FOX news shows 3 minute montage with voters ditching trump for desantis

When you're starting out with the playing field at socialism and communism, yes, we are far right of YOUR affiliation.
But, that is not even close to matter how mush you push it.
I'll accept your claim that America is 'far right' of socialism as is seen in my examples, including Canada.
He's correct. Fascism is far right authoritarian and ultranationalist.

Hitler was a financially-irresponsible Bohemian, a German word of the time roughly the same as the English term "Hippie." He became broke after spending his father's inheritance wandering around Austria as a watercolor artist, and practiced vegetarianism. He was a Catholic, but was hostile to the teachings of the Catholic church. He thought of Christianity as a great "scourge" of history. At some point, he embraced atheism, while rejecting Christianity as an invention of Judaism, which he held similar animosity toward.

And Nazism was for all practical purposes Socialism. Private ownership of the means of production existed in name only under the Nazis, and the actual substance of ownership of the means of production resided in the German government. They were the ones who decided what was to be produced, in what quantity, by what methods, and to whom it was to be distributed, as well as what prices would be charged and what wages would be paid, and what dividends or other income the nominal private owners would be permitted to receive.

There are other stark similarities between Communism, Nazism, and liberalism..

Similarities between Communism, Nazism and liberalism - Conservapedia
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The Trump radicals are far right and often fundamentalist religious extremists.

Listen to them.
Good grief. Trump radicals?
Is that anything like the Biden radicals?
To you, Christianity is nothing but fundamentalist religious extremists.

How can I even take you seriously? You lost me, have a good day, Surada
Far right neo-fascism is here now you moron. You don't want to believe it, but it is. Quit denying it.
You’re an asshole. You misuse terms on a regular basis and believe your own utterly nonsensical bullshit. To call you an imbecile is an insult to imbeciles.

Get a handle on reality someday. Then, come back. Or don’t.
You’re an asshole. You misuse terms on a regular basis and believe your own utterly nonsensical bullshit. To call you an imbecile is an insult to imbeciles.

Get a handle on reality someday. Then, come back. Or don’t.
I nailed you with the fn truth but you wish it away.
Whatever that's supposed to mean. I mean, you're more comfortable with Communism
than with our Democratic Republic. Which is nowhere close to fascism. :rolleyes-41:
It's meant to mean exactly what you said.

When you're starting out with the playing field at socialism and communism, yes, we are far right of YOUR affiliation.

Yes, Canada and the world's leading democracies are starting out with socialism and that which is 'communism' too in your opinion.

Then Backagain makes it out that I'm the imbecile and the asshole!
You have a habit of constant defense to what is happening. I accept your surrender to the truth.
You just grunted out another inarticulate sentence. Congrats. I hope your sub-basement level of communication is a hit with your fellow asylum residents.

You can “accept” the refutation of your gibberish bullshit any way your deluded mind chooses. Have a blast, you hapless helpless hopeless hack. 😂👍

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