FOX news shows 3 minute montage with voters ditching trump for desantis

Inasmuch as communism is the traditional enemy of fascism. As is socialism or socially responsible government.
Yeah, you keep saying that, Don. You are one of the few who will admit to your
communist political leanings.
But, Trump or DeSantis are not fascists.
Inasmuch as communism is the traditional enemy of fascism. As is socialism or socially responsible government.

Communism is actually a kind of fascism. Just ask all of Stalin’s and Mao’s slaughtered victims. And there’s nothing “socially responsible” about socialism or communism.
The liberal left will celebrate the decline of Trump but they won't realize that Trump's move toward fascism doesn't need Trump to lead anymore.

De Santis is much smarter and he won't deviate from the momentum of America to extremism of the right.

In only his first year as Governor, Desantis has filled three vacancies on the state SC, shifting the court to a conservative majority. He force the resignation of the entire Water Management District, replacing them with less friendly to environmentalism members. He ended Common Core in schools. He has a policy that felons should pay all fines and restitutions before regaining their right to vote. He did away with mask mandates and pediatric Covid-19 vaccines. He wants stronger sanctions against Cuba. He pushed to end state-funded gender-affirming care for transgender minors, and is waging a culture war against "wokeness."

Trump or Desantis, you're going to get the same thing.
We don’t need another corrupt, dishonest, incompetent president like Trump who has contempt for our democratic institutions, the Constitution, and the will of the people.
We certainly don’t need the senile old corrupt racist dementia patient currently infesting the Oval Office. That piece of shit has contempt for everyone but especially for black people. And he detests our republic and our Constitution.
Fox gives trumpy the boot. Took them long enough. Must suck to lose a cash cow then have to deal with losing impending lawsuits.
When the Australian gives up on the Liar in looks like the end of the line for trump.
I believe Trump and DeSantis will come together and make a deal that both can live with and both of their supporters will accept....
Ha! Maybe trump will accept the VP spot....NOT! And if he demands the top spot..Dems will rum the J6 attack 24/7....along with testimony stating what a POS that trump is.

It is going to be sweet watching him trash the GOP and desantis.
Ha! Maybe trump will accept the VP spot....NOT! And if he demands the top spot..Dems will rum the J6 attack 24/7....along with testimony stating what a POS that trump is.

It is going to be sweet watching him trash the GOP and desantis.

I see the psychotic fear of Desantis building on the left. This is very, very good.
Ha! Maybe trump will accept the VP spot....NOT! And if he demands the top spot..Dems will rum the J6 attack 24/7....along with testimony stating what a POS that trump is.

It is going to be sweet watching him trash the GOP and desantis.
jimmy gets a trump boner every time he hears or sees the guys name....
Yeah, you keep saying that, Don. You are one of the few who will admit to your
communist political leanings.
But, Trump or DeSantis are not fascists.
I lean to where the world's leading democracies lean. America calls that 'communism' but the rest of the world recognize it as 'socialism'.

And of course America quite proudly leans heavily in the opposite direction.
I lean to where the world's leading democracies lean. America calls that 'communism' but the rest of the world recognize it as 'socialism'.

And of course America quite proudly leans heavily in the opposite direction.
It's called less government, come on, you can say it.
It really is what made us great, who wants an overbearing government like Canada, stud?
Trump is falling from favour in the same way any leader who proposes fascism does if he doesn't capitalize on the opportunity his follewers offer up to him.

Trump failed to lead on Jan.6th. for one reason or another and so democracy scraped through.

Did Trump come to understand that he didn't have the momentum and the support of the police and the military that he needed? Or did he fail due to cowardice?
Or could it be put down to 'physical' resistance by a less than loyal accomplice?

The people aren't going to give Trump another chance! Comrad Che and Comrad Fidel didn't sit around watching t.v. when their lieutenants called for leadership and resolve.

It won't be long before we all see whether De Santis can rally the support of the police and military.

The old and demented Biden is De Santis's ace in the hole that he needs as his Batista. There won't be a better opportunity.
We aren't far right, Surada...we as a nation lean just right of center.
No matter what you and your ilk say, it's not true. :eusa_whistle:
Then a 'far right' can't exist. There are no people and there is no country more right than America.

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