seen how very naive americans have become to the dangers and murders in his country and he is going to 'strike while the iron is hot'????
legalize drugs then there will be no drug war for Zetas and Sinaloa to fight.

ONLY if drugs are legalized throughout the WORLD! Stop producing drugs that addicts demand and maybe there might be better results. Mexico are you listening?
The drug cartels in Mexico DO produce cocaine. Granted, most comes from Colombia but Mexico is used to transport it to the USA. So where is Mexico in this fight???? Ignorant and inept as usual. And yes I am listening but it seems you aren't.
The drug cartels in Mexico DO produce cocaine. Granted, most comes from Colombia but Mexico is used to transport it to the USA. So where is Mexico in this fight???? Ignorant and inept as usual. And yes I am listening but it seems you aren't.

The Coca plant will not grow in only can grow in South America...good lord! So no they don´t produce it, they transport it..FARC and Venezuela´s own president Chavez and ALBA are behind the production of Cocaine not the cartels...the cartels strictly work in the process of shipment to the US. Why should Mexico stop drugs from being transported to the US? After Mexico drugs aren´t illegal.

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