Confidence In Media Is at All-time Low; 11% for TV News


The Ultimate Winner
May 18, 2010
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It looks like America is losing confidence in the news media, Congress, the Supreme Court and the President. Confidence in media at all-time low, 11% for TV news

Where do we go from here? It looks like we are dividing ourselves further and further and without any trust, there is no coming together in the near future.

Why such a lack in trust in media, Congress, the Supreme Court, the President, the FBI and other institutions?
It seems that bias objective and honest doesn't pay the bills. Or at least doesn't allow one to become wealthy. Therefore, the same merry go round will continue and all of the West is in trouble (this loss of trust is not just an American issue BTW),
It looks like America is losing confidence in the news media, Congress, the Supreme Court and the President. Confidence in media at all-time low, 11% for TV news

Where do we go from here? It looks like we are dividing ourselves further and further and without any trust, there is no coming together in the near future.

Why such a lack in trust in media, Congress, the Supreme Court, the President, the FBI and other institutions?
Fake news!
It looks like America is losing confidence in the news media, Congress, the Supreme Court and the President. Confidence in media at all-time low, 11% for TV news

Where do we go from here? It looks like we are dividing ourselves further and further and without any trust, there is no coming together in the near future.

Why such a lack in trust in media, Congress, the Supreme Court, the President, the FBI and other institutions?
LOL. Ummmmmmmm, seriously? Because they all lie, cheat, steal, and do whatever they can to further their agendas, media and people both. Even your own mother can to thrown overboard. Nothing is off limits in the quest for power.
Years ago I read an essay in The New York Times that said that most liberals do not want to be told anything bad about blacks and homosexuals. I vote Democrat, and I am liberal on economic and environmental issues. Nevertheless, my experience with social liberals leads me to agree with the essay.

I trust the mainstream media on basic facts. If The New York Times, for example, tells me that an event happened, I am confident that it did happen, or that - on rare occasions - The New York Times made a legitimate mistake. In that case The New York Times will print a retraction.

However, the mainstream media is selective in what it reports and how it reports it. For example, several years ago in New York City a black man without provocation slashed a white man across his throat with a knife, nearly killing him. For The New York Post this was front page news for several days. The New York Times did not report it.

When a black man, like Trayvon Martin, is killed by a white man anywhere in the United States, this is national news for months, even when the black man was committing a crime, as Trayvon Martin was. When a black man murders a white person - usually because the black man was robbing or raping the white person - this is often not reported in the local news media. When it is the race of the criminal is rarely mentioned.

Whites with experience with large numbers of blacks usually know that most blacks are less intelligent than most whites, and that blacks are more likely to have felony convictions and illegitimate children than whites. When whites get the image from the mainstream media that blacks are unoffencing victims of irrational white racial prejudice, whites are prone to conclude that the mainstream media lies about everything, although this is rarely the case.
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