There is a helluva lot more red in a watermelon than there is green; fake saviors on the outside, Communists on the inside:
Environmental freakazoids would have everybody else believe that saviors are not after tax dollars, they only want to hand a pristine world to future generations.
Why do parasite freaks of every stripe use scare tactics to prove the future is their only concern?
The population control freaks tell us that everybody will starve to death if billions are not eliminated in a humane manner in order to save the human race.
NOTE: Infanticide is a subsidy of multinational corporation Population Control.
Hell is the longest running scare tactic. If you do not take care of the widows and the orphans you will surely go to hell.
Believe it or not
The life expectancy of freaks is the same as everybody else. If they live to be 125 they still die. The Earth itself will die at some point in time. So what can all of their sick philosophies possibly amount to in relation to the life span of the universe? Answer: Less than nothing.
Maybe they truly believe that everybody will live forever in Freakdom.
Finally, I suggest that the freaks be wiped out posthaste.
Let me be clear before someone accuses me of advocating my own brand of utopianism. I would kill off the parasite freaks just to give mankind a breathing spell. After a freak-free world is achieved, parasite freaks would spring up like weeds in the first generation that follows. With all of the wealth created in their brief absence they would breed rapidly. In three generations mankind would be right back to a world controlled by parasite freakazoids.
So an organization whose mission, portrayed for decades to the public as selfless dedication to environmental causes, "has other things to do than taking care of the f****** seals" and being concerned over illegal whaling in the South Seas, instead being focused on the non-environmental issue of Syrian refugees that is backed by the most notorious sectors of far-left political movements?
The true colors are showing, and they are not green. Perhaps red would be more accurate, like a watermelon?
The true colors are showing, and they are not green. Perhaps red would be more accurate, like a watermelon?
February 26, 2016
Greenpeace shows its true colors
By Sierra Rayne
Blog: Greenpeace shows its true colors
Greenpeace shows its true colors
By Sierra Rayne
Blog: Greenpeace shows its true colors
Environmental freakazoids would have everybody else believe that saviors are not after tax dollars, they only want to hand a pristine world to future generations.
Why do parasite freaks of every stripe use scare tactics to prove the future is their only concern?
The population control freaks tell us that everybody will starve to death if billions are not eliminated in a humane manner in order to save the human race.
NOTE: Infanticide is a subsidy of multinational corporation Population Control.
Hell is the longest running scare tactic. If you do not take care of the widows and the orphans you will surely go to hell.
Believe it or not
The life expectancy of freaks is the same as everybody else. If they live to be 125 they still die. The Earth itself will die at some point in time. So what can all of their sick philosophies possibly amount to in relation to the life span of the universe? Answer: Less than nothing.
Maybe they truly believe that everybody will live forever in Freakdom.
Finally, I suggest that the freaks be wiped out posthaste.
Let me be clear before someone accuses me of advocating my own brand of utopianism. I would kill off the parasite freaks just to give mankind a breathing spell. After a freak-free world is achieved, parasite freaks would spring up like weeds in the first generation that follows. With all of the wealth created in their brief absence they would breed rapidly. In three generations mankind would be right back to a world controlled by parasite freakazoids.