free the people free the herb

Portugal offers an interesting case study. What the organizers did was reverse the focus from those who are heroine addicts and began their drug use with marijuana to those who smoke pot and have never "graduated" to more hard core drugs.

Decriminalizing Drugs in Portugal a Success, Says Report - TIME

Shit......even California has had a rousing success with the medicinal aspect of it. And, like I said, it gave the state 1 billion in revenue last year.
Violence on the southern border, high inflation, high unemployment, high gas price, high food prices, Insane debt, the break down of the family, and all the other issues of the day and you guys are focused on trying to legally smoke pot.... That is so messed up.
Violence on the southern border, high inflation, high unemployment, high gas price, high food prices, Insane debt, the break down of the family, and all the other issues of the day and you guys are focused on trying to legally smoke pot.... That is so messed up.

The title of the thread is "free the people free the herb." You clicked on it, why? did you suffer a momentary loss of focus?

The southern border violence can be directly attributed to drug use/abuse. It is something that concerns me; thus I am on this open board reading and contributing to the topic.

Please post your same comment in each and every USMB topic you find unworthy. Concistency is key.
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Violence on the southern border, high inflation, high unemployment, high gas price, high food prices, Insane debt, the break down of the family, and all the other issues of the day and you guys are focused on trying to legally smoke pot.... That is so messed up.

Quick point of interest........if cannabis was legal, then the growers would be able to LEGALLY export their product to the US (and we'd get import tax on it). If they have a legitimate way to do what they're doing, they will cease breaking the law.

High unemployment? Yeah.....and you're going to deny those unemployed people a little peace?

High gas prices? After you cut the buds off of the hemp plant, you can use the rest to make biofuel.

High food prices? Hemp is also edible.

Break down of the family? Might wanna look to your own political party, seems the GOP has a hard time keeping their pants on.

Sorry, but as someone who has actually studied the effects of drugs (of which cannabis is classified as one by the military, and I was a DAPA), as well as have looked into the medical benefits of it, I'd say legalization would pretty much be a good deal.

Besides, we've already got the ability to do it tomorrow if we want, just remove the catch-22 from the Marijuana Tax Stamp.
Huh... Lu Lu declared victory and buggered off I see.

Declared victory?


We weren't debating anything, dude. I was mocking your nutjob view of that all crimes committed while on drugs should be punishable by death.

That is true, correct?
:rolleyes: Maybe you should lay off the pot and become proficient in mocking.

Maybe you should reassess your small gov't conservative credentials :lol:
Now whoever would have thought YOU were a pot head.

I'm willing to concede this point if I have it codified into law that it is permitted to discriminate against druggies, and bar them from ALL public assistance, financial or material.

You wanna wreck your life, you don't get to do it at my expense OR in my proximity. I want the right to bar you from my property, access to my children, tax money, neigborhood, driving, workplace and government. You can avoid this by choosing to NOT be a dope....head.

Oh, and automatic death penalty for crimes committed for or while on drugs.

Do that and it fucks over all the right people. Drug growers, traffickers and foreign powers while protecting our rights and culls these assholes out of society.

all this for smoking a joint?.....:eusa_eh:
Pot should be legal. Legal but regulated like alcohol. It will take some of the burden off the war on drugs but it's only a minor component in the big picture.

If you want it legalized, make it so that I don't pick up the tab for it. So, no welfare, no medical assistance, no nothing. Then I'm not funding other peoples lifestyle choices. That's fair.

your doing it now for cigs and maybe you should start with getting those who smoke and drink off assistance.....
Declared victory?


We weren't debating anything, dude. I was mocking your nutjob view of that all crimes committed while on drugs should be punishable by death.

That is true, correct?
:rolleyes: Maybe you should lay off the pot and become proficient in mocking.

Maybe you should reassess your small gov't conservative credentials :lol:
Ah the attempt to misconstrue previous statements into expansion of the state with no evidence. I recognize that fallacy.

Boy, you're not very good at this are you?
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Pot should be legal. Legal but regulated like alcohol. It will take some of the burden off the war on drugs but it's only a minor component in the big picture.

If you want it legalized, make it so that I don't pick up the tab for it. So, no welfare, no medical assistance, no nothing. Then I'm not funding other peoples lifestyle choices. That's fair.

your doing it now for cigs and maybe you should start with getting those who smoke and drink off assistance.....

Now whoever would have thought YOU were a pot head.

I'm willing to concede this point if I have it codified into law that it is permitted to discriminate against druggies, and bar them from ALL public assistance, financial or material.

You wanna wreck your life, you don't get to do it at my expense OR in my proximity. I want the right to bar you from my property, access to my children, tax money, neigborhood, driving, workplace and government. You can avoid this by choosing to NOT be a dope....head.

Oh, and automatic death penalty for crimes committed for or while on drugs.

Do that and it fucks over all the right people. Drug growers, traffickers and foreign powers while protecting our rights and culls these assholes out of society.

all this for smoking a joint?.....:eusa_eh:
Read further Harry. You'll see what I'm doing. Most of the potheads haven't caught on yet. Quelle suprise.
'Global war on drugs has failed,' key panel says - US news - Crime & courts -

NEW YORK — The global war on drugs has failed and governments should explore legalizing marijuana and other controlled substances, according to a commission that includes former heads of state, a former U.N. secretary-general and a business mogul.

A new report by the Global Commission on Drug Policy argues that the decades-old worldwide "war on drugs has failed, with devastating consequences for individuals and societies around the world." The 24-page paper was released Thursday.

Damn, I agree with TM. I think hell just froze over.
'Global war on drugs has failed,' key panel says - US news - Crime & courts -

NEW YORK — The global war on drugs has failed and governments should explore legalizing marijuana and other controlled substances, according to a commission that includes former heads of state, a former U.N. secretary-general and a business mogul.

A new report by the Global Commission on Drug Policy argues that the decades-old worldwide "war on drugs has failed, with devastating consequences for individuals and societies around the world." The 24-page paper was released Thursday.

Damn, I agree with TM. I think hell just froze over.
dont' feel so bad. She's just quoting MSNBS. They have occasionally gotten something correct, but really, they're only reporting that the report was released... on thursday.

An interesting little sidebar on this report I discovered on the Michael Medved show is that of the 19 members, Ed Schultz, the former Reagan Staff member, there was not one single non-socialist on the panel.

Makes me suspicious. Not to mention a bunch of the blase generalities pimped along with the desire for globalist control of the drug trade. Kinda curious, don't you agree?
Oh I've had my fair share of problems with drunks as well. The only reason it happened more often is that it IS legal. Intoxication is intoxication regardless of source. Now if you want drug use as rampant as alcohol or smoking, legalize it. And when you start seeing societal hellholes cropping up, get back to me on how awesome it is. Even China in the 1600's knew the dangers of Opium and tried to stop it and the English knew it as well, and used it to try to undermine Asian empires while working to keep it away from their shores.

We didn't have the serious problems with drugs until we made them illegal.
The same argument was made with alchohol. So where is the destruction ending prohibition was supposed to cause?
Bull fucking shit. Do some historical research on the Temperance movement and what they fought against.
a lot of the Temperance movement Fitz was carried out by Religious groups....that says a lot right far as i am concerned.....
:rolleyes: Maybe you should lay off the pot and become proficient in mocking.

Maybe you should reassess your small gov't conservative credentials :lol:
Ah the attempt to misconstrue previous statements into expansion of the state with no evidence. I recognize that fallacy.

Boy, you're not very good at this are you?

Please explain how I am misconstruing the below statement by saying you are for the death penalty if someone steals a pack of gum while high:

2. If you commit a crime in which you are stealing to support your addiction or under the influence of a drug, the punishment should be incredibly severe, to fatal.

3. Since I believe that life in prison without parole is cruel and unusual punishment, those sentences should be commuted to death.

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