FOX News Poll: Sleepy Creepy Joe Biden’s National Lead Over President Trump EVAPORATES, Pair Now Tied In Presidential Poll

too bad for Creepy Uncle Joe!

I don't believe the numbers have ever changed....I think the True numbers are landslide for Trump and always have been. The polls will obey their paymasters and flail the info wildily from one side to the other just like they did in 2016 and even though the lefties insist that the polls became more accurate in the days before the election we all know what we saw and heard. IMO they always knew the numbers and were forced to comply as they saw reality catching up.....trouble is we were all watching and we all remember.

The Democrats have been railing and crying for 3 years that President Trump is a serial sexual predator, so what do they do? Nominate a serial sexual predator for President. Can't make this stuff up.

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