Fox news credibility hits 'record low'

Fox News' credibility has fallen 9 percent since three years ago, according to new Public Policy Polling (PPP) results released on Wednesday.

The annual poll asks participants to rate their trust in multiple networks including Fox News, MSNBC, CNN, PBS, Comedy Central, ABC News, CBS News and NBC News. According to PPP's press release:

Just like its actual ratings, Fox News has hit a record low in the four years that we've been doing this poll. 41% of voters trust it to 46% who do not. To put those numbers into some perspective the first time we did this poll, in 2010, 49% of voters trusted it to 37% who did not.

Fox News' Credibility At 'Record Low': PPP Poll
No surprise, after the dismal record of the conservatives in congress. I think more and more people are coming to the conclusion that turning back the clock is not going to move the nation forward. The falling credibility of Fox News is endemic to the whole conservative movement.
There needs to be another conservative television network.

I'm all for it.
I only trust Networks that get Gov't Bailout money and read texts from the White House Live on air!
1. There is no shortage of idiots who suck up the garbage fux puts out and then begs for more.

2. There are enough more intelligent, thinking voters that Obama won the election.

Get it?


Now, deal with it.

Public Policy Polling aka PPP is a tool of the democrat party political machine. Even Wiki acknowledges that PPP is a left leaning polling source. In the off election years it's not surprising that they consider fair and balanced news sources to be the enemy.
PPP= Pushing Progressive Propaganda

Fox is still more trusted than any other network...if you believe the poll.

Which TV news outlet do you trust the most:
ABC News, CBS News, CNN, Comedy Central,
Fox News, MSNBC, NBC News, or PBS?
ABC ................................................................ 11%
CBS ................................................................ 6%
CNN................................................................ 12%
Comedy Central.............................................. 5%
Fox.................................................................. 34%
MSNBC........................................................... 8%
NBC................................................................ 5%
PBS ................................................................ 13%
Someone else/Not sure .................................. 7%

The Republican Party is 90% or more white. Take all those other networks, plus BET, Logo, the Latin networks and so on. Suddenly, it becomes crystal clear why Republicans won the popular vote only one time in the last 6 elections.
The fact that there is thread about the subject demonstrates the extraordinary insecurity of socialists:

Obama is President, yet a drop in Fox news viewership is still significant.



Because they are afraid that the momentum of the socialist agenda will be lost.


Because the agenda will eventually raise taxes, and will be remarkably unpopular (for both socialist R's and D's)
PPP= Pushing Progressive Propaganda

Fox is still more trusted than any other network...if you believe the poll.

Which TV news outlet do you trust the most:
ABC News, CBS News, CNN, Comedy Central,
Fox News, MSNBC, NBC News, or PBS?
ABC ................................................................ 11%
CBS ................................................................ 6%
CNN................................................................ 12%
Comedy Central.............................................. 5%
Fox.................................................................. 34%
MSNBC........................................................... 8%
NBC................................................................ 5%
PBS ................................................................ 13%
Someone else/Not sure .................................. 7%

There was research done a few months ago that showed that Fox viewers were less informed than anyone else...including people that didn't watch any news!!!

I doubt that. But if you have a link, I'd read it.

C'mon dood - are you serious? I mean this has been out for years, several polls.

Here comes one now...

And another (relevant part: section 4/page 19)...

...and another (see page 12)...

Another one here...

But wait, there's more --- Now how much would you pay?

That's like a ten-year legacy.

I have this crazy theory; I suspect these polls that everybody else knows about ... don't get reported in the Bubble.
That might actually be an argument for leaving it once in a while. Up to you though.

....s m h....
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PPP= Pushing Progressive Propaganda

Fox is still more trusted than any other network...if you believe the poll.

Which TV news outlet do you trust the most:
ABC News, CBS News, CNN, Comedy Central,
Fox News, MSNBC, NBC News, or PBS?
ABC ................................................................ 11%
CBS ................................................................ 6%
CNN................................................................ 12%
Comedy Central.............................................. 5%
Fox.................................................................. 34%
MSNBC........................................................... 8%
NBC................................................................ 5%
PBS ................................................................ 13%
Someone else/Not sure .................................. 7%

From their own link and they still can't see the forest for the trees...
There was research done a few months ago that showed that Fox viewers were less informed than anyone else...including people that didn't watch any news!!!

I doubt that. But if you have a link, I'd read it.

C'mon dood - are you serious? I mean this has been out for years, several polls.

Here comes one now...

And another (relevant part: section 4/page 19)...

...and another (see page 12)...

Another one here...

But wait, there's more --- Now how much would you pay?

That's like a ten-year legacy.

I have this crazy theory; I suspect these polls that everybody else knows about ... don't get reported in the Bubble.
That might actually be an argument for leaving it once in a while. Up to you though.

....s m h....

Interesting reading...I especially appreciate the fact that that regardless of the news source (except NPR), at least about 1/3 of the audience remains misinformed about almost any topic.

Of course, I would expect the larger the audience, then the larger the porportion of misinformed (FNC), but why would NPR have both the smallest audience and smallest misinformed?


I mean, don't people WANT to be informed? They can change the channel, ya know.


Apparently, not.
I doubt that. But if you have a link, I'd read it.

C'mon dood - are you serious? I mean this has been out for years, several polls.

Here comes one now...

And another (relevant part: section 4/page 19)...

...and another (see page 12)...

Another one here...

But wait, there's more --- Now how much would you pay?

That's like a ten-year legacy.

I have this crazy theory; I suspect these polls that everybody else knows about ... don't get reported in the Bubble.
That might actually be an argument for leaving it once in a while. Up to you though.

....s m h....

Interesting reading...I especially appreciate the fact that that regardless of the news source (except NPR), at least about 1/3 of the audience remains misinformed about almost any topic.

Of course, I would expect the larger the audience, then the larger the porportion of misinformed (FNC), but why would NPR have both the smallest audience and smallest misinformed?


I mean, don't people WANT to be informed? They can change the channel, ya know.


Apparently, not.
People want to be coddled.

That's why the circus barkers on theFOXNEWS, e.g. Dick "The Toe-Sucking" Morrison was on there every day swearing that Obama would lose by a landslide although all the polls screamed otherwise.

Remember how many RW pundits in theFOXNEWS were decrying and bashing the polls pre-Obama's 2nd landslide election victory?

On this very page there are RWers decrying and bashing the evidence provided in this poll.

History repeats itself again on the right, although it's very, very, very recent history.

I doubt that. But if you have a link, I'd read it.

C'mon dood - are you serious? I mean this has been out for years, several polls.

Here comes one now...

And another (relevant part: section 4/page 19)...

...and another (see page 12)...

Another one here...

But wait, there's more --- Now how much would you pay?

That's like a ten-year legacy.

I have this crazy theory; I suspect these polls that everybody else knows about ... don't get reported in the Bubble.
That might actually be an argument for leaving it once in a while. Up to you though.

....s m h....

Interesting reading...I especially appreciate the fact that that regardless of the news source (except NPR), at least about 1/3 of the audience remains misinformed about almost any topic.

Of course, I would expect the larger the audience, then the larger the porportion of misinformed (FNC), but why would NPR have both the smallest audience and smallest misinformed?


I mean, don't people WANT to be informed? They can change the channel, ya know.


Apparently, not.

Good question, and it would seem, as you suggest, that no they don't want to be informed; they want to be entertained. That is after all why FNC leads in ratings -- entertainment.
Not sure why a larger or smaller audience would render a larger or smaller proportion of misinformed... a larger or smaller aggregate number yes, but proportion does not follow.

In any case, the question of who a viewer "trusts" is an emotional one. As such it should (and does) follow the ratings, since both of them are asking about the viewers' emotional attachments. With the FNC audience ratings going down, the trust factor goes down with it (more likely, vice versa; trust leads ratings). These are two sides of the same coin.

However, emotional attachments don't tell us anything about informational value. That's what the polls about the misinformed do, and that's where Fox brings up the rear.

Just the fact that posts in threads like this (on both sides) are as emotionally based as they are ("kicking serious ass in the ratings") tells us that the Fox attachment is one of emotion.
It is after all what they sell. There's no intrinsic reason to get emotionally attached to a TV news channel; we don't see people getting emotional about CNN or ABC or slavishly following their ratings up and down. Fox viewers, unlike the rest, have made a particularly emotional investment, due directly to how it presents itself. It saturates the broadcast day, particularly the broadcast night, a/k/a "prime time", when the largest audience is available.

That's the basic difference between the Fox approach and the conventional approach; Fox emphasizes entertainment over information. And that probably goes a long way to explaining the informational gap.
Last edited:
PPP= Pushing Progressive Propaganda

Fox is still more trusted than any other network...if you believe the poll.

Which TV news outlet do you trust the most:
ABC News, CBS News, CNN, Comedy Central,
Fox News, MSNBC, NBC News, or PBS?
ABC ................................................................ 11%
CBS ................................................................ 6%
CNN................................................................ 12%
Comedy Central.............................................. 5%
Fox.................................................................. 34%
MSNBC........................................................... 8%
NBC................................................................ 5%
PBS ................................................................ 13%
Someone else/Not sure .................................. 7%

There was research done a few months ago that showed that Fox viewers were less informed than anyone else...including people that didn't watch any news!!!

I doubt that. But if you have a link, I'd read it.

simple google search would've provided you the links:
Fox News' credibility has fallen 9 percent since three years ago, according to new Public Policy Polling (PPP) results released on Wednesday.

The annual poll asks participants to rate their trust in multiple networks including Fox News, MSNBC, CNN, PBS, Comedy Central, ABC News, CBS News and NBC News. According to PPP's press release:

Just like its actual ratings, Fox News has hit a record low in the four years that we've been doing this poll. 41% of voters trust it to 46% who do not. To put those numbers into some perspective the first time we did this poll, in 2010, 49% of voters trusted it to 37% who did not.

Fox News' Credibility At 'Record Low': PPP Poll
PPP rating credibility is a fascinating concept! Using it to make an argument is even more intriguing.:razz:
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And yet Fox News is kicking serious ass in the ratings.

I'm sorry but unless your point is that ratings are directly proportional to credibility your post is nothing more than a rhetorical fart noise.
PPP= Pushing Progressive Propaganda

Fox is still more trusted than any other network...if you believe the poll.

Which TV news outlet do you trust the most:
ABC News, CBS News, CNN, Comedy Central,
Fox News, MSNBC, NBC News, or PBS?
ABC ................................................................ 11%
CBS ................................................................ 6%
CNN................................................................ 12%
Comedy Central.............................................. 5%
Fox.................................................................. 34%
MSNBC........................................................... 8%
NBC................................................................ 5%
PBS ................................................................ 13%
Someone else/Not sure .................................. 7%

There was research done a few months ago that showed that Fox viewers were less informed than anyone else...including people that didn't watch any news!!!

I doubt that. But if you have a link, I'd read it.

Study Finds Fox News Viewers Least Informed Of All Viewers
The largest effect is that of Fox News: all else being equal, someone who watched only Fox News would be expected to answer just 1.04 domestic questions correctly -- a figure which is significantly worse than if they had reported watching no media at all. On the other hand, if they listened only to NPR, they would be expected to answer 1.51 questions correctly; viewers of Sunday morning talk shows fare similarly well. And people watching only "The Daily Show With Jon Stewart" could answer about 1.42 questions correctly.
I see some of your "knuckle draggers" are livid about this, so used to be lied to so much half of your wouldn't know the truth if it was an 100lb boulder that fell on your head. I'm at the point of calling your the "Tin Foil Hat Crowd", living in an alternative universe.

this from the person who gets all his news off Hufferpost...:eusa_whistle:

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